Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
Or worse, overthrows and civil conflicts in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Yemen, Egypt, Tunis, Sudan etc.
Yeah, not good but on the bright side, if the USA and the EU cannot fix their energy/inflation issues soon, they might end up having a taste of a color revolution. Nothing gets these things going with a nation with a broken energy done by their own government due to crazy amounts of woke.


Junior Member
Registered Member
And for those who believed that the "protest" in Urumqi South street in Shanghai yesterday night is "totally not influenced by outsiders":

Is this legit?

The fake health codes they provide all have Xi's name on them. Surely this is just someone's stupid idea of a joke.

You'd need to have single digit IQ to take this seriously and actually go to the event, if it even happens.

If this is real, I hope they arrest the journalists first. Writing down the journalists' telegram handles is the dumbest thing they could have done. Epoch Times and RFA have no place in this country.

I was in Hong Kong during the 2019 riots and the organisation was pretty impressive. These guys in Shanghai are pathetic.


Registered Member
Is this legit?

The fake health codes they provide all have Xi's name on them. Surely this is just someone's stupid idea of a joke.

You'd need to have single digit IQ to take this seriously and actually go to the event, if it even happens.

If this is real, I hope they arrest the journalists first. Writing down the journalists' telegram handles is the dumbest thing they could have done. Epoch Times and RFA have no place in this country.

I was in Hong Kong during the 2019 riots and the organisation was pretty impressive. These guys in Shanghai are pathetic.
There's more:
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Registered Member
Is this legit?

The fake health codes they provide all have Xi's name on them. Surely this is just someone's stupid idea of a joke.

You'd need to have single digit IQ to take this seriously and actually go to the event, if it even happens.

If this is real, I hope they arrest the journalists first. Writing down the journalists' telegram handles is the dumbest thing they could have done. Epoch Times and RFA have no place in this country.

I was in Hong Kong during the 2019 riots and the organisation was pretty impressive. These guys in Shanghai are pathetic.
That is probably why they want China to open up again. Organizing rebellion doesn't work if you can't easily ship in organisors and capable people.


Registered Member
Seriously, time for the Chinese government to terminate operating licenses of ALL Western media companies in China.

Besides, it's time to track these people down and have them given proper disiplinary actions. Find out who are they working for and paid by. Then deport those foreign agents who funded and supported them on grounds of inciting civil unrest and social disorder.
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New Member
Registered Member
Seriously, time for the Chinese government to terminate operating licenses of ALL Western media companies in China.

Besides, it's time to track these people down and have them given proper disiplinary actions. Find out who are they working for and paid by. Then deport those foreign agents who funded and supported them on grounds of inciting social disorder.
People confirming the stereotype by protesting near a Starbucks


Junior Member
Registered Member
Seriously, time for the Chinese government to terminate operating licenses of ALL Western media companies in China.

Besides, it's time to track these people down and have them given proper disiplinary actions. Find out who are they working for and paid by. Then deport those foreign agents who funded and supported them on grounds of inciting civil unrest and social disorder.
Nah, nothing of this sort couldn't be solved by a few dozen normal people armed with rotten tomatoes.