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Meanwhile, I found this “nugget” in Fox Business earlier today while it was autoplaying FTX Sam being arrested.

Republican Senator Kevin McCarthy (House Minority Leader)

Basically goes back to the semiconductor. It’s about turning China into a cash cow for the US. That’s one core part of their foreign policy against China.
LMAO. If US has the patience of China, this could have actually happened. Too bad for US it keeps on sabotaging itself through countless hissy fits with everyone and anyone that it trades with resulting in nobody (except its client states) actually trusting it enough to risk being dependent.


Lieutenant General
Meanwhile, I found this “nugget” in Fox Business earlier today while it was autoplaying FTX Sam being arrested.

Republican Senator Kevin McCarthy (House Minority Leader)

Basically goes back to the semiconductor. It’s about turning China into a cash cow for the US. That’s one core part of their foreign policy against China.
Is that like Australia claiming their coal is cleaner...? How does he expect to make China dependent on US gas? One would have control all the gas in the world to do that. Or does the US just pass a law that China can only buy gas from the US and China has to obey it? Does he forget that China freely buys oil from Russia, Iran, and Venezuela that's against US law too.


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The entire us political history has always been finding some scape goat ... either domestic when they areof diffrent color or foreign nation. Every competent history teacher repeats this but the American "voter"/s just eats it up the propaganda over and over
That's Western civilization as a whole. Most of Europe descend from Indo-Europeans who were basically a war like people that migrated into and mostly displaced Neolithic Europeans in a violent mass colonization. Militarism, contests of strength, cattle and wife stealing all featured heavily in their ancient culture. Sound familiar? It shouldn't because it's what their descendants did repeatedly through later history. The US is just the latest instance of this as they, like other European settler colonies, pretty much did the same to the native peoples of their respective regions.

So of course, what rallies a people like this is ultimately the call to battle against a foreign enemy who they seek to subjugate, rob, and even displace, if possible. Justifying aggression is a necessary prerequisite to doing that; and if you have been paying attention you'd notice that much of the US's interactions with China consists of trying to strategically strangle China while blaming the Chinese for being aggressive when they resist. When in fact, the actual aggressive party is almost always themselves.

Historians will look back and see the patterns of Indo-European behavior onto the present day. One can only hope it's not just Indo-Europeans doing the history writing in the future. We need to face it - they almost succeeded in enslaving the entire world during the Age of Colonialism. Nobody should be trusting these people; yet the rest of the world still thinks they can be "friends." Yeah, sure, if they were a normal civilization, maybe; but you're talking to the people who genuinely thought they're evolution's final form and felt no shame slaughtering their way through five continents and justifying genocide all the way up until the 20th century. I've always been amused at the idea that the West just "changed" with the flip of a switch after World War 2. I mean, it's ridiculous, but so much has been invested in that narrative that most people actually believe it - up until the West starts bombing them.


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WASHINGTON — There is one word that American officials are trying to avoid saying as they meet with African counterparts during the U.S.-Africa leaders summit in Washington this week: China.

President Biden and his aides do not want the nearly 50 African leaders attending the event to perceive that official U.S. interests on the continent are mainly driven by a desire to counter China, which has built enormous trade ties with African nations and is trying to grow its military and security presence in the region. Yet, in discussions on Africa in Washington, U.S. officials and analysts often mention China, and African diplomats say publicly that American commerce with Africa is anemic next to that of China.

People will be watching carefully to see whether Mr. Biden alludes to U.S.-China competition in the speeches he plans to make at various summit events on Wednesday and Thursday. He and Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken say China is the greatest long-term rival to the United States and the only nation with the ability and resources to try to usurp American power across the globe. They have also mentioned Russia as an important medium-term challenger and noted the destabilizing presence in Africa of the Wagner Group, a private military force with close ties to the Kremlin that has fought U.S. troops.

At a news conference in South Africa in August, Mr. Blinken said the administration’s Africa strategy was not centered on rivalry with China and Russia. But a White House document on Mr. Biden’s strategy in sub-Saharan Africa released the same day said the effort to strengthen “open societies” was partly intended to “counter harmful activities” by China, Russia and “other foreign actors.”

