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Registered Member
What do you think FM's job is? They are communicating, which won't solve anything in this case but worth doing because it often can help preventing things from getting worse. Chinese FM for a long time has been the absolute best in the world. I really don't know what you guys are complaining about!

If you guys think talking tough, issuing empty threats, and being 'hawkish' all the time will get China anywhere, you are more American than you think.
Fair analysis. And you are right at least in my case where I am somewhat jaundiced or should I say somewhat western centric with respect to my views on hard power/soft power.


Looky here, this is probably that "Liberal Chinese Academic" CSIS video was talking about. Lol

Why single out Russia? Why ignore the damages done by other imperialists? China’s current priority is not past territorial loss to the Tsarist Russian Empire. China’s current top priority is the reunification with Taiwan, territorial integrity of Tibet and Xinjiang, and the disputes of Diaoyu Islands and the South China Sea. Anything else is just distractions and noises generated by China’s fifth columns, and I suspect a lot of these are probably pro-independence elements from Taiwan.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Fair analysis. And you are right at least in my case where I am somewhat jaundiced or should I say somewhat western centric with respect to my views on hard power/soft power.
I see a lot of convo here on diplomacy is at skin deep, or 外行看热闹. But China can't talk Australia to her side, no matter how smooth or tough China does it. On the other hand, FM's primary function is intelligence gathering and analysis and providing accurate assessment of the world. I think they are very good at that.

I used to think Chinese FM's style is very dry. But I have come to appreciate that, especially now that I understand their bland language almost always turn out to be right. They are very steady and consistent over the years. Their strategic patience and mostly free of emotional jerky reactions has helped China steer clear of a lot of troubles. They delivered China the best relationship with the global south, where future growth is. And they are not making the US, or the west in general, an greater enemy than needed to be. Of all the fights they picked, mostly if not all turned out to be totally worth it (e.g.., any reasonable person can agree morons like Morrison and Dutton need to be stopped!). To me that's what all China can ask for.


Registered Member
do you think Musk will pack his bags from Germany?. Production is not expected to optimal when all the input costs are going to skyrocket. opening for Chinese Tesla dominance in Europe. Germany never operated in free market economy.
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Groundwater levels in the Brandenburg area have been dropping for the past three decades because of climate change, and the region has experienced droughts in each of the last four years, Bloomberg reported. That means there wouldn't be enough water for residents when Tesla scales up its factory, experts and local authorities told the newswire.
Seem reasonable. But it also shows that water infrastructure is lacking in Germany.

If China can provide water to 1.4 billion population while also having thousands of big factories using water, it means that something isn't going right in Germany


Registered Member
Seem reasonable. But it also shows that water infrastructure is lacking in Germany.

If China can provide water to 1.4 billion population while also having thousands of big factories using water, it means that something isn't going right in Germany
Chinese area even densely populated South / East still much larger than Germany but Germany industrial output per area is much higher. you have small country that is importing/exporting physical goods worth $3T. China also has dams for water storage and presumably tropical climate with bigger coast line.
Germany is not very modern and efficient system. it always relied on deals with East that provide input. once that system breaks apart. it will have very deep ramifications for Europe all the way to Turkey.


Registered Member
Germany is not very modern and efficient system. it always relied on deals with East that provide input. once that system breaks apart. it will have very deep ramifications for Europe all the way to Turkey.
No offence to Russia, but that's why I don't want the NS2 to work. It would wreck German Industry's competitiveness while also allowing China to capture Germany's market share.

In the green economy world, not using "environmental-friendly" energy sources is a death sentence. For the next 20 years, gas will be seen as an acceptable energy source for the green economy. So by losing that, Germany is only shooting itself in the foot.

Next step is for China to lock in more cheap long-term gas deals with Russia


Appeasing the US has never ever worked. They don’t respect weakness. It was a very weak move by China to give Biden his meeting with Xi. US is a hostile enemy.

I disagree. A direct confrontation with US will not be in China's favor, whatever the result. 二虎相争,必有一伤。

Far better to keep the dialogue open and wait for the US to collapse on its own.


Registered Member
I disagree. A direct confrontation with US will not be in China's favor, whatever the result. 二虎相争,必有一伤。

Far better to keep the dialogue open and wait for the US to collapse on its own.
Although it is irritating, I have to say this is spot on.

In the end, when confronted with an enemy, better to let him collapse on his own than fight with him which would then result to great damage to yourself
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