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“Rep. McCaul was invited on the trip, but is unable to attend due to a prior commitment," Leslie Shedd, a spokesperson for the House Foreign Affairs committee ranking member, said in a statement to USA TODAY.
He's not apparently the only person who's turning down the invite either, AFAIK no one has accepted her invite yet lol. Basically:

McCaul: you have to go! If you don't go China wins
Pelosi: so are you going to come along then?
McCaul: hell no! I want to live.


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He's not apparently the only person who's turning down the invite either, AFAIK no one has accepted her invite yet lol. Basically:

McCaul: you have to go! If you don't go China wins
Pelosi: so are you going to come along then?
McCaul: hell no! I want to live.
Politicians send canon fodder to die for Empire, they dont go themselves.... I guess Pelosi and Pompeo might really believe in Rapture and End Times to go on this suicide mission.... maybe they actually know the true state/status of America is already moribund and utterly hopeless and would rather go out with a bang


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He's not apparently the only person who's turning down the invite either, AFAIK no one has accepted her invite yet lol. Basically:

McCaul: you have to go! If you don't go China wins
Pelosi: so are you going to come along then?
McCaul: hell no! I want to live.
Pelosi should be careful not to invite too many anti-Chinese officials onto her plane. It might make shooting the plane worth it regardless of where it's heading....


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Yes, the window of opportunity for the PLAAF to intercept and force the plane to return is 12nm, or less than 2 minutes at the cruise speed of the C17. Obviously the shadowing would start much earlier in international airspace.

How many fighter jets can the USN deploy to escort the C17 from a carrier realistically, against how many fighter jets the PLAAF can deploy to intercept? I would imagine the PLAAF would need twice as many to stand a chance.

Can the PLAAF pull that off, I have no idea but as a layman it seems like a tall order to me.
If they deploy too many planes, China can probably not force her to land on a mainland airport, they would have to shoot her down instead.


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China shouldn't react to American provocations by trying to outdo the Americans. Instead China should take the opportunity to initiate actions that further its strategic goals. As Mao was saying, "you'll fight your battle, I'll fight mine". Be proactive, not reactive. Pelosi's visit is a major provocation that will create a rally 'round the flag effects on the Chinese populace to benefits of Chinese government. If China tries to outdo Pelosi by, say, intercepting her flight, that will create a rally 'round the flag effects for Pelosi and even Biden. That's her plan. Don't let her succeed. China should take advantage of the rally 'round the flag effects in China while deny the same benefits to Pelosi and Biden.

For example, Xi could take the opportunity to consolidate support for higher military spending. Hu Xijin and Jin Canrong had already called for increased military spending. In doing that, they really did break the rank. It's long been taboo to openly call for increased military spending, and vested interests are against such increases (e.g. what I call China's Infrastructure-Industrial Complex, made of private and state-owned companies and government officials on all levels). This would be a perfect opportunity to gather political and public support for substantially increase the military budget. What's going to happen to Pelosi politically in U.S. if her trip only results in photo ops for herself and Xi Jinping consolidating power at the expense of Chinese doves?


US doing shit symbolics by sending Pelosi to TW.
Lot of dudes here: Shoot down her plane

US giving substantive military aid and doing meaningful cooperation/integration with TW
The same dudes: Arms sales are tolerated because that is the status quo.

PLA should send those dudes to fight Pelosi, lol


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Guangzhou Port in South China's Guangdong Province on Thursday launched the world's first fully automated river-sea-railway multifunctional dock

The automated dock, Nansha Phase Four, is equipped with four berths for ships over 100,000 tons. The loading system is integrated with series of advanced technologies including the BeiDou Navigation Satellite System, AI and 5G high-speed mobile broadband, boosting the capacity of the dock for receiving four large ships and 16 barges at the same time.

The designed capacity of Nansha Phase Four dock is 4.9 million TEUs with 1.9 million of the volume processed through river transport. The automated dock reduces required manpower by up to 70% and also increase safety during loading operations, according to the Shanghai Securities News report.


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Pelosi Taiwan Trip in Limbo as Officials Plan East Asia Stops​

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Pelosi should go to Taiwan — when the time is right​

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North Korea's Kim says country ready to mobilise nuclear war deterrent​

Looks like someone in Washington got the hint finally. :cool:
Is Kim Jong Un crazy, genius or is he being a good friend to Xi? I say, he's crazy. Dangerous, crazy man. Nothing to do with the recent situation, it just so happens to look like a counterescalation in Korea.