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The US expecting China to do to Russia what the US is trying to do to China for no invasion. In other words the West sanctions alone aren't working.
It's trivially easy for Russia to import consumer grade electronics for dual use purposes. The US govt sanctions on Russia primarily targets military, aerospace, and maritime, not consumer grade chips. Russia is likely self-sufficient for military and aerospace grade chips anyways. Worse case China can develop beefed up consumer versions which has dual use potential to bypass US sanctions.
The man is a godsend for the US broader objectives towards China. North Korea is not all that important as a very impoverished hermit state. We should prepare for increasing tensions on the Korean pensinula and bilateral relations between CN-SK will start likely to show more cracks as the man aligns more with the US and ditches the half assed ''strategic ambiguity'' of the Moon Jae In administration. Expect a much closer US-JP-SK alliance on our doorstep, SK joining the Quad, more US-SK training, more THAAD and other offensive weapons being placed in SK etc etc.
At best we can expect SK to be a reluctant ally of US which is more than sufficient. SK has limited autonomy since it's security is ultimately controlled by US. This arrangement can only be changed by war, not significant trade....But SK can be reluctant to join an anti-China formal alliance and play both sides for benefit. Yoon talks tough but the devil is in the details of what action he takes. If he does some tough rhetoric, THAAD, attend some meetings, China should not be overly concerned. Most important is neutrality in Taiwan, trade war, and not joining a formal anti-China alliance.


Registered Member
They don't exist...more Russian and Chinese tin foil hat stuff...

Oh wait, they do exist, but just studying advances in herbal cough medicine, enough more...

View attachment 84935
Let's not forget the biolabs that the US had in Kazakhstan

"BREAKING: Russia — “One goal of US biolabs in Ukraine was to create bioagents that can target certain ethnic groups.”

This comes after it was revealed that USA was gathering Slavic DNA through Ukraine"


Registered Member
Let's not forget the biolabs that the US had in Kazakhstan

"BREAKING: Russia — “One goal of US biolabs in Ukraine was to create bioagents that can target certain ethnic groups.”

This comes after it was revealed that USA was gathering Slavic DNA through Ukraine"
So thats it? The world calls for US containment and the Deagal predictions become a reality?

Anyone surprised by this? The PNAC document from 20 years ago talked about weaponized biovirus targeting certain races or ethnicities...

Least anyone forget, during the start of Covid remember it was all the talk about how due to ACE-2 receptors it hits Asains 4x times as hard?

Given these timings and coincidences (once in a century global outbreak right at the peak of US China rivalry in fact THE weeks of the signing of the Phase I deal in which China did not kowtow to Plaza Accord 2.0 and ostensibly started in China's logistical center of Wuhan and at the worst possible time of the year LNY during mass migration/movement of people etc )

I mean motive, means, oppurtunity ... its all there... there are capital murder cases routinely returning guilty convictions verdicts by US courts and American juries on much less circumstantial evidence than this...


Yeah, this is Korean Trump. In a society without racial issues, anti-feminism and young angry incels are the only replacement for angry white supremacists. A society where men turn on women in a dominant trend... I can't even fathom it.
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Yoon Seok-yeol wins South Korean presidency in a victory for the country’s ‘incel’ movement​

  • Yoon’s promise to abolish Korea’s Ministry of Gender Equality and Family attracted young male voters who blamed feminism for dim job prospects.
  • Meanwhile, Lee’s campaign was plagued by a series of personal scandals, including that of his nephew, who was convicted for allegedly murdering his ex-girlfriend and her mother.
  • One of Yoon’s clear appeals was his anti-feminist stances, a strategy that attracted young men who blamed women for dim job prospects.
  • In an
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    with Vice, one enthusiastic male voter stated that it was “time we [made] our voices heard” by electing a leader who does “not overlook our sacrifices and contributions,” referring to Korea’s mandatory military conscription, requiring all men to serve two years.


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President @NicolasMaduro: The world war has already started and it is economic. The world war in its first economic phase, with sanctions, blockade, uncertainty in the supply of oil, gasoline, iron, steel, wheat, fertilizer, corn, rice, raw materials in general. 1/

2/ President @NicolasMaduro : Uncertainty in prices, in the supply of food, raw materials, energy products, in the use of the currency of the financial system to twist the arms of countries and regions. The world war has already started, the economic war has already started.

3/ "Our warning is not to escalate any further. Our call is for the economic war to not escalate any further and escalate into a military war or into what is worse for humanity and the survival of our species on this planet, into a nuclear war. This is the call I made on Monday."

President Maduro: [On Monday] we made an assessment of the situation in the world and there are very dangerous components. Today there is a war on the southern border of Russia because of those who broke the agreements of Europe, the West and NATO with Russia..

"..because of those who tried to surround Russia and target it with nuclear weapons, because of those who announced that Ukraine was going to have nuclear weapons targeting Russia. There are the culprits of the armed conflict."

From this evening:

(For those who understand Spanish for there is no Engsub)

As posted by Camila @camilapress -- Latin America's correspondent @KawsachunNews
Old account: @PrensaCamila
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Location: Plurinational State of Bolivia
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How is she done? She doesn't sound done to me; she just sounds like she'll run her mouth for some pity then sit back down. Asians who are done being America's model minority move back to their home countries and those who are really f-ing done take their STEM expertise to China to help China put Asia back on top of the world.