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the illusion of normalcy is just that, an illusion. sweeping problems under the rug and pretending they do not exist is something a 5 year old does. if people are fooled by something that a 5 year old can think of, then the problem is too complicated for them to figure out.
Luckily for sensible countries the extent and severity of the problem can easily be measured by the number of cases requiring hospital intervention as well as the capacity and occupancy of their hospitals. The initial "two weeks to flatten the curve" was not meant to curb the number of COVID cases as a statistic measure but rather to alleviate the overcrowding of their emergency rooms.

So if there were indeed a problem in more liberal societies, you'd know. But there isn't and it seems that China is the only country not permitting its people to see that.


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First of all, we really ought to appreciate the remarkable punctuality of this new wave of anti-China agitation; near exactly two months to the day from the "Xi coup" back in September. Color revolutionists really got their calendaring down to a tee. The only takeaway from this affair is how much of a quality of life improvement this forum would receive from an “recent post frequency” tracker for members so that some forum regulars can finally resist being riled up by bait from concern trolls who only ever come out of the woodworks when it’s time to drop the latest anti-China agitprop. Scroll back through the past dozen pages and you’ll see the same few names speedrunning how many times their posts can get quoted by baited respondents.

The idea that just because some malcontents in the country went from whining on Zhihu to whining on the streets should affect national policy decisions as some insinuate really is wild.

Here’s a number: 1,400,000,000.

That’s around the amount of people who live in China, which is something almost everyone (its supporters and its detractors) consistently fail to appreciate in every discussion of China. Chinese people count for nearly 20% of the entire human population. One in every five person on Earth is Chinese. Not counting ethnic Chinese, just Chinese citizens.

China has no flashy electoral mechanisms to gauge public sentiment and give Chinese policymakers an egotistical pat on the back. This doesn’t validate the notion that the appearance of some protests mean whatever messages they spout are somehow indicative of the general majoritarian mood of one fifth of humankind.

In relative terms, if there are 1 million protestors in China, that's 0.07% of the People’s Republic. If there are 100 million protestors, that's still just 7% of the nation.

This was the fundamental anti-democratic contradiction of the Tiananmen protests, 0.1% of the populace asymmetrically attempting to hijack the direction of (then) 1.1 billion people via the amplifying spectacle of public agitation and that contradiction still applies to the illegitimacy of every incident in the country since. It’s something to keep in mind as the foreign propaganda siege on China continues to escalate, underpinned by Western aspirations that they can induce China to succumb to color revolution and Gorbachev itself in the same way that the former USSR did.


Registered Member
The tragic irony is that literally no other country has anything akin to China's COVID policies and yet their populaces are going about their daily lives. At some point Chinese citizens are going to inevitably question the necessity and real intent of those policies.
That says a lot about Western "democracy". When the so called "Authoritarian Country" cares more about people no dying than a morally bankrupt democracy like the feminist woke Sweden were they geronticide their own elderly citizens for the benefit of rich and consumerism at the peak of the COVID pandemic when the more deadlier COVID variants Delta and Alpha were ravaging the world.

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But don't worry dude, I think the goverment is going to relax their policies soon but to the disappointment of some people there wont be any numbers.

Are you sinosoldier from eetop?


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Don't worry, people. The Chinese citizens love the CCP so much that the government is just censoring the World Cup for - err - their own "health & safety". Right?

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Hahah. That article is ridiculous and purely speculative. Is that what you use for evidence. Its like squeezing blood from a rock. Written by the AFP no doubt.

This is like saying the US channels cut from Obama to a talking reporter because they didn't want a black guy getting too much air time. Lol

Also the article says hundred protesting in Beijing ? Where ? All I saw was Shanghai and I'd be surprised if it was even "hundreds".


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Luckily for sensible countries the extent and severity of the problem can easily be measured by the number of cases requiring hospital intervention as well as the capacity and occupancy of their hospitals. The initial "two weeks to flatten the curve" was not meant to curb the number of COVID cases as a statistic measure but rather to alleviate the overcrowding of their emergency rooms.

So if there were indeed a problem in more liberal societies, you'd know. But there isn't and it seems that China is the only country not permitting its people to see that.

This is the worst promotion of liberal society ive ever seen.

"You see, the two weeks was not meant to prevent deaths, but to adjust the pace of death to a rate suitable to our hospital and mortuary systems."


Registered Member
Don't worry, people. The Chinese citizens love the CCP so much that the government is just censoring the World Cup for - err - their own "health & safety". Right?

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Always interesting when someone even fails at spelling a 3 letter word lol

How many masks do you see on these people?

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You're either a very gullible individual or a shill. Which is it?


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Yes, ineffective in the eyes of those enforcing China's "zero COVID" policy, otherwise we'd be seeing the restrictions loosen already. Those numbers actually speak against the necessity of the zero-COVID rules; there is absolutely no justification for harming the lives of its citizens through these draconian policies if the 35K infections were actually representative of the COVID situation in China.
Nothing you've said makes any sense. First, if the approach was ineffective in the eyes of those who are enforcing the policy, then said policy would be changed, not vice versa. Secondly, no, they don't "speak against the necessity" because they are low exactly due to "zero COVID" being in place.