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The Pelosi trip is an obvious trap, just like the “guardrails”, and the US will have gamed various Chinese responses and have escalatory replies ready.

America wants to go now, China wants to postpone.

Do you think China is stupid enough to fall for this trap? Or, Do you think Xi is ruled by emotions and will rise to provocation?

Best response from China is one which turns the tables on the US, just like they did with the guardrails.

My suggestion is that they don’t do much.
It isn't the emotions that governs Xi, if it was then his actions from his past would have shown a plenty examples of that, after all, the man had to essentially disown his own family/father during the height of the Cultural Revolution. He was rejected 3x from joining the CPC and when he finally did, he made sure that he would climb himself up without the use of his family name or background.

So the actions he will take is going to be influenced by the faction that matters most and that is the Chinese people. The very people that lend legitimacy and support to the CPC no one else. I am of the mindset that Xi will take the appropriate course of action befitting the blatant planned provocative move from the idiot that's Pelosi.

e idea that China 'steals' technology is racist propaganda. While there were a number of greyzone stuff, most of Chinese-acquired technologies from foreign countries were purchased, licensed, or learned. The West, SK, Japan, India, and to a certain extent, Russia could not accept that China had acquired world-class technology. That is why this 'China steals technology' myth keeps perpetuating. It's racism, jealousy, or both.
I would argue that the key to acquiring new technology is the ability to learn. Japan bought automotive technology from Britain, and were able to learn how to make cars. South Korea bought HSR technology from France, and learned how to make their KTX HSR. Buying technology is meaningless if these technology cannot be learned, and put to good use.

India cannot hold a candle to China when it comes to learning technology from others. India bought all kinds of technology. But till this day, needs to pay for ToT to manufacture AK rifles, and 155mm SPH.

Let's look at the truck industry. Tata was established in 1945, and Ashok Leyland, in 1955. Both are India's automotive giants. And both purchased lots of Western automotive technologies long before Chinese companies started doing so. FAW Jiefang was established in 2003, and Sinotruck was established in 2007. Today, the Chinese trucks are very popular in the 3rd world. Even in some parts of Eastern Europe and Russia. Indian trucks? Barely noticeable. You could even count with your fingers, the amount of Indian trucks on the road.

This is the kind of truth that many Indians cannot handle. Hence they joined in on the 'China steals technology' bandwagon. I'm actually glad that they do that, it keeps them uncompetitive.
Range Rovers, Land Rovers are Indian owned man...give them some credit
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Staff member
Super Moderator
It isn't the emotions that governs Xi, if it was then his actions from his past would have shown a plenty examples of that, after all, the man had to essentially disown his own family/father during the height of the Cultural Revolution. He was rejected 3x from joining the CPC and when he finally did, he made sure that he would climb himself up without the use of his family name or background. P

Range Rovers, Land Rovers are Indian owned man...give them some credit



Junior Member
It isn't the emotions that governs Xi, if it was then his actions from his past would have shown a plenty examples of that, after all, the man had to essentially disown his own family/father during the height of the Cultural Revolution. He was rejected 3x from joining the CPC and when he finally did, he made sure that he would climb himself up without the use of his family name or background. P

Range Rovers, Land Rovers are Indian owned man...give them some credit
Off topic: Ranger/Ranger Rover are worthless pieces of shit and so are their drivers…I literally saw this on my way home from lunch in Dallas. Like how? Flipped over facing oncoming traffic in the middle the day. 9CD7985E-D7A7-4A0B-9F8F-3A13335E5E54.jpeg


Registered Member
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New Member
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The Pelosi trip is an obvious trap, just like the “guardrails”, and the US will have gamed various Chinese responses and have escalatory replies ready.

America wants to go now, China wants to postpone.

Do you think China is stupid enough to fall for this trap? Or, Do you think Xi is ruled by emotions and will rise to provocation?

Best response from China is one which turns the tables on the US, just like they did with the guardrails.

My suggestion is that they don’t do much.
It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If you back down, you'll get a much more provocative and confident US and Taiwan, and serious backlash from the public. If you do something drastic like forcing the plane to land in mainland China, well, you'll also get a more provocative and confrontational US, not to mention a major international diplomatic incident.

IMO the vast majority of Chinese have a positive enough view of the party to tolerate a relatively muted response to Pelosi's trip for now, but the CPC will have to put the boot down sooner or later. Whether it will be this time or not, depends on whether the CPC prefers to anger its own population, or seriously provoke the US of A.


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Why the hell are people still discussing the Pelosi visit?

It's already clear from both the latest Guancha (and the episode back when her first visit was cancelled) along with the recent statements made by the foreign ministry that such a visit would result in a strong response from China involving military excalation.

This is 2022, not some 20 years ago when China was a lot weaker, moreover it's also quite clear with the various signals given out, that the Taiwan 'problem' will be solved in this decade, peacefully or militarily.

(Moreover, lots of various landing crafts have actually started construction right now, according to Guanqi, pretty reliable I say).

Ultimately, why did this news suddenly come out? Well like some have already said, mostly cuz the US really have no 'cards' to play against China (no leverage), so through this they 'might' be able to get something (if China's response is weak, they might really make that move, if not, the white house can say: hey, we talked pelosi down from doing that lol).


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The "Chip 4" alliance was proposed by the US in March this year. Its aim is to create a "semiconductor barrier" against the Chinese mainland.
Statistics shows that South Korea's semiconductor exports reached $128 billion last year, and those to the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong accounted for 60 percent. Decoupling with such a large market is of no difference from commercial suicide. The US is now handing South Korea a knife and forcing it to do so.
They are worried that exports to China will suffer a big blow, and that the US will impose penalties.
The Chinese mainland is not only the largest market for South Korea's chip industry, but also the largest market in the world.
Go ahead and do it president Yoon. Join the Chip 4. Wipe out 60% of South Korea's semiconductor revenue. Do your part to degrade the South Korean economy. Do the favor of forcing the Chinese semiconductor companies to step up their game and take the place of South Korean companies.

President Yoon, you have the opportunity to be remembered as the worse president in South Korean history.


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Go ahead and do it president Yoon. Join the Chip 4. Wipe out 60% of South Korea's semiconductor revenue. Do your part to degrade the South Korean economy. Do the favor of forcing the Chinese semiconductor companies to step up their game and take the place of South Korean companies.

President Yoon, you have the opportunity to be remembered as the worse president in South Korean history.
It will kill the chip 4 countries industries except the US one, Who will grab all what's left.


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Go ahead and do it president Yoon. Join the Chip 4. Wipe out 60% of South Korea's semiconductor revenue. Do your part to degrade the South Korean economy. Do the favor of forcing the Chinese semiconductor companies to step up their game and take the place of South Korean companies.

President Yoon, you have the opportunity to be remembered as the worse president in South Korean history.
He served in silence for the Chinese Civilization