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The US seems determined to fight a war on two fronts, the Russian front and the Chinese front.

If only the Iranians hated the west more, they could've been a third front. Africa taking revenge for colonialism a fourth. South America a fifth. An internal civil war a sixth. Natural disasters a seventh.

Things were trending those directions but unfortunately not enough time and not enough hatred for the west in the former colonies. Not enough fight in them.


Registered Member
I think the CPC is wise enough to swallow this dead rat and the public would understand.

It’s not gonna happen and you know it. If China just swallows it then the government is dead. The public is not going to swallow such a show of weakness when nationalism has been rising globally since Trump come along in 2016. This isn’t the early 2000s nationalistic emotions anymore.


Registered Member
PLAAF can just fly into Taiwan with Pelosi without firing unless fired on. From that point on all PLAAF and PLANAF will just fly over Taiwan instead of around it.
It’s not gonna happen and you know it. If China just swallows it then the government is dead. The public is not going to swallow such a show of weakness when nationalism has been rising globally since Trump come along in 2016. This isn’t the early 2000s nationalistic emotions anymore.
An ADIZ expansion covering all of Taiwan? legally it can be done as Taiwan is part of China.


Registered Member
If the PLA can force the plane to leave or divert without firing first, then the USN will not engage even in international airspace is my assertion.

If the PLA can devise plan to do that, then it would be a win for China. If not, I believe China will back down, it's trap as you pointed out and I think the CPC is wise enough to swallow this dead rat and the public would understand.
If the US military is involved in any form, China has no choice but to fire on them if they can't be driven off with warnings.

The ones walking into a trap is America. Once China moves into war economy, America will lose a lot more than just their aligned rebels on Taiwan Island.

America sending troops first would mean they would be viewed as the aggressor by the vast majority. Volunteers and morale will be through the roof.


Registered Member
To add on. 10s of millions if not 100s of millions of Chinese citizens are watching the Russian retaliation against Western/US war mongering. Do you think they are going to “swallow” such humiliation if China backs down and let the US circle fighter jets across the skies of Taipei with warships sailing down the strait? Especially after watching how Russia is winning their war against the West with far lesser capabilities than China?


Registered Member
PLAAF can just fly into Taiwan with Pelosi without firing unless fired on. From that point on all PLAAF and PLANAF will just fly over Taiwan instead of around it.
Yes, if America gets to fly its military planes/jets into TW then it stands to reason China gets to do the same...

Imagine if tables were turned and China was to fly J20 overland Hawaii but then demand the US cannot land a F22 on Hawaiian airport etc....its unthinkable

The argument could be that TW gives US permission/consent to land military plane but did not consent to mainland China...

However due to status of TW being renegade/rogue province and this being a civil war, internal matter, one could say the permission/consent is not Tiawan's to give or not give in the first place...and rather the authority of this belongs to mainland China and China already told US its a hard No

If Hawaii wanted to cede from US and gave China consent to help it militarize does anyone think US will tolerate that?

But ultimately this itself comes around full circle, since by definition soverneigty and status of any civil disputes its arbitrated and decided by results of war... reunification by force or independence via help of Uncle Sam...

This is what the whole guardrails talk was about, US wants to destablize China while containing the fallout.... but if US helps TW in a civil war/independence fight militarily then China should take out all the US bases within the second island chain including those in South Korea and Japan, not to mention guam, diego garcia etc... and if this escalates to full scale nuclear war then so be it
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Registered Member
To add on. 10s of millions if not 100s of millions of Chinese citizens are watching the Russian retaliation against Western/US war mongering. Do you think they are going to “swallow” such humiliation if China backs down and let the US circle fighter jets across the skies of Taipei with warships sailing down the strait? Especially after watching how Russia is winning their war against the West with far lesser capabilities than China?
Russia had to buy DJI Air 2s from China, a low end consumer drone couldnt even afford a proper Enterprise DJI drone like M30 etc

But of course there is far more at stake for the US now.... TW is 10x more important than Ukraine


Registered Member
Russia had to buy DJI Air 2s from China, a low end consumer drone couldnt even afford a proper Enterprise DJI drone like M30 etc

But of course there is far more at stake for the US now.... TW is 10x more important than Ukraine
Let’s see that this time around that if the USA is stupid enough to sail that carrier through the Taiwan strait that this time China shows that they are willing to shoot that damn ship up and send these entitled cowards screaming home….. in hell


Junior Member
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It keeps going up! We are so f**ed in UK/EU. On the BBC comment sections the British are laughing at EU for having poor energy security with zero self awareness.

ngeu com(1).png
nguk com(1).png

Time to start preparing for the winter. I'm stocking up on LFP batteries. If it gets really bad I guess I will have to think about getting the hell out of here.