Miscellaneous News


I am no lawyer, that's for sure. Just stating the obvious, that no one protests at night.

The only instances where there were night protests where I live, was when there were violent attacks on women, people organized a small protest at night, to symbolically take back the night. Attacks on women tend to happen when it is dark outside. The only other instance of a night protest, is that the protest started during the day but lasted so long it went into the night.

The pictures of these protest were at night. Why?

There have been thousands of protests in China over the years, we saw all the pictures, all in board daylight.

This protest is at night, just like how some student unveiled some banner on a overpass in another protest, at night again.

Something is going on here, and it is not obvious what it is.

There have been innumerable examples of protests occurring at night. I seriously do not understand why you see the nocturnal aspect of this protest as a ground to doubt its legitimacy.


Senior Member
Registered Member
When was the last time you had protests of this magnitude in multiple major Chinese cities, and with the citizens directly speaking out against their government? If the crowds of protestors don't already speak for themselves, the growing trend of civil disobedience is all but an indication of severe public dissatisfaction and one that becomes more apparent by the day.
Ahhh I see so now you are the one who should try to be a lawyer "given your insistence on relying on most irrefutable of evidence. "
Lol. Do you know how many protests occur in china ever year? I'll give you a hint, it's in the six figures.

Or are you one of those people who don't believe that protests are allowed in china? Were you amazed that those protesting I'm Shanghai weren't shot on the spot? Sorry to disappoint.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Ahhh I see so now you are the one who should try to be a lawyer "given your insistence on relying on most irrefutable of evidence. "
Lol. Do you know how many protests occur in china ever year? I'll give you a hint, it's in the six figures.

Or are you one of those people who don't believe that protests are allowed in china? Were you amazed that those protesting I'm Shanghai weren't shot on the spot? Sorry to disappoint.
Just put him on ignore, dude is a borderline troll.


Registered Member
Well they can smoke whatever weeds they want, my brother @horse can smell where it came from. :cool:

Well brother ansy1968, I got no idea what is going on here.

If this was foreign funded, which may be likely, then that is kind of really strange.

The lockdowns are unpopular. For a couple of years now.

How do we know that? Chinese people complain on the internet about it.

Now they protest about it on the streets?

What gives?

Who knows. Maybe times have changed, social media and text messaging rules, but the operatives still using the old playbook, like they don't know how much things have changed.



Registered Member
I think I understand the narrative here; everything that isn't pro-Xi Jinping or -CCP must be a CIA clandestine operation, never mind the crowds of ordinary city folk who are unanimously fed up with these COVID policies.

The great irony of all this is that by implementing these overreaching and ineffective controls (thousands are still being infected despite these measures), the CCP is harming the very thing that allows it to stay in power: the economy.
its irrelevant who its done by. they politicized a scientific, technical issue. but there is no political solution to a scientific problem. to think so is reminiscent of the Nazis which divided science into Aryan and Jewish. the solution to Nazis is also political.


Registered Member
Another thing is that real Chinese protest tend to demand local official to step down and national government to intervene. They almost never call for a regime change. Even rarer to call the party leader to step down. Those two thing simply do not address the problem at hand.

Demanding national leader to step down is a western thing because then they can vote in a new leader. It do not work in China. Strong sign of white people behavior.
Note that in the US, even at the height of BLM, nobody called for Trump to step down.


Registered Member
There have been innumerable examples of protests occurring at night. I seriously do not understand why you see the nocturnal aspect of this protest as a ground to doubt its legitimacy.

Look buddy, the whole point of a protest is to be seen.

Wave the flag. Get noticed. Make people aware of your cause.

Wave the flag and flash your signs at night? Who is going to see you?


Junior Member
Registered Member
I think I understand the narrative here; everything that isn't pro-Xi Jinping or -CCP must be a CIA clandestine operation, never mind the crowds of ordinary city folk who are unanimously fed up with these COVID policies.

The great irony of all this is that by implementing these overreaching and ineffective controls (thousands are still being infected despite these measures), the CCP is harming the very thing that allows it to stay in power: the economy.

The idea that you would characterize this as a anything but a foreign sponsored action when it happens 500m from the US consulate, with signs that cant spell Urumqi despite there being a literal street sign you can refer to, and slogans in English betrays your argument as well as you true nature when engaging in topics regarding China, the hope for the collapse of China and its transformation into a poor imitation of the western system.

Your narrative will fall apart as it always has. X = bad economy = collapse of China, Y = birthrate = collapse of China, rinse and repeat. People like you seems unable to comprehend that the 1990s are over and are still waiting for a blowjob from Monica Lewinsky, no one wishes to imitate the western economic system anymore. The argument that the only thing holding up the government is the economy died in 2008 when it became apparent that the majority of western economic "gains" are artificial and extractive, attempting to leech and inflate bits of capital from real-estate with no actual increase in production. No one in China except degenerates and foreign sycophants would actively choose to move away from it for a "western" alternative.

In 2017 people like you were talking about how China would collapse because it stopped Bitcoin. Today the strawman is zero-covid. Tomorrow when all those surviving retire you'll talk about how bad the working age ratio is. When they start dying you'll talk about how much more senior death China has over zero-control countries. Go to Blue Plains wastewater treatment plant and attach your mouth to the outlet if you want to ingest that much shit from Washington thinktanks and don't pollute everyone else.