Miscellaneous News


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Ukraine ambassador to Japan, ostensibly the cosplay is to show solidarity with Japan against Russian aggression.
I thought it was made pretty clear what Russia is fighting for already. Is the entire leadership of Ukraine stupid or did they seriously and honestly think that the USA and the west would risk dying for them when it is almost abundantly clear that the USA are a nations of such cowards that they could only fight adversaries when they have planes and missiles and the enemy is literally armed with toothpicks and they still lost enough people that bitch and whine about it as though they think that they marines can make a literal career to be deployed to Afghanistan, take part in a few atrocities and get a university degree out of it. Its no wonder I honestly think one day, the USA will make such a dumb mistake that will finally end up wiping these people out, which has the side benefit of showing these morons that war isn't a game and that the benefit of getting a university degree while killing innocent people and pretending to be heroes shouldn't be worth it when just one mistake to land the fool in front of a literal chopping block and given that the USA is progressively losing the military edge, this is going to be more and more common and I really wonder if that will be the time when these naïve fools will finally realize the truth that fighting for the MIC is a good way to end up as road kill


Registered Member
@emblem21 and bro they never mentioned god it's always Jesus. I once question the teaching in our catholic school and I was single out for being blasphemous, me a mere child asking an innocent question ( I have round big eyes and acted cute BUT to no avail).
It shows quite bluntly how out of touch they are with reality and really, if they could put two and two together, if God is truly blessing America, how come America has so many problems and issues that should it get any worse (and I am convinced right now that with how ungodly the leadership is right now, that there intelligence has taken a sharp dive, I mean look at Blinken and tell me that he is an intelligent man with a lot of empathy and I will ask you for a pint)
I don't the Bible as often as I should have and even I know where the 10 commandments originated from. Also, the Catholic Church is the last place to find any really worship given the amount of scandals and pedos there are their, I swear that the Catholic Church is absolutely lethal for children and for evidence of that look at Canada


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LOL 黄亚生. In year 2003, this guy fantasied that India will pass over China because of, you guessed it, democracy.

Even if China collapses and turns into 12 different separate states it will still be a better place than India. It’s like how Russia is still a better place to live than sub-Saharan Africa even after the Soviet Union collapsed.