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Kremlin to Keep Up Its Gas Squeeze on Europe, Insiders Say

The spot price of gas in Europe has topped $2,100/1,000 cubic meter on expectations that another gas compressor unit at Nord Stream will go out of service.

Gazprom said on Monday that it was shutting down another Siemens gas turbine engine at the Portovaya compressor station as it was reaching the end of its operating period before overhaul.

As a result, the daily capacity of the Portovaya station from 07:00 Moscow time on July 27 will be up to 33 million cubic meters per (20% of the capacity) compared to the current 67 million cubic meters per day (40% of the capacity).

As prices have spiked, EU leaders have accused Russia of using gas as a political weapon. But after decades of reliance on the cheap fuel for heat, power generation and industry, the continent has few easily available alternatives.

Dmitry Medvedev, a former president and Gazprom chairman and now a senior Kremlin official known mainly for his dyspeptic social media posts, went further Tuesday. “The blue-and-yellow hysteria,” he wrote, referring to the colors of Ukraine’s flag, “has caused severe diarrhea from the fear of freezing in their chilly homes, looking out frost-covered windows at idle factories.”

Russia is using its energy leverage as a political tool to retaliate in kind. Publicly, Russia claims that technical issues like missing paperwork and turbine maintenance have forced it to slash supplies in recent weeks. But in reality, the Kremlin is using the disruptions in Nord Stream, its main remaining pipeline supplying Europe to raise the political heat on leaders there to reconsider the painful sanctions they’ve imposed and their support for Kyiv.

The gas dispute is the latest raising of the stakes in the crisis over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and shows the Kremlin’s willingness to forgo tens of billions of dollars in export revenues to further its geopolitical aims. Gazprom has analyzed the possible impact of a cutoff lasting into next year, according to a person familiar with the situation, and found ways to limit the financial damage thanks to surging prices and revenue so far this year.

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Registered Member
Problem with using civilian airline on a regular route is that it is legal. The only "illegal" one is the passenger onboard the aircraft. And that is only illegal according to China's law in Chinese airspace including Taiwan. It would be controversial if PLA intercepts it or block it in international airspace (not counting Taiwan airspace). Theoretically, without going into war with US, PLA can only intercept it after it has entered Taiwan airspace and force it to turn away.
Pelosi flying commercial is less escalatory than flying by US government owned transportation, as that implies her trip is in a personal capacity, not as a government official. It is still escalatory though.


Registered Member

Biden is going to play good cop and swear he can't do anything to control Pelosi. Not like China can do anything meaningful at this point without hurting itself. Hope China at least significantly boosts its nuke count because the US is going to be increasingly provocative especially with Trump coming back in 2025.
Pointing even more nukes at US pretty much accomplishes nothing. Unless China can shoot down all/most incoming US nukes and first strike US, investment in that is counterproductive.

Buying hundreds of VLO bombers and fighters on the other hand.

China can do something a little meaningful. They can send the plane home or shoot it down if it chooses to transgress. Almost certainly Pelosi will just fly home if she can get that far, like the last time US tried sending incursions into Chinese airspace in 2021.


Registered Member
Or they will have to manufacture more in china where titanium is still abundant.
I am sure Europe has outsource maximum what they could otherwise they would not have removed this firm from sanctions.
Engine maker Safran is at 50% but the point is they never name the other 50% (These Europeans always hide this part so that Russians does not know how much Europe is depended) and how that 50% is reliable. and still cost is increasing.
same thing happen with Gas. German always claimed we only depend 50% on Russian gas how on earth 50% supply can raise the price 10 times.

Increasing pressure on supply chain and Russia-Ukraine conflict-induced inflation: o Further inflation on raw materials, freight and energy: an additional estimated c.80bps impact on margin; o Safran sources c.50% of its titanium needs from VSMPO; 2022 supplies now secured; alternative sources being secured.

when you look at latest seats of aviation. Comac is buying from French. Russians already have that tough attitude towards French much more than German even before Ukraine.

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Lieutenant General
My post is based on the premises that Taiwan's airspace is Chinese airspace, therefor PLA has no hesitation of acting within.

Flying in and out secretly is my concern. If she does so, how could PLAAF know which aircraft on what day she is flying, let alone doing anything that you suggested? I agree with all your suggestions, the problem is how do we know which one to intercept.

That is true, kind of self-defeating for Pelosi by saying I am scared. Maybe this point alone is enough to make my concern unnecessary.
If Chinese intelligence cannot keep track of such a high profile VIP for such a short period of time, what’s even their point?


Registered Member

Biden is going to play good cop and swear he can't do anything to control Pelosi. Not like China can do anything meaningful at this point without hurting itself. Hope China at least significantly boosts its nuke count because the US is going to be increasingly provocative especially with Trump coming back in 2025.

Biden Will Speak With Xi on Thursday as US-China Ties Worsen​

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Just a video meeting or call I think, Xi doesn't want to meet sleepy Joe.

US is entering a recession, the ruling party is about to lose both houses of congress, WW III might be in the cards. Biden will say the same old lines, maybe something will be different this time. Xi might be more pissed compared to the last meeting, the meeting will definitely be intense.

What's the Chinese political way of saying "Fuck around and find out"? :)