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Han Patriot

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Best strategy is to quietly trade with Russia using CIPS and ensure they can survive this carnage. If they fall, NATO will be at our footsteps. We will be next! Russia must NEVER FALL, this is an existential threat for China.

Han Patriot

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The US thinks China will keep selling them cheap trinkets forever. If the US does not allow China to invest in the West or to acquire new technology for its own use from the West why continue to make trinkets for them?
I think the trade war woke many Chinese up. Even the pro West youngster were shocked by the blatant racism and utter disregard of global rules. The reaction from COVID, the blame game, etc actually increased Xi's support level. I can say 90-95% Chinese is behind the CCP. Now with Ukraine, they can see the double standards the West is using on Russia.


Registered Member
So the South Korean Donald Trump had won the presidential election. I'm disappointed, yet not too surprised. Definitely there is US meddling, but still a significant portion of SK voted for him to allow this victory to happen. This is definitely not good for SK-China ties in the coming years.

While I don't think that there will be wars. I expect tensions to go up significantly. Unlike previous hawkish SK presidents, Yoon Suk-yeol is openly hostile to both NK and China. The recent Sinophobia in SK is usually tempered down by the govt. Under Yoon, I expect his govt would be encouraging it. We might see increased purchase of US arms, as well as stationing of more provocative US military equipment in SK like THAAD, and Aegis Ashore. Yoon might even add SK into the Quad +1. If China reacts negatively, we should expect SK to start Boycott China campaigns similar to what they did to Japan.

China is SK's largest trading partner. So I don't think Yoon will attempt decoupling on the level of Scomo. But yet I've overestimated the intelligence of many world leaders before. Nevertheless, there are enough racists in South Korea to stir up more anti-China protests and cancel campaigns.

China should start to get real that SK is no longer as friendly as before. China should not be surprised if SK starts doing things that pisses it off. China should not longer act as shocked and surprised like it did when India and Australia did what they did. Don't be too polite with SK anymore if it misbehaves.

Nevertheless, maybe I'm too pessimistic. There is still some hope. Unlike Japan, Australia, and India, SK hates Japan, another US ally. A nationalist president like Yoon cannot be seen to be friendly with Japan. There will be more Yasukuni Shrine visits, Dokdo Island disputes, Comfort women controversies, and nuclear waste dumping in the future. China should try to leverage these incidents to divert some SK hate away from China. Appear to stand with SK and massage their ego when they confront Japan. Don't encourage SK and Japan to get friendlier with each other.


Registered Member
So the South Korean Donald Trump had won the presidential election. I'm disappointed, yet not too surprised. Definitely there is US meddling, but still a significant portion of SK voted for him to allow this victory to happen. This is definitely not good for SK-China ties in the coming years.

While I don't think that there will be wars. I expect tensions to go up significantly. Unlike previous hawkish SK presidents, Yoon Suk-yeol is openly hostile to both NK and China. The recent Sinophobia in SK is usually tempered down by the govt. Under Yoon, I expect his govt would be encouraging it. We might see increased purchase of US arms, as well as stationing of more provocative US military equipment in SK like THAAD, and Aegis Ashore. Yoon might even add SK into the Quad +1. If China reacts negatively, we should expect SK to start Boycott China campaigns similar to what they did to Japan.

China is SK's largest trading partner. So I don't think Yoon will attempt decoupling on the level of Scomo. But yet I've overestimated the intelligence of many world leaders before. Nevertheless, there are enough racists in South Korea to stir up more anti-China protests and cancel campaigns.

China should start to get real that SK is no longer as friendly as before. China should not be surprised if SK starts doing things that pisses it off. China should not longer act as shocked and surprised like it did when India and Australia did what they did. Don't be too polite with SK anymore if it misbehaves.

Nevertheless, maybe I'm too pessimistic. There is still some hope. Unlike Japan, Australia, and India, SK hates Japan, another US ally. A nationalist president like Yoon cannot be seen to be friendly with Japan. There will be more Yasukuni Shrine visits, Dokdo Island disputes, Comfort women controversies, and nuclear waste dumping in the future. China should try to leverage these incidents to divert some SK hate away from China. Appear to stand with SK and massage their ego when they confront Japan. Don't encourage SK and Japan to get friendlier with each other.
@Sardaukar20 bro IF NK fired a missile and then IF Japan again wash off the Comfort Women issue let see what he will do, he may bark all he want BUT the US will still prefer Japan over SK, that's a fact that SK can't swallow...lol


Lieutenant General
I have never payed any attention to that country until the last month or so. Trump vibes with this man. From his posture to his braziness. Good copycat.

So, nothing for China to worry about then. If he actually follows through with his idiotic pledges, South Koreans will either all be dead within the year from a combination of extreme overwork and toxic foods, or there will be a civil war and afterwards there will be a North, Middle and Bottom Korea.


Senior Member
Registered Member
So, nothing for China to worry about then. If he actually follows through with his idiotic pledges, South Koreans will either all be dead within the year from a combination of extreme overwork and toxic foods, or there will be a civil war and afterwards there will be a North, Middle and Bottom Korea.
The man is a godsend for the US broader objectives towards China. North Korea is not all that important as a very impoverished hermit state. We should prepare for increasing tensions on the Korean pensinula and bilateral relations between CN-SK will start likely to show more cracks as the man aligns more with the US and ditches the half assed ''strategic ambiguity'' of the Moon Jae In administration. Expect a much closer US-JP-SK alliance on our doorstep, SK joining the Quad, more US-SK training, more THAAD and other offensive weapons being placed in SK etc etc.