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As I have seen others say, as the decline of the 'western world' is continueing (rentier economy and not actually industrial/producing stuff) we're beginning to see the US starting to cannibalize (yes cannibalize) it's 'allies' (cough vassals/colonies).

And while for a time that will boost their capital/economy, ultimately it's a very big sign of decline (probably gonna accerelate that decline) and with the inflation (and the continue fall of the dollar value) other countries are gonna look elsewhere (away from the dollar) and it's also gonna ferment resentment in the 'allies' of the US


Registered Member
@horse BUT bro, Europe and Japan is in decline, those wealth will dissipate with high Inflation, So who else is there to prey upon?

Seems that those to be exploited, will volunteer.

When Meng Wanzhou was arrested, China went ballistic. Immediately arrested two Canadians.

China thought, they were killing a chicken to scare the monkeys.

But it turns out that ancient Chinese wisdom was wrong.

Canada by willingly arresting Meng Wanzhou, Canada volunteered to be the chicken.

I mean, who the hell volunteers to be the chicken, to be killed?

That does not work. In fact, that does not compute. Does not compute. Does not compute. Does not compute.

But that is the world today. Some parts of it at least.

So, those who want to be taken advantage of, ie exploited, will volunteer for the exploitation.

Perfect examples would be Japan with the Plaza Accords, Australia with their trade troubles with China, (what they won't sell to China the Americans will, when the Americans egged them on all the time, and Germany today with respects to the Russia Ukraine war when it willing got caught up in the fallout).

India will not volunteer. Good for them.



Junior Member
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this fulfills my prediction: just because US GDP is increasing doesn't mean westbloc as a whole is improving. they're actually declining relative to the world (US+UK+EU+AUS+JP), just that they're getting more and more consolidated around the US.
Well, the same goes for US internally as well. US GDP is growing, yet the disposable income, life expectancy, and quality of life for your average American has been in decline for years now. This is why US and Western politics is one giant clusterf*ck right now.


Lieutenant General
Well, the same goes for US internally as well. US GDP is growing, yet the disposable income, life expectancy, and quality of life for your average American has been in decline for years now. This is why US and Western politics is one giant clusterf*ck right now.
This is what inevitably happens in the western zero-sum based world order. Someone had to loose so the Anglos get to win.

Historically, Europe was perpetually locked in conflict until they found common cause - unite to exploit the non-whites. First it was the Africans being enslaved and the native Americans being exterminated to build the foundational wealth of western Empire. They then plundered Asia’s riches for themselves using the industrial and military might developed from those stolen lives and resources.

The entire ascendancy of the west is based primarily on blood money and war profiteering. Is it any wonder they are now loosing peaceful competition? Development was never their thing unless said development was for military conquest.

America is now spent and broke from decades of unprofitable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and are now harvesting the euros in a bid to rebuild its power and wealth to fight China in a bid to harvest China like their ancestors did to the Qing dynasty.


Registered Member
This is what inevitably happens in the western zero-sum based world order. Someone had to loose so the Anglos get to win.

Historically, Europe was perpetually locked in conflict until they found common cause - unite to exploit the non-whites. First it was the Africans being enslaved and the native Americans being exterminated to build the foundational wealth of western Empire. They then plundered Asia’s riches for themselves using the industrial and military might developed from those stolen lives and resources.

The entire ascendancy of the west is based primarily on blood money and war profiteering. Is it any wonder they are now loosing peaceful competition? Development was never their thing unless said development was for military conquest.

America is now spent and broke from decades of unprofitable wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and are now harvesting the euros in a bid to rebuild its power and wealth to fight China in a bid to harvest China like their ancestors did to the Qing dynasty.
There is so much of this colonialist game that the collective west can do until the same is done in reverse to take back what is rightfully China’s along with Asia as well. If the USA think they can repeat what they did in the past, they have another thing coming. The USA has paint it self as a mortal threat to both China and Russia so the west better be careful because on mistake in the right place can cause the house of cards to all fall down. If the north remembers, the both China and Russia are definitely watching but the USA seems to be deluded into thinking they can still get away with it despite the growing evidence to the contrary. All empires eventually end up being destroyed although how badly greatly depends on how evil they are and sometimes, if they screw up too much, well does anyone in the leadership in the USA comprehend on just how stupid they truly are right now


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If the Americans start seizing and blockading Russia then it will be like a 99.99% chance the oil taps get shut off. Just last week German FM Annalena Baerbock said “A third of our oil imports come from Russia. If we stopped these straight away, then tomorrow we would not be able to move in Germany anymore.”
Naval blockade is a war declaration. It won't stop at oil.


