Miscellaneous News


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Did the Anglos really believe they could exploit the Germans and French and profit from the war in Ukraine?
German President and eminence grise Steinmeier recently made contact with President Xi himself and evidently, the Germans are sidelining the pro anglo faction led by German DEfence Minister Baerbock, and pushing for a Merkel like engagement with China and by extension, Russia.
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This was coincidentally coupled with President Xi's meeting with Medvedev
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Evidently, the Anglos are panicking and trying to get info from the Chinese, hence why Wang Yi told Blinken to sit down STFU, grown ups are talking, and that "
The United States should not engage in dialogue and containment at the same time, neither should it talk cooperation, but stab China simultaneously, he said.

This is not reasonable competition, but irrational suppression. It is not meant to properly manage disputes, but to intensify conflicts. In fact, it is still the old practice of unilateral bullying, Wang said.
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Generations of breaking Asian Americans down into sycophants has convinced the Anglo Elites that asians will crumble against Anglo colonialism. Thankfully, the spirit of the Chosin Reservoir lives on in the modern CPC.


Registered Member

An incredible level of arrogance and pride we have here but in the end, rest assured that the greater the madness, the greater the retribution will be against these people. I believe that is arrogant little sh!t will get his one of these days. This nation is making far too many enemies and making way too many mistakes to somehow recover from the cliff it is about to drive off. Anyone want to place bets as to how long Elensky is going to last, because sooner or later, if he finally becomes useless, he could end up in some serious trouble


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The MIC really managed to turn a war on the opposite side of the planet the US isn't even involved in into another 12 figure cash cow, somehow. The scale of the corruption in the US still boggles my mind. At this point I'm wondering why they don't just do something like make the USG cut them extra half a trillion checks every year in exchange for literally nothing; like, air. Just dispense with the pretenses. It's within their power, they can just get the media to not report on it as always.

The US should also disband the IRS, it'd be a lot more efficient for their citizens to just wire their paychecks to Lockheed directly every month.
The American government has perfected the art of stealing money from its citizens. Other countries go apeshit over politicians stealing a couple hundred grand but America has turned it into an industry worth hundreds of billions using overseas wars and lobbying.

Funny thing is ignorant American citizens can't see this happening right in front of their eyes.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Funny thing is ignorant American citizens can't see this happening right in front of their eyes.
Not that surprising when one takes a look into how deep US propaganda is on it's own citizens, not to mention literacy rates, school grades etc.
And ofc most importantly, how many us citizens live paycheck to paycheck, basically having no time to actually sit down and think lol.


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