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The previous government was also cordial with China.

Might be. Kazakhstan has reasonable fears that they are the next country to be targeted under the so-called "discrimination of Russians" pretext by Russia to take their northern territories - it is not groundless as Russian senators already made such statements in the past. Even Putin himself made a speech in 2020 eerily similar to what he said about Ukraine - that Kazakhstan is a fake country, Russians gifted Kazakhstan its territories, etc. And since Kazakhstan is a Central Asian country and not "blonde, blue-eyed European people" Ukraine, there won't be as big of a reaction from the West. So if I were them, I would definitely hedge bets with China and try to develop tight cooperation with it. Iirc, Tokaev speaks fluent Mandarin and worked as an attache in Beijing during Soviet times.
During Winter Olympics, Kazakhstan invited Xi for a state visit. Other than the reclusive Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan is the Central Asian economy least dependent on Russia, and given the energy price I think Kazakhstan is going to have plenty of cash for military modernization. It has a bigger GDP than Ukraine and shockingly not much smaller than Pakistan. It only spends less than 1% of GDP on defense. Big room for improvement.

Kazakhstan already operates Wing Loongs. Additional units would be smart. HQ-9 and/or HQ-22 export units too. There's the potential that they could become the second buyer of J-10CE if they want to go all-in. They will likely buy more Western transport aircraft (helicopter or fixed wings) to develop defense ties with the West, but I don't expect them to upset both Russia and China by getting lethal weaponry from the West.


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This sounds like a decision Liu He would take. One of the biggest doves and appeasers in the Politburo. Luckily the man will retire in March 2023.

Liu He is Xi's right hand man on economics.

That we constantly see Liu He dealing with economic issues while Premier Li is nowhere to be seen, tells you a lot.

If its Liu He that made this concession, it means that he had Xi's blessing on this decision.


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