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I like some of his ideas and ideally, if America was actually run and governed as their lofty ideals stand for then for sure what Yang stands for and the ideals he proposes to pursue will have a fighting chance. But that's not the reality of the world we all live in. Just look at the case of his wife's assault case that wasn't pursued by a Democratic Atty General that loves to spew social justice b.s. the fact that he grew up racially abused, taunted by his classmates from being smart, different, and Chinese. The man has pretty much repudiated his essence (Chinese) to install and instill the American dream -- whatever that drivel even actually means.
I don’t think he cares about what he preaches. Andrew seems more like a person who takes whatever opportunities he gets then. Same thing with AOC. Complains about migrant camps under Trump and then stops caring about them now that Biden controls it. Just like how she promise to join the Amazon rally and then bailed out when it happened.


Registered Member
He is socially dumb - tried to shill for Israel during his NYC election campaign and recently shilled for alt-righter Joe Rogan. Definition of low social IQ.
Yeah, he does comes across socially awkward. I did cringe a couple of times watching him doing his thing on the campaign trail. But, I think he's a go getter and a competent technocrat based on his record of accomplishments. It's just that in order for him to make a dent in the landmine that's American politics, he needed to repudiate his Chinese identity, said some dumb shit about Asian culture to attract the social justice hyenas, and excuse racist behaviors and actions from the loony right to be accepted from the mostly white America. In the End, the dude looked like he doesn't stand for anything except world peace like he's a contestant of a beauty pageant rather than a person seeking the highest office of the land in the U.S.

His appearance at Vice when and where he was literally laughed off by 2 ignorant black Americans for suggesting that a lot of the issues affecting the social and political polarization in the country was and is caused by economic uncertainty and insecurities. The black hosts rudely laughed at his answer because Yang didn't make the idiotic obligatory hallow speech of "white Americans racism caused black Americans to be perpetually poor" and don't you dare to highlight your Asian success story because that means you're invalidating the black struggle. Which means that politicians of Yang’s ethnic background must highlight the black struggle as the only representative of minority issues like Asian issues don't matter and will never matter because there's a strong enough morons within the Asian communities in America, Canada included that readily accept that trope from both the left and the right leaving Asian issues largely unaddressed to our own detriment.

We're expected and tacitly demanded that we fit and adopt though the issues and experiences of people unaware of our own struggles, dreams, and aspirations. We are expected to pretty much be like LEGO blocks but I digress since am expressing the political reality that Asians who live in America and Canada probably share some of the experience and sentiment I expressed here.


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They are losing their minds due to their inability to "punish" China for missing its Phase 1 trade deal targets
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The answer to that should be this from the new sanctions

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Trade should be reciprocal, not something China begs from the US. If the US stays on its course of pursuing technological decoupling, China could also be not that cooperative in selling what the US wants, at least not cheaply.

It’s stupid how they keep telling China to buy more of their shit but at the same trying to ban everything being exported to China. They aren’t going to buy soybeans at a 5000% premium numbskulls.


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"He is socially dumb - tried to shill for Israel during his NYC election campaign and recently shilled for alt-righter Joe Rogan"


On the one hand Joe Rogan said he would vote for Bernie Sanders, on the other hand the "alt-right" movement was founded on "our colonial project" (Jabotinsky):

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In order to understand the American political system

Oligarchic power (1991/2000-) is in the hands of a coalition of three political parties: (1) the imperial party (2) the corporatocratic party and defender of the domestic statu quo and (3) the party of "our colonial project" (Jabotinsky)

This three party coalition has at its service two commercial teams, the Coke/Republican team and the Pepsi/Democrat team

These two commercial teams at the service of the oligarchy, these two masks that hide the Power, have encouraged and ultimately forged two cultural identities

And there are two languages to sell what is essentially the same product

On the side that votes or voted Republican in the past there is a tiny minority of say 5% "pro-China" and 20% "pro-Russia and anti-China" who are having a hard time these days (laughs) and the bulk, 75%, are mindless believers in propaganda. And on the Democratic voting side 90% consume the propaganda for the plebs

The system, this system that consumes Silences, Fantasies and Lies every day every year, is completely absurd from a functional point of view, and perhaps on a 30-year horizon we will see on television the Capitol burning


They were scared...
So "scared" the left their wallet at home and didn't end up buying anything LOL


Registered Member
Woff woff woff...haahaaahaaa

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Britain is undermining the EU to upset China and please the US​

Yesterday, the United Kingdom
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that it was adding itself as a party to a World Trade Organisation (WTO) dispute between the European Union and China, as part of a
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between Beijing and Lithuania over the launch of a Taiwan representative office in the Baltic country.

