Miscellaneous News


The great irony of all this is that by implementing these overreaching and ineffective controls (thousands are still being infected despite these measures), the CCP is harming the very thing that allows it to stay in power: the economy.
I wouldn't say that thousands infection a day is ineffective. Tens to hundreds thousands infections and dozens deaths a day are.

Like I said in the China News Thread, people are boiling over on WeChat and Weibo since the news of the Urumqi Fire broke out.

This is the same play book in Iran. They used a death to trigger protests, then tired to continue it with small protests in universities.

Everytime when the protest was dying down, some one died...... And it would start up again. Then next is ethnic tension and armed resistance with Kurds.
"Creating martyrs" is critical psyop tool. It can't be ruled out completely that someone wants to create martyrs out of those victims of the fire.

So many snowflakes in this forum and you guys laugh at Justin Trudeau. A few protests and all of a sudden it is the end of the world. What would you do in case of a January 6th or Indian Agricultural Protest equivalent, slit your wrists?
Yes, people are not afraid to protest small grievances, contrary to Western MSM's propaganda. However, Chinese society is actually super-stable. First, most Chinese experienced the vast improvement of their living standards in the past 30 year, which was unprecedented in Chinese history. So most of them support their government. Second, China has 90% home ownership and the world's highest savings rate, almost all Chinese are stake-holders for a stable society. The last thing they want to see is their hard-owned fortunes destroyed in a "revolution".

For student protesters, the lesson of "we are hoping for bloodshed" should not be forgotten.

Besides vaccine and mask mandates, education is also crucial for any attempt to reopen: people should understand well why the stringent control policies are necessary.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
An apt, timely and hugely important alarm for the Chinese government, especially regarding the second point in his first post.

It's time for China to have a societal revolution and deep purge of maglinant and lethal Western elements from China.
Just fast scrolling those.
Seems something made by alt-right/dark enlightenment folks that focuses too much on cultural warfare


Registered Member
An apt, timely and hugely important alarm for the Chinese government.

It's time for China to have a societal revolution and deep purge of maglinant and lethal Western elements from China.
Tsinghua university and Peking university has been a the forefront of COVID research and health technology research in China, with both universities having the best health research departments in China, I had hard time believing this Indian guy narrative that the health precationary narrative about COVID could easelly changed in those universities. When even important Western epidemiologists say that that China policies have saved millions of lives from the Original, Alpha, Delta and Omicron COVID variants.
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Yes, because they're not hyperventilating snowflakes.

Once your heartrate comes down from the triple digits, think for a second about what your proposal would imply. Every time a handful of paid misfits shout a few slogans or hang a sign with broken Chinese from a bridge and light a trash barrel on fire (remember that? That was supposed to be the revolution that swept Xi from power), the Chinese press would start panicking and screaming. A few contemptible shoe-scrapings would determine what 1.4 billion Chinese citizens read in the newspaper - what a ridiculous thought.

America is not a ten foot tall demigod that can change governments with the flick of a switch and a r/China_irl is not going to bring down the government. I said it before and I'll say it again: stop hyperventilating.
your point is taken. While I do not propose the media do this every time something happens but if this gets bigger and gains traction the media needs to be savvy and prepared. I still stand by my comment that they will try to make a martyr and china needs to prevent it. Although im pretty confident the govt is able to do so since MSM tried to make the opthalmologist who died of covid into a martyr but the CCP managed it well.

I wonder is the MSS has agents infiltrating in these various protests. Could provide real time data and info just in case. The FBI did it to the black Panthers. MSS should do the same.


Registered Member
Tsinghua university and Peking university has been a the forefront of COVID research and health technology research in China, with both universities having the best health research departments in China, I had hard time believing this Indian guy narrative that the health precationary narrative about COVID could easelly changed in those universities. When even important Western epidemiologists say that that China policies have saved millions of lives from the Original, Alpha, Delta and Omicron COVID variants.
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There are lots of patriots and also lots of liberals in Tsinghua, this is undeniable and common knowledge in China. Peking uni seems more liberal imo.


Registered Member
Although im pretty confident the govt is able to do so since MSM tried to make Dr Li, the opthalmologist who died of covid
My point exactly - I had completely forgotten that guy ever existed until you reminded me of him. I guarantee you that you'd get a blank look 99.9999% of the time if you ask anyone in China who he was. Now that I remembered him, I had a good chuckle over yet another of America's countless failed attempts to destabilize China. In China, foreign agents hang a sign written in broken Chinese from bridge and set a trash barrel on fire.

In America, patriotic Americans storm the national legislature and set it on fire.
Some people's brains are wired to get adrenaline through constant faux outrage over trivial shit.
Hit the nail right on the head.


Registered Member
My point exactly - I had completely forgotten that guy ever existed until you reminded me of him. I guarantee you that you'd get a blank look 99.9999% of the time if you ask anyone in China who he was. Now that I remembered him, I had a good chuckle over yet another of America's countless failed attempts to destabilize China. In China, foreign agents hang a sign written in broken Chinese from bridge and set a trash barrel on fire.

In America, patriotic Americans storm the national legislature and set it on fire.

Hit the nail right on the head.
To be honest, lets wait a couple of days and see what occurs, situations in Turkey, Iran and other such areas that have a similar sort of origin all happening at the same time that the USA is obviously in a deep crisis with regards to a general union strikes makes this quite fishy and seemingly a way for the USA and the west to find places to distract from there current failures. Considering the push back they got from the oil price cap and how Putin is basically in talks to prevent there oil from going to nations that are trying to enforce such a cap, the USA is running out of avenues to find a quick drug induced win to distract the populous in America from the consequences of there shit stirring. I don't believe this situation is going to amount to much given that my wife's parents in China are basically turning a blind eye to this obvious attempt at something big that is going to fall short very soon because if one thinks about it, the USA will eventually return to the news in an even bigger way when their collective issues really start to hit. Heck Europe is already in the spot light given the impending crisis that is going to make this situation in China seem very minor in comparison