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Interesting article by Global Times
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China has close strategic ties with Russia, but whether it is about the most recent situation or the Crimea issue in the past, China has always stayed neutral and urged relevant parties to handle the situation through talks, said Chinese experts,
noting that this stance is more constructive and less harmful to the ongoing tension, as the crisis was caused by complicated reasons, including NATO's aggressive expansion that caused concrete security threats to Russia and other non-NATO countries in the region. So it would be unfair to merely blame and accuse one side.

A key reason is that Ukrainian politicians have chosen the wrong strategy amid the confrontation between Russia and the West in recent years.
"If the country located in the middle between Russia and the West takes side and is hostile to one side instead of being neutral, it will definitely cause tragedy," he noted.

There are voices from the West that have tried to distort China's stance on the crisis, and compare the Ukraine crisis with the Taiwan question. But Chinese analysts said the two cases are entirely different, as Taiwan has never been a sovereign state and the Taiwan question is China's internal affairs instead of an international issue, and China's approach to promoting and realizing its national reunification has nothing to do with the Ukraine crisis.
This part also applies to some members here who (wrongly) compared Ukraine to Taiwan.


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Two Black Hawk helicopters crashed between Little Cottonwood Canyon and American Fork Canyon on Tuesday morning, 22 February 2022.

According to the Utah National Guard, the two UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters crashed during a “training accident” near the Mineral Basin area, southeast of Snowbird ski resort.

No crew members were injured in the crash, but both helicopters were damaged, according to the Utah National Guard.

The Salt Lake Tribune
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Junior Member
I disagree. A direct confrontation with US will not be in China's favor, whatever the result. 二虎相争,必有一伤。

Far better to keep the dialogue open and wait for the US to collapse on its own.

two lions, two tigers always fight out. waiting for, or wishing for your opponent to die is a strange strategy.


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Moderator - World Affairs
Interesting article by Global Times
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China has close strategic ties with Russia, but whether it is about the most recent situation or the Crimea issue in the past, China has always stayed neutral and urged relevant parties to handle the situation through talks, said Chinese experts

This part also applies to some members here who (wrongly) compared Ukraine to Taiwan.
Yes, looks like I am a spokesman's for Chinese gov't after all. @reservior dogs

Global Times should atleast do me a favor and credit me ("Chinese analyst") for the ideas. :p
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China Integrating More With World, Not Decoupling, Says HSBC​

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Dire predictions about China decoupling from the rest of the world are contradicted by key trade and foreign investment data, HSBC has found in its latest
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Defying headwinds from a trade war with the United States and global supply chains snarled by Covid-19, China’s international trade flow, already the world’s largest, has been growing significantly.

“Despite the commonly-held assumption that China is facing increased decoupling with the rest of the world, we have found the opposite to be true,” said Qu Hongbin, HSBC’s Chief China Economist.

“In the last three years, China’s exports and imports have risen roughly five times faster than the global average.”

Chinese goods sold to overseas buyers rose by 30% in 2021, the fastest pace since 2010, and foreign direct investment (FDI) into China has also risen throughout the last three years, even as the global sum has shrunk sharply amid the pandemic.

Inflows into China rose by 5.7% in 2020, accounting for 15% of the world’s total, when the global sum contracted by 35% that year, and in 2021, FDI into China climbed by 16.2%, also the fastest pace since 2010, the bank’s report observed.

China’s share of exports and FDI inflows climbed to 15% or more of the global total and the country has more than doubled its share of other markets’ imports over the last few decades.

Qu says there are underlying drivers behind China’s rising share in the global trade of medium and high-tech and R&D intensive products like electronics and machinery – their exporters’ ability to climb up the value chain.

He said the upgrading process had already started before pandemic-related factors impacted world trade to China’s advantage, when it managed to keep its factories humming as the world shut down.

China’s Strong Structural Foundations​

The report also observes, to underpin its links with the global economy, China boasts strong structural foundations like a good supply of science, technology, engineering and maths graduates, high levels of R&D spending and a massive domestic market.

There is also continued policy support in the form of tax breaks, direct targeted credit support and more financing channels for manufacturing upgrading and green investments.

All these will offset the impact of supply chain repairs and other headwinds and deepen China’s economic ties with the world in the coming years, added Qu.

Also, China is still a compelling destination for FDI and the mix of inflows has notably moved from goods into high value-add services like scientific research and ICT services and software.

HSBC believes that China will open up further by encouraging more investment, particularly in higher-value-added sectors.



China Integrating More With World, Not Decoupling, Says HSBC​

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Dire predictions about China decoupling from the rest of the world are contradicted by key trade and foreign investment data, HSBC has found in its latest
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Defying headwinds from a trade war with the United States and global supply chains snarled by Covid-19, China’s international trade flow, already the world’s largest, has been growing significantly.

“Despite the commonly-held assumption that China is facing increased decoupling with the rest of the world, we have found the opposite to be true,” said Qu Hongbin, HSBC’s Chief China Economist.

“In the last three years, China’s exports and imports have risen roughly five times faster than the global average.”

Chinese goods sold to overseas buyers rose by 30% in 2021, the fastest pace since 2010, and foreign direct investment (FDI) into China has also risen throughout the last three years, even as the global sum has shrunk sharply amid the pandemic.

Inflows into China rose by 5.7% in 2020, accounting for 15% of the world’s total, when the global sum contracted by 35% that year, and in 2021, FDI into China climbed by 16.2%, also the fastest pace since 2010, the bank’s report observed.

China’s share of exports and FDI inflows climbed to 15% or more of the global total and the country has more than doubled its share of other markets’ imports over the last few decades.

Qu says there are underlying drivers behind China’s rising share in the global trade of medium and high-tech and R&D intensive products like electronics and machinery – their exporters’ ability to climb up the value chain.

He said the upgrading process had already started before pandemic-related factors impacted world trade to China’s advantage, when it managed to keep its factories humming as the world shut down.

China’s Strong Structural Foundations​

The report also observes, to underpin its links with the global economy, China boasts strong structural foundations like a good supply of science, technology, engineering and maths graduates, high levels of R&D spending and a massive domestic market.

There is also continued policy support in the form of tax breaks, direct targeted credit support and more financing channels for manufacturing upgrading and green investments.

All these will offset the impact of supply chain repairs and other headwinds and deepen China’s economic ties with the world in the coming years, added Qu.

Also, China is still a compelling destination for FDI and the mix of inflows has notably moved from goods into high value-add services like scientific research and ICT services and software.

HSBC believes that China will open up further by encouraging more investment, particularly in higher-value-added sectors.

LOL, which crackheads were saying China was decoupling from the world to begin with?


Registered Member
LOL, which crackheads were saying China was decoupling from the world to begin with?
There were a lot. You know the "Xi has woken up the world about nature of CCP, everyone's now going to decouple and China's economy will crash" crowd.

In fact I saw were, but really plenty of people still believe it. Hence the meme "signs of decoupling are everywhere except in the numbers".


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"Americans will always do the right thing, only after they have tried everything else". Or
"Americans Will Always Do the Right Thing — After Exhausting All the Alternatives"
I don't know why Americans consider this praise; rather, it's testament to the conniving moral depravity of american political culture that expects others to share their political amnesia and hypocrisy.