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james smith esq

Senior Member
Registered Member
How are they going to "formalise" though?

If its just a "law", I doubt that Putin would accept it. Probably only a formal treaty or a constitutional amendment would be acceptable.

And even then, you can still count on the US to immediately start the salami-slicing
You beat me to it!


Registered Member
So, then Germany would have to “promise” to veto Ukraine’s accession, seems somewhat less than formal.

Well, something like a joint France/German or EU statement that they will veto any Ukraine accession to NATO.
The more parties involved the better.

Plus NATO has already reached the end of the salami. There's only a single slice left aka Ukraine.

But if there is movement on Ukraine and NATO in the future, Russia always has the options to hold manoeuvres on Ukraine's borders again.


Registered Member
Not sure Ukraine also never implemented the Minsk agreement, might just be buying time. If Nord stream 2 isn't cancelled this year then next year is always a option.


Registered Member
Not sure Ukraine also never implemented the Minsk agreement, might just be buying time. If Nord stream 2 isn't cancelled this year then next year is always a option or the year after it..


Registered Member
Biden's speech which happened just now seems to clearly point that US believes that Russia will invade. No positive message in this speech

I got no idea what is really going on.

Read this theory, that this is all fake.

That the Russians moved some troop around, that is normal.

That the Americans tell everyone that there is an invasion imminent, that seems totally fake.

Then when nothing happens, the Americans then take the credit for preventing the fake invasion.

So it is like the Americans are saying the Russians are wife beaters, who stopping beating their wife because we demanded that.

That constitutes as a fake win for the Americans.

The problem between Russia, Ukraine, Germany, is all about the pipelines.

Why would Russia invade Ukraine so that the gas flows to Germany?

Russia did not invade the Ukraine during the troubles in the Donbass years ago, no need to do it now either.

Bring back President Trump. At least he was entertaining and did not start stupid wars.



Registered Member
no, it's not like that anymore. America wants the agreement back, Iran is setting the conditions for return including compensations. Israel is not sabotaging the negotiation anymore.
America has to offer Iran some ultra hefty amount of compensation for the damages there sanctions and what they did to Iran's top general who is a very close friend of the top leader in Iran in the most stupid manner available. What the USA and Israel by extension has done is create an enemy that will hate the USA and the west and no possible condition is going to begin to make things right for Iran save for the heads of those who caused all the harm to Iran and even that is an extreme stretch.
Nowadays, it is no longer going to be about what America wants because of all the harm they have caused in the middle east but in reality it will be about whether America is willing to swallow its pride and actually make a real effort to mend fences and no, US dollars isn't going to be remotely enough this time around.

If the USA doesn't hurry, Iran (being a member of OPEC) along with other nations, should they see Russia and China in a position of true dominance would ultimately start of use another currency instead of the US to trade for oil and that will basically strip a lot of the power that the US once had away, and they would be more then glad to because the USA is severely undervaluing the commodity of these nations with the dollar via to use of threats.