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Sources say the missile attack serves as a message to regional states that Iran will not tolerate foreign military operations on its borders.

Three targets are dead and seven others have sustained critical injuries in Iranian missile strikes on a secret Israeli Mossad compound in Erbil early in the morning of 13 March, a senior Iranian security source, speaking exclusively to The Cradle, has revealed.
“This operation sends a message to all countries in the region that Iran is sensitive to the Israeli regime’s activities near its borders and does not tolerate it.”

The Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corp (IRGC) salvo of 12 Fateh Iranian missiles struck the Mossad base at 1:20am, “at a symbolic hour when the resistance commanders were assassinated,” says the source – a reference to the
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of Iranian Quds Force Commander Qassem Soleimani and Iraqi Deputy Commander of the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) Abu Mahdi al-Muhandes on 3 January 2020.

“The operation has so far killed three people, two of them senior officers, and estimates show seven wounded, some of whom are probably in critical condition,” he said.

Shortly after the operation, the source says an air ambulance was requested from Stuttgart, Germany, which landed in Qatar due to security concerns. US forces reportedly used a C130 aircraft to transport the bodies and wounded to the ambulance.
The Iranian security source claims that the IRGC operation was conducted in direct retaliation for a 14 February Israeli attack on an IRGC-operated drone base in the Mahidasht district of Kermanshah, inside Iran. “Fortunately, we did not have any casualties, but once the source of this [Israeli] attack was identified as originating from Iraq, [Sunday’s] operation was put on the agenda.”

The Iranian source says Iraqi officials were warned that military operations targeting Iran were taking place within Iraq’s borders – in two official meetings, with evidentiary documents in hand. He says IRGC Quds Force Commander Esmail Qaani had already warned the leaders of the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) region about these cases.

The source also confirmed that the missile strikes were not in retaliation for Israel’s killing of two IRGC members in an airstrike near Damascus on 8 March, as reported by various foreign media outlets. He said Iran has reserved the right to retaliate for that incident at a later date.

The source describes the Mossad base in Erbil as “unofficial and hidden – in the form of two villas that had a normal appearance.” Iranian reconnaissance had observed several things in the lead up to the operation, however:

“The structure of these two villas had two roofs that completely protected it from 240mm missiles. An explosion-proof engineering roof under a shock-absorbing roof that had two layers under the gable roof.”

He says the post-operation images confirms this assessment. The building, despite being hit by 12 missiles, still maintains its structural integrity.

Iranian intel had also observed, over a period of time, that non-Israelis were not allowed to enter the area and that only the external protection of the area was conducted by “regional security forces,” identified by the source as Parastin, the Kurdish intel security forces. Kurds were otherwise forbidden access to the facilities.

The source adds: “this facility was a place of entertainment for the [Israeli] regime’s officers and cyber-electronic staff based in the region, so there was not much traffic during the week, and we mostly saw their presence on the weekends.”

At the time of the IRGC’s missile strike last weekend, he says: “more than 10 people had entered the facility.”

Iraq does not allow Israeli nationals to visit the country and has strict laws, reinforced last year, that prohibit any Iraqi interaction with the state of Israel.


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Didn't de Gaulle pull France out of NATO?

Macron already said that NATO is brain dead.

Like they say on TV show from Hollywood, "Let it play out."

Gotta say, this war is a godsend for Macron. The election is pretty much a slam dunk for him now.

The biggest loser is Le Pen, she's totally done. Her political career just got waist chopped the moment everybody turned against Russia.