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On July 20, The German chemical giant BASF made the final investment decision, saying that it will fully advance its zhanjiang integrated base project in Guangdong Province, China. Basf expects to invest up to €10bn in the project by 2030, the company's largest investment in the world. When fully completed, the Zhanjiang integrated base will become BASF's third integrated production base in the world, following ludwigshafen in Germany and Antwerp in Belgium.


Lieutenant General
What would you do if you were in Xi's position? What's the least worst option to take that will not be too destructive for the Asian region along with the economies facing tremendous pressures from the energy and gas prices. If, like you said, Pres.Xi doesn't take any forceful action it invites and provokes other countries around China’s periphery to ratchet up their anti-China actions since they will act with American backing. Something has got to give here.

That idiot TacticalCovid Pelosi gave China too much notice. I would expect the PLA to go into heightened combat readiness, with a steady build up of armed reunification (AR) forces in the run up to the visit in addition to a steadily escalating stream of warnings from Beijing.

If TacticalCovid Pelosi doesn’t contract TacticalMonkeyPox and insist on going on her idiotic planned visit, the most appropriate response from China would be to scramble fighters to intercept her plane, but route them to overfly the Taiwan main island on their way. Hell, maybe they will overtly Taipei for extra Fuck You emphasis.

RoCAF can scramble fighters to escort them, but anything beyond that will probably see a deadly response from the PLAAF and a rapid escalation to full AR as the PLAAF fighters would likely have been given very loose RoE by design, with full combat loads. In which case I’m sure Pelosi’s plane will have a missile or two earmarked for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

If RoC doesn’t do anything stupid to try to interfere with the PLAAF planes, then those planes will intercept Pelosi’s plane and force it to divert to a Chinese airfield under threat of shootdown. Which won’t be a bluff.

Ideally they will intercept her with 12nm of Taiwan, meaning once they have her, they can arrest and put her on trial for unlawful entry into China on top of all the other charges they care to throw at her.

In doing so, China would have asserted de facto sovereignty over Taiwan in a most clear and unambiguous way and also paved the way for further overflights should Taiwan do anything provocative in the future.


First, If the US bets on Xi being hesitant to take action due to the Party Congress, then I think they are wrong.

Unless Xi is stupid (which I don't think he is), the political damage of being perceived as weak on Taiwan is >>>>>>>>>>>>> the political damage of having a volatile and non-stable international environment leading to the upcoming Party Congress.

So in my opinion, Xi will give the green light for an aggressive response.

Now for what exact measure, Global Times has periodically listed some of them. I think something between a complete flyover of Taiwan and breaching its airspace (not ADIZ) would be suitable. The perquisites here is that, if Xi goes for something like that, breaching Taiwan's airspace should become a frequent activity after that (salami-slice).

Then there are also economic/tech countermeasures which I am sure the MFA already has plans for it

Rettam Stacf

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This is what so many in the West, ASEAN, and India don't understand about how China suddenly became an industrial powerhouse. They only assume that Chinese companies copied and stole technology to build their industry. But they had forgotten that copying and stealing technology is useless without the understanding and knowledge to use them.

China's High Speed Rail story is a great example. Many haters like to accuse China of stealing HSR Technology from Japan and the EU. But they didn't know that China already had a prototype HST (albeit of inferior design) prior to importing foreign HST technology. That means that the Chinese already had a foundational understanding of HST technology before importing foreign technology.

China allowed foreign HSR firms to enter into China, but with conditions of JV with SOEs and ToT. Yeah it did hurt some of the private players in the local rail industry at 1st. But they would have to adapt to the new standards, lead by the SOEs, or miss out on new business opportunities. In the end it worked. China built an industry around their HSR program and is now a HSR powerhouse.

India on paper sounds like it had done the same thing wrt HSR. But there are many things missing. Instead of thinking about building the foundations and industry around their HSR program. India was busy trying to get it's billionaires to make a fortune from the projects. And just conveniently eaving the builders and suppliers to navigate the Indian bureaucratic minefield.

Indian protectionism benefits only the billionaires and the politically connected. They couldn't care less about the small-medium businesses. The big Indian businesses only want to make money, they don't wanna compete. That is why they love trade protectionism. This is never good for innovation and progress.

That's right. India demands ToT and equity. Not that this is a unique thing or is wrong. But to what benefit for the foreign firm?

To whom do you give that equity to? To the worthy? Or to Modi's billionaire friends? More importantly, is this a profitable deal? The Indian market has many bodies, but very few actual buyers. The Indian workforce is huge, but very few would qualify, or are reliable. The Indian infrastructure is rotten, and in dire need of upgrades. Worse still, the Indian government can suddenly make an excuse to take huge chunks of cash from you. No rule of law.

Malaysia did the same BS as India when it came to FDI. Look at them now, nearly 0 new FDIs coming in. There is a price for greed and stupidity. India is riding on it's reputation as the next China to attract FDI. But the departure of a number of foreign firms is proving that India is and will never be the next China.

The idea that China "steal" foreign technologies is a blatant Western propaganda and cannot be backed up by facts. Even some of our own forum members have "grudgingly" accepted that stealing technology is a necessarily evil for China to grow. They cannot be more wrong.

Remember the days when Japan and S Korea started to ship semiconductors to the US, how many patent infringements law suits were filed against those companies ? And how many lawsuits were filed by Apple against Samsung in the early days of Samsung cell phones ?

Now look at China. Any use of stolen technology may be protected when the products are used strictly within China. But now that China also exports them. How may patent law suits have be filed against Chinese companies when they started to export HSR, 5G telecom equipment, cell phones, satellites, Beidou services, vaccines and medicines etc etc. ? Very little.

The reason is that China acquired the technologies legally via cross licensing, company acquisition, or paid for it. Chinese companies have also created the technologies themselves, and protect them by filing domestic as well as global patents.
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Registered Member
Another thing that just came to my mind.

If the first fake covid Pelosi trip was the trial run with the US not knowing potential Chinese countermeasures then this time we can safely assume that the US knows the countermeasures but still insists on going with this

If the first time was an "accident", then this one is a carefully planned calculated action
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Senior Member
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I think the decline actually started with the peak of USA the Reagan era. It is around then the "trickle down economy" started. It started the long term doom. The collapse of soviet union hid that problem and allowed the poor policy to continue. From then on it was Bush going into war in middle east, 2008 crisis, and finally led to today.
20+ years of low interest rates fueling an unsustainable bull market, capped off with additional $5 trillion of stimulus money during the pandemic. The era of free money for growth has come to an end.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
Another thing that just came to my mind.

If the first fake covid Pelosi was the trial run with the US not knowing potential Chinese countermeasures then this time we can safely assume that the assume knows the countermeasures but still insists on going with this

If the first time was an "accident", then this one is a carefully planned calculated action
Their plan might be to use the response in some way for their political gain, hyping up the "China threat" in the region, or it could be an attempt to gain leverage and/or to look tough to Biden's domestic audience for the negotiation @escobar just posted about.
Lol, Xi really like those useless meeting with Biden. Anyway CN will get another sanction just before or after the meeting