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"the very real possibility the Americans will trigger a war over Taiwan. Anyone else have an opinion on this?"

Yes, it is likely (ca. 2025/6 (?)) that they will try to encourage Taiwan to win "the Darwin Award" and "the Ukraine Award". What I don't know is whether Taiwan's ruling class are foolish or suicidal enough to be encouraged to play sacrificial pawns for the Anglo Imperial Master. If they think America is going to come to their aid in this war then they are just plain dumb.


Registered Member
No. Why would they? What solid evidence that you've seen that lead you to believe such a scenario (war over Taiwan) will happen. Is the entire force structure of the U.S. military been fully equipped, trained, readied for the high intensity conflict that war with China is most definitively going to entail, along with the high costs of losses of both in personnel, and military equipments unseen since World War II.

It's true that the U.S. Navy is the most powerful Navy in the world but the war will not be happening at the shores of the continental U.S.A. where their advantage is beyond China’s current capacity or capability. But the war over Taiwan will happen within China’s "backyard" so to speak. And no amount of mumbo jumbo, think tank, academic nonsense is going to convince me that America can, or will handle the Chinese forces with a commanding victory.

China has staked it's reputation, it's sacred honor to fight for Taiwan, what is the U.S. and her people prepared to do? Are all of them truly prepared to die for an island, located far away from their country, that was never theirs to begin with? Freedom and Democracy are nothing but feel good empty, and meaningless b.s. Nationalism trumps all.

I suppose I should have phrased my question better instead of it suggesting of the immediate short term. However, a declining dollar, raising far ideology, economic house of cards, boomers leaders/CEOs soon to be replaced by political nuts, etc. No guarantee they will continue being rational in +10, +20 years etc.

Just compare the state of the US public and leadership under Obama vs Trump/Biden. The concern isn’t who wins but if they are stupid enough to push for it regardless of consequences and that includes a crushing defeat for the US. Like weaponizing the dollar far too early. Their deck of cards against China is like 3 cards with 1 ripped in half now.


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India is reportedly planning to buy Russian oil at discounted prices and even considering the Chinese yuan as a reference currency in an India-Russia payment settlement mechanism

India and sanctions-hit Russia are exploring the possibility of using China’s yuan as a reference currency to value the rupee-ruble trade mechanism, two Indian government officials aware of the development said.

That sounds like really big news if it happens. India considering the Yuan as a reference is hilarious.