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The idea that China "steal" foreign technologies is a blatant Western propaganda and cannot be backed up by facts. Even some of our own forum members have "grudgingly" accepted that stealing technology is a necessarily evil for China to grow. They cannot be more wrong.

Remember the days when Japan and S Korea started to ship semiconductors to the US, how many patent infringements law suits were filed against those companies ? And how many lawsuits were filed by Apple against Samsung in the early days of Samsung cell phones ?

Now look at China. Any use of stolen technology may be protected when the products are used strictly within China. But now that China also exports them. How may patent law suits have be filed against Chinese companies when they started to export HSR, 5G telecom equipment, cell phones, satellites, Beidou services, vaccines and medicines etc etc. ? Very little.

The reason is that China acquired the technologies legally via cross licensing, company acquisition, or paid for it. Chinese companies have also created the technologies themselves, and protect them by filing domestic as well as global patents.
The idea that China 'steals' technology is racist propaganda. While there were a number of greyzone stuff, most of Chinese-acquired technologies from foreign countries were purchased, licensed, or learned. The West, SK, Japan, India, and to a certain extent, Russia could not accept that China had acquired world-class technology. That is why this 'China steals technology' myth keeps perpetuating. It's racism, jealousy, or both.

I would argue that the key to acquiring new technology is the ability to learn. Japan bought automotive technology from Britain, and were able to learn how to make cars. South Korea bought HSR technology from France, and learned how to make their KTX HSR. Buying technology is meaningless if these technology cannot be learned, and put to good use.

India cannot hold a candle to China when it comes to learning technology from others. India bought all kinds of technology. But till this day, needs to pay for ToT to manufacture AK rifles, and 155mm SPH.

Let's look at the truck industry. Tata was established in 1945, and Ashok Leyland, in 1955. Both are India's automotive giants. And both purchased lots of Western automotive technologies long before Chinese companies started doing so. FAW Jiefang was established in 2003, and Sinotruck was established in 2007. Today, the Chinese trucks are very popular in the 3rd world. Even in some parts of Eastern Europe and Russia. Indian trucks? Barely noticeable. You could even count with your fingers, the amount of Indian trucks on the road.

This is the kind of truth that many Indians cannot handle. Hence they joined in on the 'China steals technology' bandwagon. I'm actually glad that they do that, it keeps them uncompetitive.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
The idea that China "steal" foreign technologies is a blatant Western propaganda and cannot be backed up by facts. Even some of our own forum members have "grudgingly" accepted that stealing technology is a necessarily evil for China to grow. They cannot be more wrong.

Remember the days when Japan and S Korea started to ship semiconductors to the US, how many patent infringements law suits were filed against those companies ? And how many lawsuits were filed by Apple against Samsung in the early days of Samsung cell phones ?

Now look at China. Any use of stolen technology may be protected when the products are used strictly within China. But now that China also exports them. How may patent law suits have be filed against Chinese companies when they started to export HSR, 5G telecom equipment, cell phones, satellites, Beidou services, vaccines and medicines etc etc. ? Very little.

The reason is that China acquired the technologies legally via cross licensing, company acquisition, or paid for it. Chinese companies have also created the technologies themselves, and protect them by filing domestic as well as global patents.
1,000,000% this.

The Western accusations of IP theft against China are rarely if ever about specific technologies or patents. Instead, the accusations arises from the fundamental underlying Western view that ALL technological and scientific progress, PAST AND FUTURE, belong to the West. China making any advances in technology and science means China is "stealing" from the West in the minds of Westerners.

This is why the Western whining about IP theft is getting louder precisely when China is starting to lead the West in various technologies such as 5G, renewable energy, EV, batteries, etc. On this forum, we often make fun of the West accusing China of "stealing" technologies that they have not yet developed. But for the West, these accusations are completely un-ironic because in their world view, China developing something that they don't have is in fact stealing from them.

