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Pelosi has invited senior lawmakers to join Taiwan trip, top Republican says​

WASHINGTON — Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., has invited a small group of lawmakers on her official trip to Taiwan, including the top Democrat and Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul, R-Texas, told NBC News on Wednesday.

McCaul, the ranking member on the foreign affairs panel, said both he and Chairman Gregory Meeks, D-N.Y., have been invited by the speaker on an upcoming trip to the self-ruling island that China sees as under its control.

Looks like Pelosi is pushing ahead. Another Taiwan Strait Crisis is looming.


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The pretext is they need fighter jets to protect Pelosi's flight and also aircraft carrier groups to protect the fighter jets, in effect normalizing and setting the clear precedent for US to send in military whenever it wants... thats the most generous intrepretation of it.... if China doesnt put a stop to this, it wont be long before the US jets start crossing the median line between the straits and then into mainland airspace, this is the boiling frog approach... does China shoot down US jet if it just barely inches across the line? etc the US will keep pushing as long as they see there are no consequences

If it was purely symbolic there would be no need for military escort, there is nothing symbolic about sending in carrier groups unless US agrees that some DF-41 parked in cuba is also only just merely symbolic
Realistically if she's allowed to visit as part of a deal, it would be using a commercial airliner and heading there under the "role" of private travel. This would be a massive concession for China to make, but there might be things of equal value that Biden can put up.

And then, China would also not force the airliner to land nor drone strike her in the airport. So she has nothing to worry about.

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Looks like Pelosi is pushing ahead. Another Taiwan Strait Crisis is coming.
So the REPUBLICAN declined the offer, he knows and he's just egging his political enemy to commit suicide by PL-12.


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So the REPUBLICAN declined the offer, he knows and he's just egging his political enemy to commit suicide by PL-12.

Republicans have nothing to lose over this matter. The Democrats will bare the full backlash of anything that happens. They win in either case. It’s in their political and personal interest if Democrats fuck up and start a new crisis.


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ADDIS ABABA, July 27. /TASS/. The West is prone to slapping sanctions on any country, which it believes is irritating them somehow, and China may be the next on the list, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Wednesday.

"I have no doubts at all that if necessary, they will do the same to any other country, which somehow would be irritating them," Russia’s top diplomat stated addressing members of the diplomatic corps accredited in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa. "I have already mentioned China as their possible next target."

"This is a very telling example of how the Americans truly approach honest competition," Lavrov said, commenting on the West’s sanctions.

The Russian top diplomat said China is the world’s number one economy and that is recognized by everyone.

"China has attained these results by acting based on the rules previously set by the West - the International Monetary Fund [IMF], the World Bank, the World Trade Organization [WTO], regulations regarding the settlement of disputes and [issues of] competition. China had accepted all of these rules to cultivate its economy," Lavrov remarked.

"So what happened next?" Russia’s foreign minister asked, pointing out that China managed to triumph over the West as far as the economy is concerned.

"For a couple of years now, the US Treasury Secretary and other officials started speaking about reforming the Bretton Woods institutions, and about reforming the WTO [the World Trade Organization] and that such reforms must be handled by the United States and Europe without any third party’s interference in drafting new regulations," Lavrov noted.


Registered Member
The pretext is they need fighter jets to protect Pelosi's flight and also aircraft carrier groups to protect the fighter jets, in effect normalizing and setting the clear precedent for US to send in military whenever it wants... thats the most generous intrepretation of it.... if China doesnt put a stop to this, it wont be long before the US jets start crossing the median line between the straits and then into mainland airspace, this is the boiling frog approach... does China shoot down US jet if it just barely inches across the line? etc the US will keep pushing as long as they see there are no consequences

If it was purely symbolic there would be no need for military escort, there is nothing symbolic about sending in carrier groups unless US agrees that some DF-41 parked in cuba is also only just merely symbolic
This scenario is clear as day to anyone with a brain. You don't need an Ivy League education, as most of these US government advisors have, to see it.

I really do not see a fighter escort for this reason. The PLA can't let the US fly armed aircraft into Chinese airspace, so it will have to be shot down. How far into territorial airspace would that happen is up to the PLA, but it would have to happen. With this in mind, what kind of commanding officer wants to send their charge on a possible suicide mission? How does this conversation go?