Mr. Blinken said in a speech that afternoon in South Africa that the U.S. strategy “reflects the region’s complexity, its diversity, its agency,” and “focuses on what we will do with African nations and peoples, not for African nations and peoples.”

U.S. officials who work on Africa policy are aware of the brutal history of colonialism by European powers in Africa and do not want this week’s summit or other U.S. engagements with African nations to be seen as efforts to make those countries into pawns in a broader geopolitical struggle.

Mokgweetsi Masisi, the president of Botswana, said at the Brookings Institution on Tuesday that many African countries were wary of the intentions of world superpowers and sought to exert some agency over those larger nations’ policies.
“The world has not been extremely kind to Africa,” he said. “It’s almost as if the carving out and colonization of Africa assumed a new form without the labels of colonization — but some measure of conquest. And we’re trying to move away from that and engage so that they work with us and not on us and through us.”

On Monday, China’s ambassador in Washington, Qin Gang, said at a talk hosted by Semafor, a news organization, that Beijing was focused on its own interests in Africa, regardless of Washington’s concerns.

“We are not interested in the views of any other countries on China’s role in Africa,” he said. “And we believe that Africa should be a place for international cooperation, not for major-power competition for geopolitical gains.”

He also rebutted the frequent statements from American officials that Chinese state-owned companies give development loans to countries in Africa and elsewhere to lure those nations into debt traps.

“China’s investment and financing assistance to Africa is not a trap,” he said. “It’s a benefit. Over the past decades, China has provided loans to help Africa with economic and social development. Construction works are everywhere in Africa. You can see hospitals, highways, airports, stadiums.”

Mr. Qin even suggested China and the United States could find areas of cooperation in Africa.

“For example, in 2015, China and the United States together helped African countries like Liberia to fight against Ebola,” he said.

“Several good economic projects in Africa are jointly participated by China, the United States and African countries. There’s a textile industry park in Ethiopia that is jointly sponsored, built and operated by China, the United States and Ethiopia.”


Lieutenant General
Yeah, agree completely.

That is why I think this TikTok ban is all fake news.

Just consider what will happen.

If TikTok is banned from iOS or Google's android, what will happen next?

Two things should happen.

1) China could ban iOS and Google's android in China.

2) The rest of the world who still uses iOS and Google's android, could potentially still use TikTok, just like how you wrote about it.

The WeChat was able to incorporate everything online into one app.

Why not someone be able to make an app that will allow other apps to function on iOS and android without needing to go through their play store for downloads?

Not sure what the point is if China bans iOS and android, when the tradeoff is that people will still want to circumvent the TikTok ban. That is not a fair trade. That is close to lunacy.

No the most likely outcome would be 3) Huawei’s alternative AppGallery Store and software ecosystem explodes in popularity and ultimately obliterates both android and iOS.

The Huawei ban was possible because there isn’t a decisively big difference in hardware performance to make the overwhelming majority of users care enough to get around the ban.

But people use their phones to access and enjoy content, using a Huawei, Samsung of Apple phone doesn’t really make much difference on the content, but banning TikTok would directly affect the most popular means most westerners access content and that will be a big enough inconvenience to make it worthwhile for people to take the tiny amount of time and effort to get around the ban by downloading the Huawei AppGallery.

The west can ban that app too, but thankfully the freedom loving CIA has developed all sorts of software to allow repressed peoples of the world get around just that kind of draconian government overreach into people’s lives.

The more the western governments ban these apps, the greater the appeal to just ditch iOS and Android altogether for users.

If they want to build their own great firewall and iron curtain, they can, Huawei will probably even sell them all the hardware and software they need if they want. But all they would have done is wall themselves into their little well and fall further and further behind as the rest of the world embrace progress.

This, ultimately is why China has opted to go with the BRI rather than continue to focus on developing the North American and European markets. By helping the developing world advance and grow richer, China is helping to create vast new markets where western elites cannot easily change the rules and create uneven playing fields at will.