Very interesting opinion, the author argued that in the case of taiwan declares independence, China won't invade instantly, but choose to mobilizise on war footing for a couple of years instead, perhaps by spending up to 50% gdp on defence, the author argued the biggest mistake of ww2 is that the combantants mobilized after the war started, instead of preparing long before hand, and that China won't make the same mistake
Nice gaslighting wishful thinking trap strategy.
The entire premise of that argument is to ignore the ‘inconvenient’ fact that China has been preparing for armed reunification (AU) with Taiwan for 73 years.
There will never be a ‘perfect’ time for AU because China is getting stronger every year with no signs of stopping anytime soon, but I have no doubt that if the order is given today, the PLA will be read to go immediately. It may take a while to prepare and spin up forces, but we would be talking about a matter of hours for rapid reaction forces and speartip strike elements and days at most for the entire invasion force. Just reference how quickly the PLA mobiles for Ladakh, during the height of covid. And that’s a low priority mission at the arse end of China where troops had to be transported thousands of miles across the country and acclimatise to the high altitudes to boot. The entire Taiwan AU forces are garrisoned much closer to where they need to be in comparison.
Thus the central premise of that strategy is moot and wrong. China doesn’t need years or even months or even weeks to gear up for AU, and I think the Nancy tactical-covid-emergency-abort-parachute was deployed because China allowed US intelligence to see how fast the PLA can mobilise for AU, and the US had no way to match that pace and state of readiness to go toe to toe with China over Taiwan at this precise moment in time. Had the visit gone ahead, China was willing and able to escalate up to and including full AU and the US would have had to back down or fight and loose. So faking covid was the only play they had.
America would absolutely love it if China was stupid enough to spend 50% of GDP on defence for years and trash it’s own economy in the process. All so the US can just extend its nuclear umbrella over Taiwan and render all that military expenditure moot with the threat of MAD, just like how they played the soviets during the Cold War.
Even if China dares America to go nuclear and America backs down, it will just instead embargo and sanction China to death after China takes Taiwan because China would have already killed its economic links with the rest of the world to spend 50% of GDP on weapons so it’s going to be essentially cost free for the west to do that.
Right now, China is the world’s factory. If the US goes to war against China over Taiwan, the whole world feels the pain in the form of shortages of everything and hyperinflation on everything. That means the US will struggle to enlist allies and will face massive pressure to back off if it is seen as the instigator of the conflict. Once the shooting stops, the rest of the world would be too desperate for a respite from their own economic misery to care and fully re-establishing trade links with China asap. That will leave America as the one isolated and broke.