Miscellaneous News


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NOW China is really scared. Scotty boy had spoken.

Ukraine war: Australian PM warns China of potential sanctions if Beijing helps arm Russia​

  • Scott Morrison says Australia would move in lockstep with its allies to sanction China if it has provided military support to Russia in its war with Ukraine
  • Morrison tells industries deterioration in trade relations with China caused by Beijing’s refusal to talk

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Xi has also been campaigning on institutional reforms but the string of abrupt and sometimes insufficiently vetted policies showed Xi's success on this front had been limited. Some may even attribute the policy mishaps to Xi's overpoliticization of the bureaucracy.
You show your lack of knowledge here. Xi actually tried really hard to make reforms in 2015 and he faced such a huge wall of resistance by interest groups, local governments, corruption, bureaucracy etc that ultimately he had to make a tactical retreat.

Since then he has been slowly but steadily chipping away power from these interest groups while also cleansing the Party and the government from corruption. You realise that his anti-corruption campaign has been transformed to a proper institutionalised work, right?

The big change for Xi came in the 19th Party Congress where he finally gained much more power than he had before. Even then though, he still faced many issues and resistance from entrenched interest groups. However, he also made many economic/tech/political changes and reforms that he (hopefully) gained the trust of the Party to elect him for a 3rd term this year.

Your anger to Xi because (i assume) the HK market went down (btw it just went up today lol) doesn't make sense. China makes decisions based on the real economy, not based on what stocks the computer algorithms decide to sell or not.

As for Ukraine, as I said, the war is still early. For China, there are positives and negatives. We will have to wait to see if the positives will outweigh the negatives. So far IMO things are going ok


Senior Member
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NOW China is really scared. Scotty boy had spoken.

Ukraine war: Australian PM warns China of potential sanctions if Beijing helps arm Russia​

  • Scott Morrison says Australia would move in lockstep with its allies to sanction China if it has provided military support to Russia in its war with Ukraine
  • Morrison tells industries deterioration in trade relations with China caused by Beijing’s refusal to talk

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Playing on yellow peril is the only way for this joke of a human being to get reelected. Luckily for him, and unluckily for Australians, it's a winning strategy.


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You realize the results of reform only materialize after many years right? It's not a matter of enacting a policy, having it work its magic overnight, and waking up in the morning to a new China. Mr Deng did not live to see the fruits of his opening up policy. Likewise, Xi's institutional reforms of common prosperity, dual circulation and technological independence will not bear fruit in his term. Instead Xi has planted that seedling which future leaders will harvest. Honestly what a ridiculously ignorant statement.

By institutional reforms I mean reform of the bureaucracy, of decision-making processes, of policy-implementation processes. I do not mean specific policy goals like common prosperity or dual circulations.

And by institutional reforms I mean things like improving university governance, research environment, funding system. Not the goal of technological independence. That goal will naturally take years to reach, but you have to start making changes now or you'll never get there.

I'm not saying that Xi's administration is doing exceptionally bad on institutional reforms, but I don't think he's doing well enough to justify breaking the term limit norm.


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By institutional reforms I mean reform of the bureaucracy, of decision-making processes, of policy-implementation processes. I do not mean specific policy goals like common prosperity or dual circulations.

And by institutional reforms I mean things like improving university governance, research environment, funding system. Not the goal of technological independence. That goal will naturally take years to reach, but you have to start making changes now or you'll never get there.

I'm not saying that Xi's administration is doing exceptionally bad on institutional reforms, but I don't think he's doing well enough to justify breaking the term limit norm.
on that front, I disagree with you too.


Registered Member
Because Singapore can control the Malacca strait.
in peacetime.
No I'm not advocating for a Sino-Russian split, but a cordial, pragmatic and less ideological relation is better. Sino-Russian relationship was good under Hu Jintao without Hu and Putin being best buddies.

I'd prefer a collective and predictable leadership with a less politicalized and more technocratic bureaucracy. No abrupt policy changes. No sudden introduction of political rhetoric that makes people fear for a second cultural revolution. More transparent policy-making.

I'd also prefer a leadership that tries to reach out to all major segments of the Chinese society, liberal included. Be a bit more socially progressive. Scrap the divorce cooldown period. Make lives of single mothers easier. Right now a sizable part of the Chinese society feel they have zero voice in the political process. No one is there to speak for them. That unhealthy. China should not be naïve about the West, and must stay vigilant against Western liberalism and NGO influence campaigns, but the party should also never forget its progressive roots.
Progressive roots, true, but divorce cool down period is actually in line with modern American law, so China is no less progressive than shining freedom beacon US itself.

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Even super liberal California with everyone specifying their pronouns and writing their Chinese or Spanish names on their Twitter tags... Has a draconian 6 month divorce waiting period, 6x as long as China's 1 month.

US also makes single parents lives miserable due to at will employment, being forced to drive everywhere, children having no independent mobility, CPS being able to take away your children if there isn't enough excess food that can go bad in the house, etc.

Americans also feel powerless, why do you think Trump happened?

So every problem you say China has, US has too. So Xi is at worst, merely equally progressive as AOC and Bernie Sanders in ideology, and utterly incomparable to them in competence.


Registered Member
I want his opinion on what kind of leader that person think China should be led by.
Obviously thats the kind of leader he wants. He still doesn't realise why Xi is taking these actions and also why Russia is so important to China.

Everything that Xi has done so far has already been telegraphed in People's Daily for over 5 years. Anyone who thinks that Xi has suddenly woken up and decided to make these economic changes is lying to himself. People should be clear, 5 years ago(maybe even further sometimes), whatever the People's Daily said, it is happening now steadily.

I would advice people to not simply believe Western propaganda that anything authorative state-media says is simply empty talk. Pay close attention and you will gain some valuable insights on what Xi wants for China to become

james smith esq

Senior Member
Registered Member
NOW China is really scared. Scotty boy had spoken.

Ukraine war: Australian PM warns China of potential sanctions if Beijing helps arm Russia​

  • Scott Morrison says Australia would move in lockstep with its allies to sanction China if it has provided military support to Russia in its war with Ukraine
  • Morrison tells industries deterioration in trade relations with China caused by Beijing’s refusal to talk

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He left-out “Jack-booted” from lock-step!