Miscellaneous News


An apt, timely and hugely important alarm for the Chinese government, especially regarding the second point in his first post.

It's time for China to have a societal revolution and deep purge of those deemed malignant and lethal Western elements from China.

Be discriminating when quoting and interpreting Indian PA. Recognize the hypes in which they make a killing.


The idea that you would characterize this as a anything but a foreign sponsored action when it happens 500m from the US consulate, with signs that cant spell Urumqi despite there being a literal street sign you can refer to, and slogans in English betrays your argument as well as you true nature when engaging in topics regarding China, the hope for the collapse of China and its transformation into a poor imitation of the western system.

Your narrative will fall apart as it always has. X = bad economy = collapse of China, Y = birthrate = collapse of China, rinse and repeat. People like you seems unable to comprehend that the 1990s are over and are still waiting for a blowjob from Monica Lewinsky, no one wishes to imitate the western economic system anymore. The argument that the only thing holding up the government is the economy died in 2008 when it became apparent that the majority of western economic "gains" are artificial and extractive, attempting to leech and inflate bits of capital from real-estate with no actual increase in production. No one in China except degenerates and foreign sycophants would actively choose to move away from it for a "western" alternative.

In 2017 people like you were talking about how China would collapse because it stopped Bitcoin. Today the strawman is zero-covid. Tomorrow when all those surviving retire you'll talk about how bad the working age ratio is. When they start dying you'll talk about how much more senior death China has over zero-control countries. Go to Blue Plains wastewater treatment plant and attach your mouth to the outlet if you want to ingest that much shit from Washington thinktanks and don't pollute everyone else.
Keep in mind that it was you who brought up the "China collapse" narrative, not me. But I guess there's always that perennial fear in those who persistently believe in their system, correct?

Your insistence on your so-called "irrefutable evidence" is a joke. During the years of Hu Jintao the number of protests occurred in China were in the hundreds if not thousands so how would you label that event?

People like you, gets so excited and are quick to jump to the always wrong conclusion that A.) The party’s downfall is at hand B.) Xi Jinping is going to be forced to step down along with him the party.

You made the same erroneous conclusions when there was a strong circus of excitement in the west about Xi Jinping supposedly getting couped and were embarrassingly quick to believe the supposed "irrefutable evidence" of a video where a column of tanks were parading on some highway in China. You didn't bother to actually check to see if the setting where the tanks were moving to and from were geographically close to where the people protesting upset from their loss of investment.
And just how many of those "other protests" are significant enough to be picked up by non-Chinese media? When these events are too major to be suppressed by Chinese censors, then you know it's not just "another protest" in China.

But again, you'd probably brush it off as another piece of evidence that the CIA is behind this, so...

Ineffective as in 35k infected (absolute peak) in 1.4 billion ppl China while 50k+ (off season) are infected daily in 60 million France? Lol, ok.
Yes, ineffective in the eyes of those enforcing China's "zero COVID" policy, otherwise we'd be seeing the restrictions loosen already. Those numbers actually speak against the necessity of the zero-COVID rules; there is absolutely no justification for harming the lives of its citizens through these draconian policies if the 35K infections were actually representative of the COVID situation in China.

Western media exaggerates a small protests and 1 COVID death in China, but glosses over +1 million deaths in US and +2 million in Europe.

You drink too much of the Western media kool-aid bro.
The tragic irony is that literally no other country has anything akin to China's COVID policies and yet their populaces are going about their daily lives. At some point Chinese citizens are going to inevitably question the necessity and real intent of those policies.


I wouldn't say that thousands infection a day is ineffective. Tens to hundreds thousands infections and dozens deaths a day are.
The point is that even with these policies the Chinese authorities are never going to achieve their ideal "zero COVID" goal, i.e. they will never loosen the restrictions on their own if they keep that goal. The Chinese citizens are realizing just now that they are being subject to one of the most-restrictive lockdowns on the planet while those in other countries seem to be doing just fine without these.


Registered Member
The tragic irony is that literally no other country has anything akin to China's COVID policies and yet their populaces are going about their daily lives. At some point Chinese citizens are going to inevitably question the necessity and real intent of those policies.
the illusion of normalcy is just that, an illusion. sweeping problems under the rug and pretending they do not exist is something a 5 year old does. if people are fooled by something that a 5 year old can think of, then the problem is too complicated for them to figure out.


Registered Member
Some people's brains are wired to get adrenaline through constant faux outrage over trivial shit.
I think it is unfair to characterize these events are trivial shit. It's not everyday CIA whips up color revolution protests in multiple Chinese cities like Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou, Chengdu, Nanjing, Wuhan and more. It's reasonable to be a bit worried but of course we trust the CPC knows what its doing and 群众的眼睛是雪亮的


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Keep in mind that it was you who brought up the "China collapse" narrative, not me. But I guess there's always that perennial fear in those who persistently believe in their system, correct?

You directly made the remark in your last post that covid zero harming the "very thing that allows it to stay in power: the economy".

That was you.

And just how many of those "other protests" are significant enough to be picked up by non-Chinese media? When these events are too major to be suppressed by Chinese censors, then you know it's not just "another protest" in China.

Isn't that the whole point he's making?

Which is that once a protest is deemed narratively appropriate , it is engineered for media presentation in a way that makes it seem like it is more extensive, broad than it is, through the co-opting of genuine discontents towards anti CPC discourses.

His entire argument is that the legitimacy of a protest or discontent is not measured by the barometer of western media coverage.