Commander: Captain, I won't mince words, but there is a good chance you will get shot at. I don't have to tell you the chances of survival if that comes to pass... That being said, your passing won't be in vain because we have a good chance to really really embarrass the Chinese!

Pilot: Embarrass? Do you think it will guarantee Taiwan's freedom?

Commander: There are no guarantees in life.

Pilot: Do you think the PLA will at least demilitarize their posture against Taiwan?

Commander: I don't see why it would.

Pilot: So you are saying my death is the equivalent of throwing a pie in someone's face?

Commander: Not just someone, XI JINPING'S FACE!


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Why doesn't China provide for Venezuela, Cuba, Argentina and Nicaragua 2 billions USD each. Or something like it, use your USD debt for something useful. Force the US to invest more in the Americas, and use as leverage with the risk if providing more assistance next year i.e. like an American (continent) Israel?

Create some initiative yourself, instead of constantly pushing back US initiatives.


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I am in the same situation. Basically I am from Bulgaria, but I have been living in Sweden for ten years.

Bulgaria was one of the first countries to stop receiving Russian gas because the Canadian-American puppet who was installed as Prime Minister of Bulgaria six months ago has an absolutely Russophobic policy and despite the fact that 80% of the Bulgarian population is on Russia's side. This harmful government for Bulgaria is already history, but the damage has already been done.

My parents live in a town in Bulgaria, but we have a country house in the countryside which we visit only in the summer. This summer my father has bought a lot of firewood, because it is very likely that my parents will return to the country house, where heating is possible.

Apologies for the lyrical digression.
Same sh@t here in Greece. Bootlickers on the wheel, they gave USA the right to use every Greek military base for infinite time. They didn't asked a rent at least FFS. In the meantime Greek shipowners are moving half of Russian oil exports. Rents are the highest in EU as per cent to avg salary (about 60%), we have the most expensive electricity in EU(about 150% up from 2 years ago) and the most expensive gasoline, diesel. We are the champions, you loosers! Ah, forgot to say, foreign tourists tested positive of covid are not obliged to stay in quarantine, while Greeks have to stay for 5 days. Sounds offtopic but has certainly to do about democracy and human rights. We are experiencing the dictatorship of the dumbest but i have to be optimistic that a social ka-boom is inevitable. Live your myth in Greece, it's unlivable! Ehm unbelievable i meant


The pretext is they need fighter jets to protect Pelosi's flight and also aircraft carrier groups to protect the fighter jets, in effect normalizing and setting the clear precedent for US to send in military whenever it wants... thats the most generous intrepretation of it.... if China doesnt put a stop to this, it wont be long before the US jets start crossing the median line between the straits and then into mainland airspace, this is the boiling frog approach... does China shoot down US jet if it just barely inches across the line? etc the US will keep pushing as long as they see there are no consequences

If it was purely symbolic there would be no need for military escort, there is nothing symbolic about sending in carrier groups unless US agrees that some DF-41 parked in cuba is also only just merely symbolic
Well, they wouldn't have started talking about sending military escorts if the Chinese military didn't threaten a military response. They wanted to just fly her there on a plane, have her vomit some words, then come back. Then China raised the stakes and said that the PLA could intervene. To so not look soft, the US had to say their military would protect her flight and that's why there's a standoff for who backs down first. So it is symbolic; it just got bigger than what was originally imagined.

China doesn't want to fight now because the power dynamic is shifting towards China so future is better. The US doesn't want to fight because China is already strong enough with MAD ready but they know that the longer they wait, the worse it gets for them. It's like a guy in a room with a saw and an infected arm: he waits, he's gonna die; if he saws it off, it is unbelievably painful right now, and he could still fail or die from the new wound. If either China or the US had already decided to start a war, this is not how an intelligent country would ramp it up because this war between two nuclear powers needs no ramp up. Surprise all out nuclear blitz is the correct opening move if war is already decided.

For the record, I think if the talk on Thursday doesn't result in the visit being cancelled, Pelosi will land on Taiwan but her flight will be harrassed by the PLAAF and they might do armed flyovers right in the middle of her trip, as she talks in public, right over her head, maybe even load up the chaff compartments with little Chinese flags and dump them all over her. And all sides, PRC, ROC, USA will have orders to not fire unless fired upon.
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