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Encyclopedia galactica
(Trantor publishing house, year 2249):

"Western democracy":

also known by the names "Drama-cracy" and "Demo-crazy" was the last phase of the evolution of a delusional colonial empire founded in/at/on Waterloo (1814-) and refounded as a military-financial empire on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945-) and Korea (1950-)

Historians still argue today when democracy died and on what exact dates democracy evolved into "Demo-crazy" and "Drama-cracy" under the powerful mental forge of the entertainment industry. Some experts propose the date 1991 and others prefer the year 2000.


Registered Member
So, nothing for China to worry about then. If he actually follows through with his idiotic pledges, South Koreans will either all be dead within the year from a combination of extreme overwork and toxic foods, or there will be a civil war and afterwards there will be a North, Middle and Bottom Korea.
All done for the price of "Freedom" something that Red China can only dread of having.