Consumer products and military products are different things ,you don't need foreign technology for military, but consumers product sells based on competitive prices and trust.
Because most of the Westerners have become anti china so they won't cry if USA bans tiktok or other Chinese companies they would move to some other products.
That's why all these bans are coming on china. Anti china environment would convince them that Chinese products are not trustable so they would purchase other products even if it's little inferior in quality.
That's why I don't see huawei harmony OS much in outside of china, china has made it but making and selling are different things people like to buy from trusted brand. Most of them buys Chinese products because it's low cost compare to others.
China need to make it product as trustable as Google, apple otherwise just no matter what excuses you give it won't help china.
Forget about US market,focus on develop global south market. It is growing much faster than developed economy