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How is she done? She doesn't sound done to me; she just sounds like she'll run her mouth for some pity then sit back down. Asians who are done being America's model minority move back to their home countries and those who are really f-ing done take their STEM expertise to China to help China put Asia back on top of the world.
The problem is that Korea doesn't accept Korean Americans as brothers. Lol noobs


That wouldn't matter. The vast majority of US STEM degree holders are white.
The reason it wouldn't matter is because China already has the world's largest STEM talent and is innovating technology faster than anywhere else in the world, meaning that further migration towards China from the US would only accelerate the process.

On top of that, and likely because of that, China is already the world's top destination for scientists.
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But in any case, what you say is not true (again). Caucasians comprised about half of the STEM degrees in the US in 2019 and it is dropping every year. In 2022, following the trend, it should already by less than half, but even by 2019 levels, barely half is no one's definition of a "vast majority."
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So while your conlusion is correct in that it wouldn't matter whether or not Koreans who are "done" went to help China, the manner in which you arrived at it is akin to a blind cat finding a dead mouse.
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Russian customs subcommittee decided to ban the export of sugar and grains from Russia to the EU countries until August 31

(At which point its subject to another review)

Serbia just banned export of grain and some other food until mid-April, because someone outside tried to buy 200.000 metric tons of grain.

Follow John Helmer @bears_with for very detailed Russian government - EU - NATO analysis.
John Helmer is the longest serving foreign correspondent in Russia. The Dance With Bears is the leading investigative source on Russian business, politics, war strategy.


The first Moscow casualties of the US and European plan targeting President Vladimir Putin and triggering Kremlin regime change have been revealed in the release over the past ten days of three presidential decrees and a half-dozen implementing orders from the Russian prime ministry.
There has been active public criticism of Elvira Nabiullina’s decision to raise the Central Bank lending rate to 20%, and her apparent unpreparedness to combat the US sanctions, which have frozen more than $450 billion in Central Bank currency reserves, and cut Russia’s leading banks from the SWIFT transaction system.

Leading the attack on Nabiullina has been Sergei Glazyev, the former Kremlin economic adviser and now the minister in charge of macroeconomic policy at the Eurasian Economic Commission. Glazyev has been joined by Mikhail Delyagin, an economist and State Duma deputy. They have accused Nabiullina of “aiding the enemy”.

What can be detected in the series of Putin decrees and orders by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin is that a group of officials led by Mishustin, Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu and Federal Security Service Director (FSB) Mikhail Bortnikov, have taken charge of the new scheme to restrict Russian debt repayments to creditors in countries listed as hostile. This group is known as the Commission for Control of Foreign Investments (CCFI). According to Mishustin’s order No. 431-r of March 6, 2022, Nabiullina is not a member.

This decree also banned Russian residents from making foreign currency loans to non-residents offshore. These have been one of the favourite forms of capital outflow used by Russian bankers to strip domestic assets, defraud their banks, and launder the proceeds through chains of companies they control in havens abroad. The biggest Russian fraudsters abroad – Sergei Pugachev, Boris Mints, and Vadim Belyaev – have all used these schemes; they have been granted asylum by the governments of France, the UK, and the US.

In short, hostile state creditors are to be repaid in these rouble bank accounts from which the creditors must collect their money – if they can. Putin told Mishustin he had two days in which to gazette the list of hostile states. The list was issued the same day as order No. 430-r.

The hostile states include all the well-known offshore cash hideouts – New Zealand for Pugachev, the UK for Mints, the US for Belyaev, as well as Cyprus, the British Channel Islands, British Gibraltar, British Virgin Islands, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, and the Netherlands.

The Russian government official who created and ran this system of domestic capital destruction has been Alexei Kudrin. He was also a Kremlin official under Anatoly Chubais when the oligarch system was created by Chubais, then chief of staff for President Boris Yeltsin in 1996, in order to save Yeltsin and steal the election of 1996. Under Putin since 2000, Kudrin, a Latvian by origin, was finance minister until 2011; he is currently head of the state auditor, the Accounting Chamber. Chubais, who is Jewish through his mother, has directed the privatization of the state electricity system under Putin, and then Rusnano, the state high-technology investment holding. He is currently Putin’s representative for international climate negotiations.

The two of them have been favoured by the US Government to take over the Kremlin; they still are.

Elvira Nabiullina’s career has been promoted by the two of them, and by their common ally, German Gref, currently head of Sberbank.
In Russian political shorthand, this group are the liberal reformers of the Yeltsin period; the pro-American and anti-military faction of the Putin period. They are among the most distrusted political figures in the country, according to the polls, which have ranked them together and close behind Alexei Navalny. They are unelectable.

As Kremlin appointees, however, they have dominated economic advice to Putin, protected the offshore capital exports of the oligarchs, and argued to cut the defence and security budgets. In effect, this group of officials has fought to prevent the accession of Crimea in 2014; to sabotage the rebuilding of Russia’s strategic and tactical deterrents to US and NATO attack; and for fear of the financial consequences from Washington and Brussels, to stop the Ukrainian military operation. About this, so far they have said nothing in public.

A search of the Russian individual sanctions list at the US Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control has found “no result” for Anatoly Chubais, Alexei Kudrin, Elvira Nabiullina, and German Gref.

By contrast, Shoigu, Bortnikov, Glazyev and Delyagin have all been sanctioned by the US.

In the war between the Moscow committees, there are already casualties from the friendly fire of the hostile states.
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I said college degree holders
No, you said, "US STEM degree holders." Changing what you said only works in a live oral conversation with no witnesses or recordings, not on a written forum, sorry.
in which case, prior decades where the US was substantially more non-white and as such, STEM degree issuance was concentrated among white people matter. And in any case, my point broadly was that Asian-American STEM degree holders are small and your Statista link shows that
Oh, so your point is that in the past, there were more Caucasian STEM degree holders so that as time goes by, the older ones retire and newer ones are replaced by a less and less Caucasian demographic? Because I agree with that; it's just that you have an odd way of putting it. And you meant that it doesn't matter because China's world-beating tech rise is mostly from its own population so the willingness of foreign influx, especially of non-Chinese Asians won't change that trend? I agree again, but again, you have a weird way of putting it!


So we agree that whether Asian-Americans move to Asia and deal with worse working environments with lower pay,
Like I said, this is a written forum and you can't add or change what others said like in 1 on 1 unrecorded oral conversation. In China, for top talent, the pay is higher, they live in more modern cities, and they don't deal with potentially deadly racism. That's an upgrade one must earn to be recruited because nobody gets this just showing up like, "I am skilled in both Excel and Powerpoint."
its immaterial to Asian or American tech development.
...yeah, its basically just a matter of speed in how fast China continues to overtake the US.
For the Chinese. Not the White House or Pentagon...


Registered Member
So we agree that whether Asian-Americans move to Asia and deal with worse working environments with lower pay, its immaterial to Asian or American tech development.

China is in the midst of a huge technological buildout to:

1. catch up with existing technologies in semiconductors, aerospace, etc
2. capture the incoming 4th Industrial Revolution (AI, Data, 5G, etc) and also the energy revolution (nuclear, wind, solar, batteries, electric transport, etc)

If China grows at 5% per year, then by 2035, China would have a market economy twice the size of the USA.
It's also credible for China to match or exceed the US in spending 3.1% of GDP on R&D spending by 2035.
That would mean China spending twice as much on R&D as the USA.

If you are an ambitious techie, China is the place to be.