What an idiot. China was sending Euros to Russia as payment for energy which the Russians then used to pay for European goods and services. A virtuous circle. Since China needs the energy and Russia increasingly has less uses for Euros anyway, with all the sanctions there is little they can import from Europe, the amount of Yuan/Ruble trade will simply increase. And the Russians will have to buy the goods and services from China instead. Dolt. There is little Europe can make which China cannot make and the list keeps shrinking with each passing year.
It’s really a marvel at how hilariously inept and idiotic western commentators are (their actual strategists are not much better judging from the catalogue of failure that they are responsible for).
Ukraine is seen as an existential issue for Russia because of the threat of NATO strategic weapons being placed on the doorstep of the Russian political, economic and social heartlands.
It is absolutely nothing remotely approaching an existential issue for NATO or the EU. That is, until the EU made it one with its own monumentally stupid sanctions on Russia.
It’s monumentally stupid because unlike American sanctions that costs America little directly (the indirect damage done to the petrodollar and SWIFT was foreseeable but at least it wasn’t blatantly obvious); the EU is essentially committing economic Seppuku just to hurt the Russians while at the same time emptying NATO’s military arsenal and wastefully throwing weapons into Ukraine with frankly stupendously low rates of return. And worst, it’s behaving like a geopolitical toddler with its dealings with China.
Making empty threats and slinging PR mud at China to try to get China to nuke its own strategic interests and reputation to turn against its own closer-than-allies strategic partner; all because the EU wants and ‘expects’ China to is such a nonsensically stupid negotiating strategy it boggles the mind how the bright spark that first thought of it wasn’t laughed out of a career the moment they voice such stupidly.
To have it actually become official EU policy. Even if China was going to side with the EU before, it would abruptly do a 180 when confronted with such rank stupidly; because why would anyone in their right mind jump into the camp of such extra special idiots?
The only thing the EU has achieved with this ‘strategy’ is to convince China beyond all doubt that the EU is both hopelessly lost to reason and sense; and that it is pitifully easy to outplay these idiot children who’s only achievement in life is to have been lucky enough to be the inheritors of the wealth and power earlier generations left them. Wealth and power they are now pissing away like it’s going out of fashion.