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Note that in the US, even at the height of BLM, nobody called for Trump to step down.
They did, but no one cared. Their excuse was, if you want Trump out, vote/donate for the other guy or have armed rebellion to overthrow the government. Armed rebellion is not gonna happen since US police are absolutely brutal in cracking down on armed dissent. They even use military vehicles.

But the same should apply to china. Wanna overthrown Xi, then you gotta join the party, move up the ranks and displace him. Otherwise it's armed rebellion against the CCP, which is magnitudes harder now then in 1989, if not impossible.

With all the cameras and technological monitoring, I'm not surprised they protested at night as people used a vigil as an excuse to get together, because if it was planned, I don't think it could have gotten off the ground.

I sure hope the MSS got an ID on all of them and monitor their phone, browser history, bank accounts. China is not like Iran or Syria.


Registered Member

A picture I took last month in Toronto, on Queen Street downtown.

This was not exactly a protest, but a clear affirmation of 10/10 date, in public.

Imagine if they did that at night? They won't.

So why did those protest in China happened at night?

That we do not know.

That is not the worst part. The worst part is no one really cares.

It is the internet. People can stage anything they want, take a picture, then try to gain some traction with it, get it to go viral.

So I think, if it was a legit protest, do it the right way, and make it a movement.

Doing it at night, with some Twitter account, makes it all seems like some publicity stunt, to not be taken seriously.

There was about 100 in that small march last month on Queen Street. I thought it was rather nice.



Lieutenant General
I don't get why the West and their Chinese lackeys are making a big deal if these protests are about COVID lockdowns. Is this leading to end of the communists in China? It seems like they're trying turn this into another Arab Spring. The West loves the idea that they can start revolutions over simple incidents because it doesn't cost them anything. Are people forgetting more Westerners died due their lack of action and because of domestic politics over COVID? The reasons over these protests are Western narratives meaning they could care less about any Chinese suffering. Westerners want more Chinese to die from COVID-19 because they can say China handled it worse than the West. These are to get Americans angry so they're okay with actions against China. Just like Westerners don't care about of human rights violations of the Chinese people they charge all the time. It's actually to get Americans scared that if China gains more power they will definitely take away their personal rights in the future. So stop them now before it's too late! It's the idea that if the communists can take away the rights of their own people, they will more likely take away the rights of white people because that what the would do it in the racial hierarchy of things. And remember everyone else is worse than they are. That's how they comfort themselves in how they'll be violating human rights now for crimes of the future they think will happen. People think that's absurd but every time there's an ugly racist incident like when James Byrd Jr was murdered by three white supremacists, there will always be someone who'll complain how come Asian racism doesn't get any attention? Maybe it's because an Asian didn't drag a black man behind a truck only to stop when there were no body parts left to drag. But they still see Asians as worse. It's absurd to want to see Asians punished for a racist crime white people committed but no one thinks how that's wrong. It sounds logical to them. So why not get scared of their own rights being taken away if the communists can easily take away the rights of their own people. They tried to blame the ticket scandal going on now over Taylor Swift's concert tour on TikTok.


Registered Member
The signs might be CIA crap, but take the L
I said this before, zero-Covid was great for 2020, probably most of 2021.

The tweet a few pages ago was right..
It’s 2022 now and no one knows where things are going.

The party is unlikely going anywhere, but people are genuinely unhappy with the Covid policy. Why is this so unbelievable? Once it gets sorted out, people will calm down.


Registered Member
Like I said in the China News Thread, people are boiling over on WeChat and Weibo since the news of the Urumqi Fire broke out.

It is almost 3 years since the COVID-19 first publically appear in Wuhan.

Agree or not, the Zero Covid policy really needs some serious rethink and rework (which I believe the Chinese government is working on right now). You can't just keep people shut in all the time like in 2020 or 2021. However, I'm not calling for a full reopening, and I definitely & resolutely despise a$$h0les and d1psh1ts who call for overthrowing the CPC and Xi Jinping just because they are dissatisfied and angry with the policy.

Here's a Twitter poll by Andy Boreham, a pro-China commentator from New Zealand on what should China do WRT Zero Covid.
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Registered Member
The signs might be CIA crap, but take the L
I said this before, zero-Covid was great for 2020, probably most of 2021.

The tweet a few pages ago was right..
It’s 2022 now and no one knows where things are going.

The party is unlikely going anywhere, but people are genuinely unhappy with the Covid policy. Why is this so unbelievable? Once it gets sorted out, people will calm down.
As long as this policy has a few tweaks done, things should calm down. When I saw the news, I thought something really big is brewing, but then I notice that the numbers are far smaller then in HK and that one didn’t really accomplish much if anything, so this seems to be yet another smoking gun by the US. Must be the petrol price cap and how they seem to be getting really screwed over by Putins response we so much that they need a distraction to feel better.
It’s also how the elections in Victoria Australia went, the Covid policy wasn’t popular there, yet Labor once again won a landslide due to having some competency going on (also because Victoria wanted to follow the belt and road, but fu?k Morrison) while those damn dirty Liberals lost again and this time by doing exactly what they are doing in China right now, focusing on the bad without a single solution. Hence the moral to the story, if anyone wants a real change, actually provide a reasonable solution instead of trying a western Arab spring, otherwise the ending could very well be the same as the HK riots, basically amounting to nothing


Registered Member
Like I said in the China News Thread, people are boiling over on WeChat and Weibo since the news of the Urumqi Fire broke out.

It is almost 3 years since the COVID-19 first publically appear in Wuhan.

Agree or not, the Zero Covid policy really needs some serious rethink and rework (which I believe the Chinese government is working on right now). You can't just keep people shut in all the time like in 2020 or 2021. However, I'm not calling for a full reopening, and I definitely & resolutely despise a$$h0les and d1psh1ts who call for overthrowing the CPC and Xi Jinping just because they are dissatisfied and angry with the policy.

Here's a Twitter poll by Andy Boreham, a pro-China commentator from New Zealand on what should China do WRT Zero Covid.
the solution is better and smarter repression. COVID is not a political issue, it is a scientific/medical issue. Nazis politicized scientific issues with Aryan science and Jewish science. Thus the opponents are fascists who have the intent to sentence a vulnerable minority to death just like the German Nazis did. They should be dealt with as a Nazi uprising.