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No offence to Russia, but that's why I don't want the NS2 to work. It would wreck German Industry's competitiveness while also allowing China to capture Germany's market share.

In the green economy world, not using "environmental-friendly" energy sources is a death sentence. For the next 20 years, gas will be seen as an acceptable energy source for the green economy. So by losing that, Germany is only shooting itself in the foot.

Next step is for China to lock in more cheap long-term gas deals with Russia
I agree. German economic decline will force EU to make more deals with China. I think French and Poland already trying to reach out to China. Infact China and Russia interest converge in sense that once Germany out of the picture. Turkey will start looking at Shanghai cooperation organization. and Turkey friends will jump ship earlier. it will be competition between Germany and Turkey who can become sinophile faster.


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"America will take the most unreasonable path but give her no choice and she will do the right thing"
I don't exactly remember who said that but it captured US behavior very aptly
By the time that the USA will be forced to do the right thing, is when the USA has fallen so much that they have to beg for help as opposed to being able to smirk and look down on others like they always do. Either way, China has a long term plan for both the USA and Australia and whatever road blocks they encounter will ultimately be over come without issue.
China main priority is to simply strength itself while making calculated moves and opportune times when they present themselves. Once they are strong enough, they will calmly show their hands when it is ready and ultimately unnecessary given that China’s enemies will destroy themselves long before any military moves are to be made. I expect when the USA and Australia finally come to blows with China, it will be when both nations are weakened enough individually that China can finally shatter their spirit for good. We already got a glimpse of this when China from the USA navy away by turning the gps off (a news that have been hidden away completely to save face no doubt), the whole incidents with the nuclear sub and the f-35, all with seemingly little to no input from China. I believe that China already has to capability to handle the USA but they refuse to show their cards (and no matter how good this website is, the full extent of Chinas arsenal will always remain a mystery given how China refuses to tell the world about its military development in full because they are not the USA that feels the need to tell the world everything) until the right time where the greatest possible chance presents itself for inflict the maximum amount of pain onto the fool that there’s to cause China trouble. If I were Australia, Japan and India, I would be very afraid because as you see In The Australian media, they always seem to play up the moral
Superiority angle while they are truly unaware of what China can truly do if pushed too far. The moment China shows there fangs, I don’t believe Australia would ever be able to handle the truth and the media will be left with no place to hide then. And also in regards to the future of Europe, let the USA make their plays there, when the USA wrecks Europe and the people end up freezing to death because the US sabotages their energy grid and they try to turn Europe into a battleground, Europe will willingly at the right time when all the USA sycophants are all but spent trying to deal with the damages the USA is doing to their economies, get rid of most of the unneeded influences from the USA, make the necessary deals with Russia and China and cut the USA off from all resources and leave them out in the cold, without any input from China so that the USA will not have any excuses. All of this is contingent on letting the USA continue to drive the EU into the gutter and the normal people can see their leaders basically sentencing their nations to ruin on behalf of the USA which I can easily see given how the EU seems to collectively lost their balls
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Countries will gravitated towards Northern Countries. Turkey will be left holding the bag. no one will give them friendship prices anymore.
i am not sure how Turkey will manage coming trade break up of EU-Russia.

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"America will take the most unreasonable path but give her no choice and she will do the right thing"
I don't exactly remember who said that but it captured US behavior very aptly

"Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else". Or
"Americans Will Always Do the Right Thing — After Exhausting All the Alternatives"