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Germany under Scholz is way much more obedient to Washington than the ex-DDR (GDR) figure, Angela Merkel. It's a very sad moment for German people and nation. Germany will need some figure like Charles de Gaulle to lead Germany to stronger independence and regain its confidence and glorious past.

Germany will spend on the US F-35 -- "a tectonic shift in German security policy", said Reuters 2022.03.14

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Dude, after Ukraine crisis, why have any hope at all for an independent Europe? Now we know that all the military budget increases will all go into US MIC coffers, and all Europe gets will be overpriced, semi-functional equipment instead of something that will boost their own industrial capabilities. US wins, and all the extra EU budget will go down the drain as protection money. It has been the way for Western liberal democracies for decades, and anyone thinks that it will be anything different is the odd one out here.


Registered Member
I am disappointed. Australian Universities don't have much of value.
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It might have small value in the future given that once the USA goes completely under, they will have no more schools or universities to speak of ever again because in an civil war environment, everything will fall in the USA. So really australia had better be careful and be ready for a world without their big brother, because soon, light will go out in the USA. It’s only a matter of time when the inflation and supply chain shortages become completely unbearable in the USA


Registered Member
Dude, after Ukraine crisis, why have any hope at all for an independent Europe? Now we know that all the military budget increases will all go into US MIC coffers, and all Europe gets will be overpriced, semi-functional equipment instead of something that will boost their own industrial capabilities. US wins, and all the extra EU budget will go down the drain as protection money. It has been the way for Western liberal democracies for decades, and anyone thinks that it will be anything different is the odd one out here.

Didn't de Gaulle pull France out of NATO?

Macron already said that NATO is brain dead.

Like they say on TV show from Hollywood, "Let it play out."



Senior Member
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I am disappointed. Australian Universities don't have much of value.
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Well, there needs to be someone servicing the bottom of the barrel. The smartest go to C9 League. The smart go to Ivy Leagues or Oxbridge. The average go to a mainland university, or if their parents have money, a US/UK university. Only the dumb and rich ones are stuck with Australian universities.


Registered Member
Also reported by a CNBC reporter
"In an exclusive interview this morning, @TreasuryDepSec told me these actions -- a full trade embargo, and blocking Russia's access to international waterways -- are still on the table, as are prohibitions on nickel/uranium/titanium and Russian entities' crypto assets."
ok... good luck.

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The reality is that even Russia with a 1.6 trillion GDP has a stranglehold on many strategic sectors... and they wanna talk about sanctioning China with 18 trillion GDP, most of which is industrial?

The other thing is that 1. blocking Russian access to waters is useless, they have ground routes everywhere and 2. would be an act of war


Registered Member
Dude, after Ukraine crisis, why have any hope at all for an independent Europe? Now we know that all the military budget increases will all go into US MIC coffers, and all Europe gets will be overpriced, semi-functional equipment instead of something that will boost their own industrial capabilities. US wins, and all the extra EU budget will go down the drain as protection money. It has been the way for Western liberal democracies for decades, and anyone thinks that it will be anything different is the odd one out here.
this fulfills my prediction: just because US GDP is increasing doesn't mean westbloc as a whole is improving. they're actually declining relative to the world (US+UK+EU+AUS+JP), just that they're getting more and more consolidated around the US.


Registered Member
ok... good luck.

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The reality is that even Russia with a 1.6 trillion GDP has a stranglehold on many strategic sectors... and they wanna talk about sanctioning China with 18 trillion GDP, most of which is industrial?

The other thing is that 1. blocking Russian access to waters is useless, they have ground routes everywhere and 2. would be an act of war
@FairAndUnbiased hahaha, bro the US sanction is aim on its allies and itself...lol, like you said, Russia and China are neighbors, those raw materials can be transported by rail, so who will be affected if transported by sea...hehehehe. All this threat and policy are driven by emotion and hysteria, they are bluffing and usually when call for, they bluff even more...lol.

The only winner is Chyna and instead of decoupling it's the opposite because instead of direct import from Russia it have to course thru China. It's truly is a Chyna century...lol


Registered Member
this fulfills my prediction: just because US GDP is increasing doesn't mean westbloc as a whole is improving. they're actually declining relative to the world (US+UK+EU+AUS+JP), just that they're getting more and more consolidated around the US.

The Americans could be the biggest winners by far from the European war. Historically, they made out good after WW1 and WW2.

I will go out on a limb, and say that the Americans are trying a new form of colonialism, on their allies.

The US dollar is going up.

That makes everything cheaper in USD. So the Americans buy Japanese stuff and European stuff cheap.

And in turn, the Europeans and Japanese must buy expensive US armaments.

The money is flowing one way. And since the US prints money, to buy stuff, this is not a bad deal for them.

