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Registered Member
There have been innumerable examples of protests occurring at night. I seriously do not understand why you see the nocturnal aspect of this protest as a ground to doubt its legitimacy.
Your insistence on your so-called "irrefutable evidence" is a joke. During the years of Hu Jintao the number of protests occurred in China were in the hundreds if not thousands so how would you label that event?

People like you, gets so excited and are quick to jump to the always wrong conclusion that A.) The party’s downfall is at hand B.) Xi Jinping is going to be forced to step down along with him the party.

You made the same erroneous conclusions when there was a strong circus of excitement in the west about Xi Jinping supposedly getting couped and were embarrassingly quick to believe the supposed "irrefutable evidence" of a video where a column of tanks were parading on some highway in China. You didn't bother to actually check to see if the setting where the tanks were moving to and from were geographically close to where the people protesting upset from their loss of investment.


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Smells like Hong Kong...

Honestly though, is there no way for the authorities to track their IP addresses and their locations even with VPN on?
I did a quick search on the last two users on the list, and it looks like they use the same username for other social media. The last one have a Youtube channel and the second to the last have a twitter account with the same name. The authorities could use data from old social media database leaks to track them down, but I got a feeling most of them are just listening in on what's happening and are not involved in the "protest".


Registered Member
I did a quick search on the last two users on the list, and it looks like they use the same username for other social media. The last one have a Youtube channel and the second to the last have a twitter account with the same name. The authorities could use data from old social media database leaks to track them down, but I got a feeling most of them are just listening in on what's happening and are not involved in the "protest".
Probably social media account amplifiers, they just comment, retweet or share the content so their big followings also sees it.


Senior Member
Not sure whether to post this in sports or here but this thread gets more traffic and as distraction from the current events in China,

BBC again show their bias and racism against global south countries, Iran particularly in this case.
Shocking in this day and age to be so blatant about it. The German commentator was a famous player back then, and he was himself full of gamesmanship and trickery to gain advantage on the pitch like diving and feigning injuries to get penalty, fouls, and have opposition players carded. Heck, when he first played in England many even called him out for it. Total hypocrisy. Worse was none of his commentaters rebuked him or defended the Iran team. I watched that match, Iran deserved the victory, they played well, plated positive, made an effort to win the match rather than defend deep and hope for a draw after getting trashed by England earlier, probably due to state of mind affected by events at home.

The head coach of Iran called him out on it later. He is Portuguese

Before that he also called out western reporters for being blatantly biased. Do they ask England coach about Afghanistan and Iraq invasions?

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Registered Member
Smells like Hong Kong...

Seriously though, is there no way for the authorities to track their IP addresses and their locations even with VPN on?
And who's supposed to usher and lead this new golden nirvana of Demoncrazy and Freedumb in China, these numb nuts? And if the situation along with the great achievements their predecessors and current generations made are turned asunder then what? Who's going to put it whole?

Kids, they think they know better that's part and parcel of being young and naive.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Today we saw the CIA successfully create their first real color revolution protest in China since 1989. We are also seeing protests in Xinjiang and Tibet and university protests. These are the first university protests since 1989.

What is happening? How come all of a sudden there are so many events reminiscent of 1989 threatening the CPC? How did the CIA suddenly achieve their holy grail - its first real protest in China after 33 years of complete failure?

The answer of course is that all this results from the flawed, maddening policy of long lockdowns which fail when COVID comes back three months later.

(Btw short, very infrequent lockdowns of no more than 5 days to slow the spread are still okay.)

End these long lockdowns and this sudden threat to the CPC - the greatest since 1989 - will dissipate. Otherwise expect many more protests in Xinjiang and Tibet, many more university protests, many more successful CIA-organized color revolution protests, and an ever-growing chance that a real color revolution occurs in China causing the world to be ruled for the next 100 years by Anglo racist imperialist cockroach neo-Nazi racists.