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Registered Member
@Strangelove You know what Bro, we may have seen the end of US unipolar world, nobody is afraid of her anymore. And the Russian action in Ukraine may be the Harbinger of things to come, it may be frightening (uncertainty) while refreshing as China, Russia, Iran and many from the Global south reshape the world, we had found our voices and we're not afraid anymore. US bluff is being called and it makes her weak as she keep on bluffing, I mean the Gulf State refuse to meet with Brandon BUT is keen on meeting Putin and even plan to invite Xi while Kamala is happy that she finally visited Europe after her unfruitful visit in the US Mexican border.

The Saudis knew for a while now that the US would throw them under the bus, but had to wait for the right timing to make its move and pivot east, but when things move they move fast. From the UAE choosing Huawei and Hongdu L-15 to the Saudis considering the petroyuan, while snubbing the US, we're lucky to witness all this drama...

@Overbom Bro I believed that both Trump and Brandon are agents of CCP, they help destroy America from the inside and Brandon should be awarded with a Friendship Award medal, he had accomplished his mission within a year. Lets go Brandon!!!!

And Gordon Chang too.... Comrade Chang, one of CPC's greatest assets in the US, and perhaps the best disinformation agent in all of China's 5,000 history.
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Junior Member
Registered Member
The Saudis knew for a while now that the US would throw them under the bus, but had to wait for the right timing to make its move and pivot east, but when things move they move fast. From the UAE choosing Huawei and Hongdu L-15 to the Saudis considering the petroyuan, while snubbing the US, we're lucky to witness all this drama...

And Gordon Chang too.... Comrade Chang, one of CPC's greatest asset in the US, and perhaps the best disinformation agent in all of China's 5,000 history.
long lost brother that one.
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Registered Member
While the Ukraine war is going on, behind the scenes the US is giving up massive concessions to Iran to get their oil flowing again. From a telegram feed:

At the talks on the "nuclear deal" with Iran, the Russian Foreign Ministry, apparently, really pushed the State Department through, demanding guarantees that would remove Russian-Iranian projects from under US sanctions. The United States at first refused and threatened to conclude a separate deal with Iran without Russia, but apparently the Iranians made it clear that it would not work without Russia, so the Americans were blown away and were forced to accept the additions required by the Russian Federation, which will be included in the final agreements. Iranian oil is very much needed in the market. In Israel, they grind their teeth, looking at what is happening.
Bear in mind as recently as a few months ago Biden was following Trump's Iran policy. It seems like they've already given up on Venezuela.

The Saudis are doubling down on their war in Yemen, but that doesn't seem to bother Biden as much now.