Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Is also incredible how Western Shitstream Media can take the protest of a few hundred idiots and made them the look like if a million people protesting in China. Of course there is a lot of discontent with the movement restrictions, but people are not idiots, the vast majority knows that if the virus get loose a lot of people are going to die, that could include their own family members.​
One example is In Chengdu, "protesters" shout in Standard Mandarin, in the background locals cursed them with F words in local dialect.


Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
I think I understand the narrative here; everything that isn't pro-Xi Jinping or -CCP must be a CIA clandestine operation, never mind the crowds of ordinary city folk who are unanimously fed up with these COVID policies.

The great irony of all this is that by implementing these overreaching and ineffective controls (thousands are still being infected despite these measures), the CCP is harming the very thing that allows it to stay in power: the economy.
Western media exaggerates a small protests and 1 COVID death in China, but glosses over +1 million deaths in US and +2 million in Europe.

You drink too much of the Western media kool-aid bro.


Registered Member
So many snowflakes in this forum and you guys laugh at Justin Trudeau. A few protests and all of a sudden it is the end of the world. What would you do in case of a January 6th or Indian Agricultural Protest equivalent, slit your wrists?
If anything, take heart from Trudeau. If Trudeau could receive a lecture from Xi Jinping and still survive... didn't go straight into depression like many would in his position... even a dog, we can learn something from dogs about not quitting despite getting straight up owned. Toughen up people, China has gone through worse than this.
Don't you remember one of our banned member from Singapore repeatedly claimed
Oh please don't mention the word Singapore again. It has triggered my PTSD. People from Singapore... it's a mental walloping you receive from them, man.

Nowadays, I think Hendrik2000 is decent when you compare people relatively... lol...


Senior Member
Registered Member
So many snowflakes in this forum and you guys laugh at Justin Trudeau. A few protests and all of a sudden it is the end of the world. What would you do in case of a January 6th or Indian Agricultural Protest equivalent, slit your wrists?
exactly, there are like a few hundred people out of millions in Shanghai and some SDFers are acting as if there are millions marching to Beijing, lmao


Registered Member
I don't see how doing that is going to help with anything. But if they want, they should rename those roads as "爱国路" (i.e. Love Country Road).

But the US and French consulate are both on that road.
Apparently the same category of troublemakers in Chengdu got beaten up by the locals...

Chengdu and Guangzhou citizens based asf. Called out foreign forces and taught them a lesson :cool:


Junior Member
Registered Member
A few dozens of universities also have small protests. Mostly youngsters that are brainwashed and naive and probably funded by CIA. I think the Chinese government is still watching and monitoring the situation.

Hopefully none of those little pricks die in altercation with the authorities, or from events arising therewith, moving forward.
Just one stick up my nose a day, little sissy asses.