Miscellaneous News


My final 2 cents on the protests happening in China is that it'll pass. But let this be an actual lesson for all levels of government to do better job in making the government more efficient, effective in dealing with issues big or small, especially at the granular level. Communication is important and must not be neglected to lessen the negative impact of hearsay, gossip, misinformation, and disinformation that are just part and parcel of people connected on the internet Great fire wall or not.

People also must be confident enough from both the civilian and especially government side with their institutions that regardless of challenges the system is going to be there no matter what.

What gets me is the sheer worry, panic from some of us here that appears to even crack at the mere sight of protests happening in China believing the narrative that finally, this is the beginning of downfall of the most responsible government in the history of China. That itself is an absurdity and shows lack of confidence in the CPC despite the number of issues, challenges it faced survived, thrived, and eventually succeeded.

People of today are more generally whiny due to the proliferation of social media and internet which essentially allow like minded folks from different parts of China to voice similar opinions that would have been just a local tiny voice in years gone by. But now that China has advanced in economic standing, her people are relatively more educated, more cosmopolitan the inevitable conflict that modernity brings will always rear it's ugly head.

Most people tend not to question how they're food was cooked, prepared for as long as it's delicious but if that food tastes shit, or make someone sick then people begin to ask pertinent question as to what, when, where, how, about the food. In other words, people don't bother to know about the details on how China got to where she is today, and that's largely thank in part to their government, the party, the CPC. Consequently, the party assumes the success must then also therefore suffer the brunt of any setbacks and errors occurring under their watch, since they are the only accountantable party and no opposition to be used for blame like in most democratic countries.

SDF has a tendency to get over dramatic.


Registered Member
What gets me is the sheer worry, panic from some of us here that appears to even crack at the mere sight of protests happening in China believing the narrative that finally, this is the beginning of downfall of the most responsible government in the history of China. That itself is an absurdity and shows lack of confidence in the CPC despite the number of issues, challenges it faced survived, thrived, and eventually succeeded.
You and @ACuriousPLAFan contribute a healthy share to the hyperventilation on here. I mean this genuinely: log off Twitter and touch grass.


Yup, this is my thought as well, wait till all them crawl out of the woodwork and then identify them in order to unravel their network, while separating those who are protesting with legitimate grievances. These foreign intelligence groups have a pattern of coopting legitimate protest for their aim, in order to confuse and complicate the process for the authorities to crackdown on their color revolution.

No need for conspiracy theories.

China allows protests so long as they occur within the boundaries provided by law. If you overstep those boundaries, you will be arrested.


Registered Member
Gotta say - The West (especially the Anglo-Saxon portion in particular) - are a malignant cancer for the rest of the world.

However, what's even more painful and heartbreaking to see is how many overseas Chinese, Chinese citizens who live overseas and those Hongkies and Wanwanese out there that have long sold their dignity and principle in order to be fed a bone by the very same people who enslaved and kneeled them not even a century ago, and going as far as becoming 汉奸s that would betray their own people and their own civilization state.

Had the Qing woke up and get up earlier and firmer when the Western colonial powers came knocking on their door in the 19th century, China wouldn't have to deal with the Century of Humiliation at all. The effects and impacts of the Century of Humiliation is still vividly felt across the Chinese diasphora to this day.

So, fvck the Qings.

Besides, we still have loads and bunch of people from the Global South who would rather lick the boots of their former colonial masters, rather than having a slick of dignity and preseverence to stand up on their own ground. Or perhaps, they couldn't do so, because they have become too weak in the face of rentless neo-colonialism attacks and conquer.

It does feel hard to be optimistic. But is there really no way that this can be turned around completely?
Let the people whine dude. Don't you see that most of the protesters are mostly young and idealistic, not to mention a bunch of know-it-alls. Additionally, these folks have all western friends, have accessed to western social media and the narrative they see is that while Covid-19 is indeed a serious virus, it doesn't warrant a China style dynamic policy anymore. In other words, to these people, WHY CHINA CAN'T BE LIKE THE WEST. While expecting the government to protect them from the scourge of Covid-19.

As I have said, since the CPC is the only party holding power they will receive the wrath and fury of her people rightly or wrongly. After all, the party takes the credit (rightfully, and deservedly) for all the success China has achieved thus far.

This Covid-19 policy and the problem it faces is sort of similar how Pres. Xi Jinping and prior administration was trying to warn and wake up the tech businesses in China to further develop their semiconductor industry to no avail. It was only when Pres. Trump came bursting into the scene that those idiots finally saw the wisdom and foresight of the party. Same s..t with Bitcoin/crypto currency; when the government decided to ban crypto mining and crypto currency altogether, the usual lemmings (selfish idiots) howled and balked at their government. Some left China and set up shops in the U.S. just to see their magic wealth, disappear like magic. Which again delighted the ingrates being saved from their worst tendencies.

This time around, the subject matter and issues is vastly more complicated and there are no easy answers to come by. Open up and the flood of infections rise, along with the number of deaths. Who then the people blame? The CPC. The CPC continues the strained dynamic covid policy, eruptions of fed up people (minority of people) will metastasized and become a movement to be used for many unrelated shit that for obvious political issues will be take advantaged by China's nemesis which is to be expected.

Let the people protests but must draw the line period if and when some monkeys call for a regime change. Such nonsense are never tolerated anywhere on the planet, democracy or not.


Junior Member
Really short sighted of Indians to not see that long term benefits of settling border issue and cooperation with China outweigh any current benefits they are getting playing into hands of anti sino faction.
Maybe their game is not to develop India but to colonize the West. Indians are some of the wealthiest and most influential people in the US and UK which are Financialized service-based economies. It will probably make things worse for both the West and India as it will increase the unbalanced nature of the Western economies and create a brain drain in India. Still, it will be a great opportunity on a smaller group and individual level. India has a hard time planning and organizing anything on a national level so this chaotic and piecemeal approach makes much more sense from that prespecitve.
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Registered Member
Its China's fault.
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The author is paranoid of anything Chinese. Everything from China must be some sort of 8D chess master plan.

Someone should contact him on social media and send him an image of square colored red. He would probably destroy the monitor and run to the nearest US military base.

I used to think of this as mere middle-class aspiration, the desire of 21st-century China to “catch up” with the West, but there’s more to it than that. Classical music chimes well with traditional Chinese values that concern self-improvement and self-discipline. Confucianism has returned as an official ideology
Ten years ago, Robert Sirota, then-president of the Manhattan School of Music, declared in The New York Times that “the future of classical music depends on developments in China in the next 20 years.


Registered Member
The author is paranoid of anything Chinese. Everything from China must be some sort of 8D chess master plan.

Someone should contact him on social media and send him an image of square colored red. He would probably destroy the monitor and run to the nearest US military base.
I have to say though that classical western music is a dead end and destined for extinction while classical Chinese music is still alive and evolving.