Meh it's probably same as last time, they used DEW to non lethally make the indians run away.According to both as well as regarding this:
1. None of the video currently in circulation are of this event, none of them are even from this year
2. PLA wishes to play down this event because some sort of new high tech infantry equipment was very successfully employed during this incident and they do not wish to attract attention to it
Specifically, Yankee, Shilao and Xi Yazhou points to this:
Official statement from WTC, the speaks person described the PLA response as "专业规范有力" or "professional, standardized, forceful". The Guancha gang all says the "forceful" part is not to be just taken in a metaphorical way but instead an adverb, describing some sort of physical act in this case.
Also this:
Also according to Guancha, this is somewhat related to the incident.
I suspect they're probably referring to some sort of individual infantry level C4ISR gear that gave them tremendous advantage during a night fight but I'm still hoping for PLA "Son of the People" astartes chapter with Man Guangzhi as their primarch.
The PLA isn't gonna shoot to kill because they know the indians are being sent up on behest of a poorly disciplined army and incursions are not a sign of real invasion. The only time they would fire is if Indians attacked locals like during the major Galwan clashes, Indians probably learned that trading dozens of soldiers for 1 construction worker is not a good idea.
And afaik no deaths on India side yet nor reports about Indian attacks on locals.