The great irony of all this is that by implementing these overreaching and ineffective controls (thousands are still being infected despite these measures), the CCP is harming the very thing that allows it to stay in power: the economy.
I wouldn't say that thousands infection a day is ineffective. Tens to hundreds thousands infections and dozens deaths a day are.
Like I said in the China News Thread, people are boiling over on WeChat and Weibo since the news of the Urumqi Fire broke out.
This is the same play book in Iran. They used a death to trigger protests, then tired to continue it with small protests in universities.
Everytime when the protest was dying down, some one died...... And it would start up again. Then next is ethnic tension and armed resistance with Kurds.
"Creating martyrs" is critical psyop tool. It can't be ruled out completely that someone wants to create martyrs out of those victims of the fire.
So many snowflakes in this forum and you guys laugh at Justin Trudeau. A few protests and all of a sudden it is the end of the world. What would you do in case of a January 6th or Indian Agricultural Protest equivalent, slit your wrists?
Yes, people are not afraid to protest small grievances, contrary to Western MSM's propaganda. However, Chinese society is actually super-stable. First, most Chinese experienced the vast improvement of their living standards in the past 30 year, which was unprecedented in Chinese history. So most of them support their government. Second, China has 90% home ownership and the world's highest savings rate, almost all Chinese are stake-holders for a stable society. The last thing they want to see is their hard-owned fortunes destroyed in a "revolution".
For student protesters, the lesson of "we are hoping for bloodshed" should not be forgotten.
Besides vaccine and mask mandates, education is also crucial for any attempt to reopen: people should understand well why the stringent control policies are necessary.