This is also why the response of Western countries to technological and scientific competition from China is to crack down on ethnic Chinese in academia, despite the fact that the whole point of academic research is to publish and share all discoveries and knowledge with the entire world. In their minds, Chinese in academia are committing theft when they push forward the frontier of science and knowledge for all mankind because all of science and knowledge are the exclusive domain of Westerners.


Senior Member
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Senior Member

This would be good for Iran strategic goals to counter US sanctions. Also move forward for a more multipolar world against US hegemony. They are I n SCO and applying to join BRICS plus. Exciting times.

In his book The Great Chessboard the former National Security Advisor of the United States Zbigniew Brzeziński wrote:

Potentially, the most dangerous scenario [for America] would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, and perhaps Iran, an ‘anti-hegemonic’ coalition united not by ideology but by complementary grievances.

Not sure if "grievances" is still the right term now, more like common interests to bring down US unipolarity and bullying.


Junior Member
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The Pelosi trip is an obvious trap, just like the “guardrails”, and the US will have gamed various Chinese responses and have escalatory replies ready.

America wants to go now, China wants to postpone.

Do you think China is stupid enough to fall for this trap? Or, Do you think Xi is ruled by emotions and will rise to provocation?

Best response from China is one which turns the tables on the US, just like they did with the guardrails.

My suggestion is that they don’t do much.
I'm so tired of the posturing and bitching from all sides. Just blow her to bits with DF-17s the second she sets foot on Chinese soil. If the US wants to escalate they can. Either that, or they get the message and the provocations cease immediately.

The US has been like a drunk woman walking around the streets provoking and hitting men because nobody hits back, one harsh blow to the face and they'll settle down real quick.


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The Pelosi trip is an obvious trap, just like the “guardrails”, and the US will have gamed various Chinese responses and have escalatory replies ready.

America wants to go now, China wants to postpone.

Do you think China is stupid enough to fall for this trap? Or, Do you think Xi is ruled by emotions and will rise to provocation?

Best response from China is one which turns the tables on the US, just like they did with the guardrails.

My suggestion is that they don’t do much.
I disagree. Your proposal lies on the assumption of the US being this hyper aggressive, “zero-f**ks” given country. Here is the thing though: it isn’t. The US throughout its history is not a risk taker. The Vietnam War, the lack of severe economic punishments of the Chinese (aka the exclusion of the Chinese from SWIFT and a full ban of all Chinese goods) for not sanctioning Russia, the later stages in the Korean War, World War 2, and World War 1 have all shown that the US will never pay a high cost or take dangerous risks to achieve their political objectives.

The present China is different from the 1996 one. China has shown to be able to weather any economic hurdles and that the US is reliant on China for economic livelihood (supply chain issues, tourism, and the unwillingness of the US to sanction China). If China doesn’t do anything, the US would perceive this as a sign of weakness and push harder to delegitimize the CPC at the lowest cost. The reason why the US still sells weapons to Taiwan, sends politicians over to Taiwan, managed to get Lithuania on board to support Taiwan, get the EU to be more aggressive towards China, and etc is due to China not doing anything. If anything, the Chinese should be extremely aggressive towards the US economically and militarily in regards to Pelosi’s visit. They need to show to the world that China will talk the talk, walk the walk. This in reality would give China more time since it would temporarily stop the US from performing salami slicing actions towards China.
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Registered Member
How is the Chinese court going to enforce its ruling against the Dutch "art thief" a.k.a. collector to return the stolen Buddha back to the province.

The art thief is subjected to Chinese extradition request in any country that has an agreement with China if the person refuse to comply. Any auction house or potential buyer would be criminal and subjected to the same threat of arrest and extradition if they attempt to "buy".

Essentially, the person is holding a valuable thing with zero value to himself plus being a criminal fugitive in many countries. I don't think he has any better choice than complying to the court order.


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very probable current italian government will get no confidence vote, remains to be seen if elections will be called for october

current geopolitical situation seems to have had little impact in this development, situation worsened because of internal disputes and conflict within the majority which is currently supporting the government