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Moderator - World Affairs
Either this is a pressuring tactic by MBS on Biden or he genuinely wants to sell in Yuan or both.

Given the timing of the upcoming Xi visit to Saudi Arabia, there may be some real concern from the US that both sides are committed to move forward on selling oil in Yuan

Ofc, this doesn't mean that they will suddenly abandon dollar. I expect a 5-20% share of Saudi Arabia oil exports to be made in yuan.
likely a tactic to pressure the West.
If the Saudi and China Yuan oil does indeed proceed into materialization. I think we should consider the very real possibility the Americans will trigger a war over Taiwan. Anyone else have an opinion on this?
The only thing that can trigger a war between China and Taiwan is a formal declaration of independence (or an alliance/nukes/troops/bases on Taiwan). US can do all it's embassy level bullshit, sending high level officials, US military training bullshit, but forcing Taiwan to commit suicide is not going to happen. Even English Vegetable is not that dumb to serve as a frontline guinea pig to uphold US hegemony.


Registered Member
likely a tactic to pressure the West.

The only thing that can trigger a war between China and Taiwan is a formal declaration of independence (or an alliance/nukes/troops/bases on Taiwan). US can do all it's embassy level bullshit, sending high level officials, US military training bullshit, but forcing Taiwan to commit suicide is not going to happen. Even English Vegetable is not that dumb to serve as a frontline guinea pig to uphold US hegemony.
The common English vegetable can be easily persuaded to do stupid thing but they aren’t the major player but the prideful neocon veggie variant. Their pride can easily override rational thinking and their stupidity.


Registered Member
If the Saudi and China Yuan oil does indeed proceed into materialization. I think we should consider the very real possibility the Americans will trigger a war over Taiwan. Anyone else have an opinion on this?

1. It is all a bluff. China cannot take that seriously.

2. If there happens to be a war, so what. It will not be the first time China fought America, and this time China has real modern weapons.

3. It is not logical. People usually do not fight wars to uphold the status quo. Wars are fought to change the status quo. Also the American public is tired of all these wars. Those foreign mercenaries getting slaughter in Ukraine is a good cautionary tale. In case anyone gets any ideas. For them, their participation in the war lasted entirely of 1 whole day of combat, whether they were killed, or ran away with their life, just like how the 36 Tricks said the last trick to run away is the best!



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It is these lines from that article that tells the entire story, notwithstanding the sensationalist headlines.

Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on Tuesday that the
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summit was not “the appropriate venue” to discuss the Ukraine issue.

“[The G20] is the main forum for international economic cooperation, and not the appropriate venue for discussion of Ukraine,” he said.

Zhao was commenting on a similar remark by Indonesia’s G20 co-sherpa Dian Triansyah Djani who favoured keeping the Ukraine issue off the summit’s agenda.

ASEAN and China, in total agreement.

It is unfortunate and regrettable of the war in Ukraine, but that is not a war in this region, and it is in the region's interest to keep it that way. Militarization of the region, should not be a priority.

Thanks, but no thanks.

What is remarkable, is that the west, especially the Americans, are in a state of shock. What they were planning or had in mind, got wiped out by this European war.

This cowboys and Indians narrative, is DOA.

It ain't coming back like a Lazareth.

Then of course ... there's no Plan B ...

Maybe President Trump 2024 is Plan B?

We can only hope!



Registered Member
If the Saudi and China Yuan oil does indeed proceed into materialization. I think we should consider the very real possibility the Americans will trigger a war over Taiwan. Anyone else have an opinion on this?
No. Why would they? What solid evidence that you've seen that lead you to believe such a scenario (war over Taiwan) will happen. Is the entire force structure of the U.S. military been fully equipped, trained, readied for the high intensity conflict that war with China is most definitively going to entail, along with the high costs of losses of both in personnel, and military equipments unseen since World War II.

It's true that the U.S. Navy is the most powerful Navy in the world but the war will not be happening at the shores of the continental U.S.A. where their advantage is beyond China’s current capacity or capability. But the war over Taiwan will happen within China’s "backyard" so to speak. And no amount of mumbo jumbo, think tank, academic nonsense is going to convince me that America can, or will handle the Chinese forces with a commanding victory.

China has staked it's reputation, it's sacred honor to fight for Taiwan, what is the U.S. and her people prepared to do? Are all of them truly prepared to die for an island, located far away from their country, that was never theirs to begin with? Freedom and Democracy are nothing but feel good empty, and meaningless b.s. Nationalism and civilizational honor trumps all.


Registered Member
It is a complicated world.

Two entities, the US government, and the US corporation.

The US government is the government. The US corporation is capital.

How it works in the west, is that capital tries to tell the government what to do, to advance the interests of capital.

In Europe, after this war, US government and capital are aligned and on the same page.

In Asia, US government and capital are going in opposite directions, not on the same page.

The trade war and tech war, possibly was an attempt to align the US government and capital on the same page, but it failed.

What is next is unknown, because the Americans already played their cards.

See, China is setting up for a counter-attack, possibly.

The rumour is the Saudis want to do some deals in RMB. That is a direct shot at dollar hegemony by the Chinese, with some help from their friends.

Freaking your ass.
