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Gordon Chang right now being invited on a million-dollar book deal to write The Coming Collapse of China Part Two: Zero-Covid

Bro, Comrad Chang is right. The end of the See See Pee will allow us to start the real national rejuvenation. Our renewed progress will propel china with socialist characteristics to lead humanity.

Thanks to his prophesy, all under under heaven will once again be in harmony :cool::cool:


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A more closer look into the person who led the chant of "down with Xi Jinping; Down with the Communist Party". This dude is another Boba liberal Joshua Wong look alike. And to see foreigners joining in with the chant is f..ng irritating, these people loves to meddle in someone else's business but cries mommy wherever and whenever it's reciprocated real or imagined.

Why is it alway Shanghai. Why is my hometown so cringe.


Registered Member
Why is it alway Shanghai. Why is my hometown so cringe.
Shanghai being the business center, with the highest and longest international exposure is naturally the most concentrated place of foreign agents, influences and foreign leaning population. Any city being in Shanghai's position would be the same. You get more flies and cockroaches if your house is more open to the outside world.


Registered Member
Why is it alway Shanghai. Why is my hometown so cringe.
Is also incredible how Western Shitstream Media can take the protest of a few hundred idiots and made them the look like if a million people protesting in China. Of course there is a lot of discontent with the movement restrictions, but people are not idiots, the vast majority knows that if the virus get loose a lot of people are going to die, that could include their own family members.​


Registered Member
It's so much more than that. Don't forget the stereotypes of the entitled Shanghaier. A significant portion think that geography makes them better than the rest of the Chinese.
It is true but not unique to Shanghai (therefor don't be too upset). Shanghai in its short history has been the most economical and literal dynamical in modern China, in other words rich.

People being rich tend to glorify themselves. We have seen recent examples elsewhere in China where people from rich regions in the south try to re-interpret Chinese history as emerging from places other than the yellow river basin even though most of these revisionist's ancestors are from yellow river basin. Don't you remember one of our banned member from Singapore repeatedly claimed that mainland Chinese is less Chinese than Haka Chinese in SEA? That altitude isn't unique to him but to many people in China as well. It is human nature, 嫌贫爱富,虚荣,傲慢.

Also it is arrogant and stupid to think that Shanghai itself made it rich, whether due to its location or population. It was only because Qing dynasty made Shanghai an opening post. In other words, it was made rich by the central government.
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