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Lieutenant General
Maybe he wants to pay in gold, just like the old days?
Well, he needs to chose one or the other. The only other alternative would be to pay in blood if they want to try and take it by force like Hitler.

Although jokes aside, it would actually be possible for Russia and the EU to come to a compromise and settle oil and gas payments in Yuan since both parties do plenty of business with China to be able to easily have enough Yuan without needing to change anything.


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I wonder if this was the intention from the get go? Simultaneously gain 'ground' while pulling reverse uno on the "ukraine is a sovereign country' bs
It's most likely just talk, AU wouldn't have the guts to actually do anything concrete, but need to talk the talk for domestic audiences.
Advisors to the leadership are not morons, and would know they would get their asses handed to them. This may precipitate some more overpriced arms deals / 'defence' agreements though
Good catch, so just a while ago I went out to buy fried chicken and thought about what China could do if this does happen and here's what I got.

Instead of arming them similar to NATO and sending peacekeepers, China could offer to mediate the concerns by offering "security guarantees" proposals with Australia, and making the proposal public to see. Get a neutral country like Vietnam to mediate the talks between the two. After all the base is more aimed towards US than Australia.

This would make China look like a responsible world power, and promote the idea of "One cannot improve their security, at the expense of others". If Australia declines the talk, it would make them look like an irrational player, and if they went ahead with the operation, this would make them even more of a pariah than Russia, and with that condemnation, China could use the opportunity to improve their relations with the ASEAN countries. Hype up the "Australia threat" to get ASEAN on board against Australia.

Even if they didn't do the operation after the talk failed, China would win a PR battle, and Australia will be watched to see if they'll try to unilaterally change the status quo. after that, China should work behind the scenes with the government to crackdown on subversive elements and thwart any plans for color revolution.

Edit: Also US wouldn't be able to use the same strategy with China, because this would require US to bilaterally work with China, instead of unilaterally changing the status quo, also China would just tell them that they will under no circumstances the will negotiate giving away their rightful territories, then repeat the usual stuff about "One China policy" and the "Shanghai Communique"
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Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
I support a Sino-Russo-Indian alliance. However it's a shame India refuses to budge on the border issue. They would be the biggest beneficiaries of such an alliance.
Sino-Russia-Indian Strategic Alignment against Western hegemony, yes.

But a Formal treaty alliance, hell no!

China is strong all-weather friends with Pakistan. China doesn't want to be dragged into European war because of Russian antics/adventurism. China needs partners but not formal treaty allies because China needs strategic autonomy.
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China is strong all-weather friends with Pakistan. China doesn't want to be dragged into European war because of Russian antics/adventurism. China needs partners but not formal treaty allies because China needs strategic autonomy.
Agreed, on the point about Russia. I don't think they want to drag China into this either, so far all I've seen is EU and US trying drag China into the conflict, while Russia has so far kept quiet and dismissed China's involvement in the war like claiming they don't need China's help in supplying weapons.

In the future, I think this would completely change the dynamics of geopolitics for China and Russia, where Russia can play the bad cop and do unilateral moves without respect to US interest. While China can play the good cop, giving the appearance of a responsible world power and working with countries for win-win cooperation. What China cannot do because of the risk of losing their reputation, Russia would do, and what Russia can't do because of the lack of trust, China would do.

Also when the time comes, where a full break between China and the West happens from an event like military reunification with Taiwan. Russia would already have setup a new system or world order where China can fit in nicely, reducing the effectiveness of sanctions by the West and anything else that they done to Russia today which will likely be used against China in the future.


Registered Member
Sino-Russia-Indian Strategic Alignment against Western hegemony, yes.

But a Formal treaty alliance, hell no!

China is strong all-weather friends with Pakistan. China doesn't want to be dragged into European war because of Russian antics/adventurism. China needs partners but not formal treaty allies because China needs strategic autonomy.
@Phead128 correct bro and I think the Indians are the one who propose the word Partnership rather than Alliances, A traumatic lesson learned from being a member of QUAD...lol


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Also when the time comes, where a full break between China and the West happens from an event like military reunification with Taiwan. Russia would already have setup a new system or world order where China can fit in nicely, reducing the effectiveness of sanctions by the West and anything else that they done to Russia today which will likely be used against China in the future.
To add, I'm really excited what Russia will bring on the table for the future, like maybe making a coalition of countries wronged by the West with Iran, Afghan, Cuba, North Korea etc., and also working with neutral countries to possibly get them to join them in the future.

Then when that break do happen, and China joins this new order. The weight of the coalition will rival that of the entire West, making countries on the fence to gravitate towards China and Russia, and away from the West.


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Endia is funny

"No, our relationship (with China at present) is not normal, given the presence of a large number of troops in contravention of the 1993-96 agreements: EAM S Jaishankar on meeting with Chinese Foreign Min Wang Yi"
Well this is an opportunity for both sides to settle the problem and demilitarize the border isn't it? Hopefully India can reciprocate, so they can work together, instead of fighting over land.


Registered Member
To add, I'm really excited what Russia will bring on the table for the future, like maybe making a coalition of countries wronged by the West with Iran, Afghan, Cuba, North Korea etc., and also working with neutral countries to possibly get them to join them in the future.

Then when that break do happen, and China joins this new order. The weight of the coalition will rival that of the entire West, making countries on the fence to gravitate towards China and Russia, and away from the West.
@Coalescence Bro Russia had the Muscle while China had the Cash the others are Customers...lol Do you think the Collective West can able match the two? Maybe IF you ask people from EU BUT for us here in ASEAN we look to China and we are not as affect as them, that's what China bring to the table, Stability!