Miscellaneous News


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Scale of losses in French electricity system. it has nothing to do with oil/gas/coal. but deeper integration of European engineering that give Germany advantage to produce more at higher value than the rest.
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EDF has sharply worsened its forecast hit from lower nuclear power output and government measures to curb electricity bills, with the French energy group saying it now expects a €26bn impact on core profit this year.


Registered Member
@Bellum_Romanum bro for me a Chihuahua, barks at lot when the big dog are there and quickly acquiesces when confronted. A city state that have lost its relevance. In the US sphere she had a role (a US mole in ASEAN) BUT in CHYNA Sphere what is her role? HK is there and so is Shanghai, Shenzhen and Beijing. In ASEAN her role is being marginalized as other members look for strong leader such as Duterte and Widodo. And many in this region know that Singapore is a vassal of the US so her biases is obvious.
How is Singapore a US vassal when they were not even invited to the Summit for Democracy?


Junior Member
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Singapore is another western colony. I don't understand the fascination people have with it.

Who gave the courage to Singapore to make such demands to China? Time to clip its wings
Because Singapore can control the Malacca strait.