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That sounds like really big news if it happens. India considering the Yuan as a reference is hilarious.

Long Live the QUAD!!!


Actually, the QUAD may be the biggest casualty of this Russia Ukraine war.

That is how it goes.

The fog of war.

Poor leadership by the United States. If they prevented the war, at least the QUAD would still have had a pulse. Now it is DOA.



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Maybe Singapore should adhere to Lee Kuan Yew's wisdom and stay out of the big game between world powers.
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This should serve as warning to Singapore too ..

"We don't want to see any country repeat the tragedy that Ukraine has experienced, so we hope US allies in Asia, such as South Korea, Japan and some Southeast Asian countries can make wise and independent decisions on security and diplomacy, to stay away from being used as a pawn to serve US strategy in containing China on the geopolitical chessboard," said the anonymous expert, noting that China has a tradition to solve problems with its neighbors through diplomacy. But when some countries miscalculated China's kindness as weakness, they have also paid a heavy price when China decided to retaliate.

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Good news for China: China should buy as much wheat from Russia as possible.

Is this a joke?

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These are gas contracts(Futures) for delivery 3 months out so it's not surprising and relatively reasonable. The gas importers in China are ultimately commodity traders (that just happen to take delivery most of the time) and likely bought the contracts weeks/months/year ago. With the covid-19 lockdown happening right now, they probably anticipate demand being lowered in China and saw an opportunity to press a few buttons on their commodity trading account and make an easy profit. These contracts are just some digital 1s and 0s in an exchange account somewhere that represent a future delivery obligation. It's not like they're physically reshipping gas from China to Europe
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Denial mode.
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They are not wrong. They don't want these worldly mortal things. Just think what will happen when they peg the green toilet paper...i mean dollar....with their fundamental values ........like speech.
Freedom of speech & expression is more important & valuable .
We are not far away from the day when "Americans" will want to pay their bills with 5 or 10 minutes of speeches.
And I am cheering for them all the way through.


Registered Member
Singapore is in a pickle.
@Bellum_Romanum bro for me a Chihuahua, barks at lot when the big dog are there and quickly acquiesces when confronted. A city state that have lost its relevance. In the US sphere she had a role (a US mole in ASEAN) BUT in CHYNA Sphere what is her role? HK is there and so is Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing. In ASEAN her role is being marginalized as other members look for strong leader such as Duterte and Widodo. And many in this region know that Singapore is a vassal of the US so her biases is obvious.