That is what a colony is, the money flows one way. Also, the colony must listen to the colonial master, which is Uncle Samuel.

This is not like Africa or India as a colony, Europe and Japan would be more like Hong Kong when it rich, they gave money to Britain. That was why the hangover happened, with no real issues.

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The ideology is still important. Even though we are not suppose to discuss politics in the forum.

It is what Eric Li said, that in the west, capital is above the government, but China is different because the government is still above the capital.

Capital is above the government in America. The US military industrial complex, which is capital, laughing all the way to the bank with this European war.

Does not matter what the US government says, what capital wants seems to be far more important.

US capital would clearly prefer a colonial relationship where US is the master and Europe and Japan are the colonies, and who ever else would like to sign up, such as the Australians who were happy to not sell coal to China, in order to allow the Americans to replace them and sell coal to China.

American capital is happy with that arrangement.

That arrangement was always called colonialism.





Registered Member
I will go out on a limb, and say that the Americans are trying a new form of colonialism, on their allies.

The US dollar is going up.

That makes everything cheaper in USD. So the Americans buy Japanese stuff and European stuff cheap.

And in turn, the Europeans and Japanese must buy expensive US armaments.

The money is flowing one way. And since the US prints money, to buy stuff, this is not a bad deal for them.

That is what a colony is, the money flows one way. Also, the colony must listen to the colonial master, which is Uncle Samuel.

This is not like Africa or India as a colony, Europe and Japan would be more like Hong Kong when it rich, they gave money to Britain. That was why the hangover happened, with no real issues.

---------- ---------- ---------

The ideology is still important. Even though we are not suppose to discuss politics in the forum.

It is what Eric Li said, that in the west, capital is above the government, but China is different because the government is still above the capital.

Capital is above the government in America. The US military industrial complex, which is capital, laughing all the way to the bank with this European war.

Does not matter what the US government says, what capital wants seems to be far more important.

US capital would clearly prefer a colonial relationship where US is the master and Europe and Japan are the colonies, and who ever else would like to sign up, such as the Australians who were happy to not sell coal to China, in order to allow the Americans to replace them and sell coal to China.

American capital is happy with that arrangement.

That arrangement was always called colonialism.



@horse BUT bro, Europe and Japan is in decline, those wealth will dissipate with high Inflation, So who else is there to prey upon? Russia had woken up and with it the Collective West misadventure in Ukraine, Iran and Venezuela are resisting, India is to poor to be exploited, So China is it then? Like I said it is truly is a Chinese century or maybe the CCP had done something right. By focusing on middle east and NATO eastward expansion by their greed in securing those natural resources. They had left enough space for China to grow and left unnoticed...hehehe The Chinese sure know how to play the White man game using agility and deft instead of raw strength...lol


Registered Member
American capital is happy with that arrangement.

That arrangement was always called colonialism.




More about ideology, and what the Chinese Communist Party always says, that bores the shit out of everyone.

It is all about development.

It is about good relations to achieve win-win outcomes.

The word, "Development," is a Marxist code word, for economic development, and that each society is at their unique stage of development.

Remember the stages where society goes through before reaching TikTok nirvana? Instead of saying, society goes through these stages, it is all about development, and busting a move.

China, was until recent, a Third World country. If the CCP can get away with that, they would still repeat that party line.

China, with the BRI, is saying to the world, we can make a deal, China is a one stage of Marxist development, and you guys and gals at another stage of development, but we can work together for a win-win outcome.

It is all about development. It is all about the win-win.

See what is happening here?

It is deeply ideological.

However, it is completely open ended too. What that other country in the deal with the Chinese, what they think about Marxism and stages of society, and development, China don't give a shit what you think of your own society. That is your own society, what you think of your own society is more important than what China would think of it.

(Also, Chinese won't understand it either, so it is remarkable they could get this far, hehe.)

Therefore, people will do business wit the Chinese communist.

Repeat, people will happily do business with the Chinese communistas, baby!

Now contrast that, with what the Americans are doing today?!

The Americans still insist on shoving the Neo-Liberalism down your throat.

The remarkable twist this time, is that Europe and Japan will be transitioned into colonial like status.

That I got to admit, never saw that coming, lol. Haha! Haha!

-------------- ----------------

Why do we think, there are no takers to do anti-Russian sanctions for the rest of the world?

Only the west and their lapdogs have sanctioned Russia.

No one else would even speak up.

Simply because, I think people outside of the west, still remembers the imperialism and what colonialism was about.

When they see things develop like this, where the US is dictating to Europe and Japan what they have to do, and what they have to buy, while the US corporations make all the big profits, that reminds them of how things use to be.

Give credit to the Americans.

They got Europe and Japan, and Australia too to buy into this.

Those guys where colonizers, so they do not recognize that went it is coming for them the other way around.

They fell for it.

God Bless America.
