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Liz Truss is going to be the next UK PM according to betting markets. On one hand, she's going to be performatively more hawkish on China. On the other, she's genuinely really dumb and will make the UK look bad.
I heard Liz Truss is "very ambitious".

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Go ahead and do it president Yoon. Join the Chip 4. Wipe out 60% of South Korea's semiconductor revenue. Do your part to degrade the South Korean economy. Do the favor of forcing the Chinese semiconductor companies to step up their game and take the place of South Korean companies.

President Yoon, you have the opportunity to be remembered as the worse president in South Korean history.
Unfortunately, Yoon is becoming a lame duck after about only1 month in power.

South Korea’s Yoon faces becoming a ‘lame duck’ as nepotism claims, wife’s gaffes hit ratings
  • Political and personal controversies have dogged the new leader, with one poll showing his approval rating plunged from 53 to 32 per cent in five weeks
  • Reports of his ‘arrogant’ behaviour, policy missteps and financial irregularities involving his wife call his suitability for office into question, analysts say

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If Pelosi really visits Taiwan, there won't be a middle line in the Taiwan Strait anymore, and China's close-in reconnaissance around Taiwan will become a routine procedure.

If they want another option besides a kinetic strike on her I think a nuclear test just offshore is an excellent choice, has military utility too for verifying the new warheads.
I would rather see H-20 revealed.

Any one is surprised that Russia will go beyond Donbas?

Russia signals plan to annex more parts of Ukraine​

Foreign minister says Moscow’s war aims now extend beyond the eastern Donbas region
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If Pelosi backs down again lots of PLAAF guys will be stomping their feet saying that's twice they've been cheated out of glory.
PLARF would be like get in line buddy.

Someone said something on that tweet that made me think:
We previously discussed that fresh four lists of demands. Not interfering with China's internal affairs is obviously in there but more interesting than weather Biden and co are actually working on the list is why Wang Yi gave them the list on their last meeting. I can only surmise that CPC leadership see US as already having played out all their cards. They have no tricks left up their sleeve and Xi wanted them to know he sees right through it. Hence they were given basically the shell of an unequal treaty and were told "you will sign here eventually".

So Pelosi's announcement was indeed trying to create a card out of nothing. As we know from last time with Kelly Craft it was also US military that told state that it was a bad idea and should be called off. I'm thus not surprised Biden said "the military says a @SpeakerPelosi trip to Taiwan is not a good idea right now" as it's highly likely Milley and co again spoke up saying it's a bad idea and PLA will open a can of whoop ass if the trip happens.

My only fear is does the White House have enough political pull to put the foot down based on Pentagon's advice. Basically who listens to who between Pelosi and Biden.


"the engineer"
very probable current italian government will get no confidence vote, remains to be seen if elections will be called for october

current geopolitical situation seems to have had little impact in this development, situation worsened because of internal disputes and conflict within the majority which is currently supporting the government
I'm going to Italy in October... So hopefully it's not a total gong show during election season


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This would be good for Iran strategic goals to counter US sanctions. Also move forward for a more multipolar world against US hegemony. They are I n SCO and applying to join BRICS plus. Exciting times.
Iran importance relative to many countries will increase if they manage infrastructure development. Europa has taken note of it and they keep sending signals. Europe decline will impact Turkey much more than Iran. Erdogan had planned trip to Tehran but Iranian later invited Putin for afternoon to make sure negotiations goes all the way past mid night. its real torture for Erdo to even agree to such schedule.

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If they want another option besides a kinetic strike on her I think a nuclear test just offshore is an excellent choice, has military utility too for verifying the new warheads.

"and if you look just off the coast the PRC has prepared a welcome gift for the US Speaker..." *flash blindness*

A nuclear test anywhere is a good prize to get out of this farce. China benefits more from tests and data (to verify its models) than U.S. does.


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Oh boy I went to IKEA for lunch and there were these Indian migrants all over the cafeteria. Singapore is a top destination for Indians but it's such a fucking small country so basically the country has turned into Indiapore. What a joke.

They're different from Singaporean Indians because they carry that haughty attitude and stupid Bollywood swagger which is bloody god damn annoying and grating. So what if you were born upper caste? Assholes.

Jai Hind.

EDIT: oh wow my username change was accepted. Thanks @siegecrossbow
Dude, you are edging closer and closer towards outright racism. While I think it's fine that we criticize the incompetence of Indian political system and backwards aspects of Indian culture, racism is not ok.


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This guy sounds pretty suspicious to me. And who is this mysterious art dealer who hired the thief? If you want to make accusations at least show some evidence.
It's really difficult, but there are such things.
For example, the S.Koreans used "national friendship" to lure Chinese Koreans to steal cultural relics and transport them to S.Korea.
These stolen murals were publicly displayed in the Korean National Museum,and the Koreans are proudly making a movie to show off about it(Collectors/盗墓同盟/도굴).

This can be seen as the South Korean government allowing the theft and smuggling of cultural relics.

In the past, the crime of smuggling cultural relics was very rampant in China.It has been rumored that in the most chaotic 1980s, the government tried to turn "cultural relics export" into a means of exchanging foreign exchange


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Go ahead and do it president Yoon. Join the Chip 4. Wipe out 60% of South Korea's semiconductor revenue. Do your part to degrade the South Korean economy. Do the favor of forcing the Chinese semiconductor companies to step up their game and take the place of South Korean companies.

President Yoon, you have the opportunity to be remembered as the worse president in South Korean history.
An appropriate response to her visit would be to get S. Korea to say no to Chip 4 and get closer to China.

I believe, and have said several times, that Xi wants peaceful unification, and that he should get it by doing what he is doing. Just making China better and better.

In a few years the west will be in such a bad state and China such a good one that Taiwan comrades will VOTE for reunification. This is a true and complete victory with no countermeasure possible, and this is what I am sure Xi is going for.