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Lieutenant General
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Now the intellectually inferior Chinese can make mind-control weapons that the West can't develop. It's funny because recently I said something similar to some people I know regarding that story about China was behind the downing of the F-35C in the South China Sea using an acoustic weapon and Americans don't understand what I'm getting at. American just take everything from face value. They don't think about it. They don't see the contradiction how can the Chinese who they believe can't make anything on their own and just steal everything make a fantastic weapon no one else especially the West don't have. You can't believe the Chinese are dumb and can create these weapons in the same universe.


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Now the intellectually inferior Chinese can make mind-control weapons that the West can't develop. It's funny because recently I said something similar to some people I know regarding that story about China was behind the downing of the F-35C in the South China Sea using an acoustic weapon and Americans don't understand what I'm getting at. American just take everything from face value. They don't think about it. They don't see the contradiction how can the Chinese who they believe can't make anything on their own and just steal everything make a fantastic weapon no one else especially the West don't have. You can't believe the Chinese are dumb and can create these weapons in the same universe.
The article is written by a defense department stenographer (despite what it claims to the contrary) and this article is pretty much aligned with the U.S. intents and purposes to combat "China's maligned" influence a.k.a. disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda campaign.

Think about it, if this article was written in China or on Global Times by a "ret. Military officer" would the same idiots in America/West believe a word it's written? Not a nano chance.

If American security establishment wants to pursue this propaganda with contradicting message for public consumption let them. It won't change the trajectory and development of China's military, economic ascendancy one bit.


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Now the intellectually inferior Chinese can make mind-control weapons that the West can't develop. It's funny because recently I said something similar to some people I know regarding that story about China was behind the downing of the F-35C in the South China Sea using an acoustic weapon and Americans don't understand what I'm getting at. American just take everything from face value. They don't think about it. They don't see the contradiction how can the Chinese who they believe can't make anything on their own and just steal everything make a fantastic weapon no one else especially the West don't have. You can't believe the Chinese are dumb and can create these weapons in the same universe.
As we all know from Manchurian Candidate and Yuri's Revenge, communists are masters of mind control so this shouldn't come as a surprise.


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Now the intellectually inferior Chinese can make mind-control weapons that the West can't develop. It's funny because recently I said something similar to some people I know regarding that story about China was behind the downing of the F-35C in the South China Sea using an acoustic weapon and Americans don't understand what I'm getting at. American just take everything from face value. They don't think about it. They don't see the contradiction how can the Chinese who they believe can't make anything on their own and just steal everything make a fantastic weapon no one else especially the West don't have. You can't believe the Chinese are dumb and can create these weapons in the same universe.

The article is written by a defense department stenographer (despite what it claims to the contrary) and this article is pretty much aligned with the U.S. intents and purposes to combat "China's maligned" influence a.k.a. disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda campaign.

Think about it, if this article was written in China or on Global Times by a "ret. Military officer" would the same idiots in America/West believe a word it's written? Not a nano chance.

If American security establishment wants to pursue this propaganda with contradicting message for public consumption let them. It won't change the trajectory and development of China's military, economic ascendancy one bit.

As we all know from Manchurian Candidate and Yuri's Revenge, communists are masters of mind control so this shouldn't come as a surprise.
You guys have to realise that to the West, China is simply a foil, an entity to transfer all of their own indiviudal insecurities, sexual frustrations and inferiority complexes onto.
It's not unlike obsessive fangirls who ascribe all of these attributes to celebrities and pop stars who they've never met before.


Registered Member
This forciful provoking is so rediculous...Putin scored a major diplomatic checkmate "withdrawing". lol

Poor Ukraine you should follow your brothers in Donetsk and Luhansk
Those people need less Brandon going on about a so called war that isn't going to happen via Russia invading first and more of this.
I mean sure its not war enough for those douchebags but we could use more love and less war nowadays, funny how China a nation that is supposed to be the most authoritarian country in the world is more willing to embrace peace while the so called leader of the democratic world is pushing for death and destruction none stop



Registered Member
Those people need less Brandon going on about a so called war that isn't going to happen via Russia invading first and more of this.
I mean sure its not war enough for those douchebags but we could use more love and less war nowadays, funny how China a nation that is supposed to be the most authoritarian country in the world is more willing to embrace peace while the so called leader of the democratic world is pushing for death and destruction none stop

You don’t like mostly peaceful carpet bombing campaigns? 1000 LBs of love from the MIC.