China has effectively placed a de-facto trade embargo and secondary sanctions regime on Vilnius, and while EU heads of state have been reluctant to be too vocal in confronting Beijing, Britain’s controversial Foreign Secretary
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has now positioned herself at the heart of the matter.

She accused China of “economic coercion” – a buzz phrase which has gained currency among the media and political classes to describe Beijing’s retaliation towards countries hostile to it, such as Australia.

Some might consider the move something of a surprise, given that Britain has now left the EU. But it speaks volumes about the direction of Britain’s foreign policy since Brexit – and since Truss was appointed foreign secretary – which has increasingly embraced the idea of great power nostalgia and Anglophone exceptionalism. The shouting match over Lithuania in particular suggests Britain is effectively becoming a proxy for American foreign policy goals within Europe, and is being used as a tool to disrupt the bloc’s relationship with China.

Since the end of World War II, the story of Britain’s foreign policy is one of contradiction, to put it mildly. It is the tale of a declining empire, which has repeatedly failed to be realistic about its place in the world, and this has manifested itself in its constant tilting between the US and Europe.

The so-called “special relationship” with America embodies the nostalgia of empire, the belief in the supremacy of Anglophone capitalism, clashing with the more mundane reality of Britain being in Europe. This has created longstanding disorientation, ranging from Charles de Gaulle’s
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of Britain’s entry to the bloc on the basis of its relationship with the US, to Euroscepticism and Brexit itself.

Now empirical nostalgia has won. Upon leaving the EU, the UK has
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as Global Britain. As Brexit talks came to an end in 2020, the UK reoriented its foreign policy to align even more closely to the US’, embracing the anti-China rhetoric espoused in Washington, considering itself a Pacific power and sending
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into the South China Sea.
With this has come the idea of the EU being less of a partner, and more of an economic and strategic competitor. The UK has engaged in multiple rows with France over fishing rights and actively undermined Paris further with the controversial
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deal, all while edging closer to other Anglophone states such as the US and Canada

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With that, Britain appears to have positioned itself as a pro-US, anti-China proxy in Europe: a player that can undermine the EU’s relationship with Beijing, to the benefit of American interests. One good example is how the UK, via the BBC, actively helped to undermine the EU’s
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(CAI) with China in early 2021.

As my research has
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, the BBC operates according to the interests of the British foreign office. In the period from the end of 2020 onwards, when talks were being concluded between Brussels and Beijing, the BBC began publishing articles on the Xinjiang region in China at a very aggressive pace. This included pieces such as
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in December 2020, and the
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in internment camps in February 2021.

This escalation in BBC Xinjiang content coincided with a United Nations
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by then Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab on the matter, which subsequently built up to coordinated sanctions by the US, UK and the EU, causing China to retaliate and prompting MEPs to freeze the CAI. Britain had been involved, ever so subtly, in setting an agenda on human rights designed to disrupt engagement with China.

Now, Liz Truss is positioning the UK to become a leading and vocal figure on the Lithuania dispute. While this has a dual purpose – serving the anti-Russia and anti-China agenda – it again points to Britain engaging in a strategy on both fronts that solidifies American interests on the continent.

The UK is willing to engage with Europe, but to all intents and purposes it sees the EU as a political and economic rival which is working against Britain’s national interest. Its support for Lithuania is intended to block France and Germany’s ability to engage with both Moscow and Beijing.

However, Truss’s claims of “economic coercion” from China are fanciful. While it is true that Britain’s own sanctions regime has grown in sophistication and scope, and can unquestionably cause economic damage to a country, the terminology applied paints China in a uniquely negative light, simply for doing what the US has always done on a much greater scale. Never are US-led sanctions referred to, in any media dynamic, as “coercion”– yet Britain under Truss has embraced this controversial term, and is hurling it around recklessly.
Has Beijing brought Lithuania to the brink of starvation, as US sanctions have done to Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen and many more countries? The answer, of course, is no. However, for Britain to back Lithuania’s government in its highly provocative foreign policy serves a number of ideological and strategic goals. Brexit has shifted the geopolitical dynamic of the continent radically, and the UK is now in effect America’s “regional policeman,” similar to Israel in the Middle East, Japan in Asia and Colombia in South America.
The UK and the USA are making their plays now because they know that if they don’t act, they will eventually be called to count for all the pain they have caused China and Russia and they know that in the event of a zero sum game, should they falter, both China and Russia will have no incentive to not only trade with either nation again, but be proactive in crippling both nations on the world stage.
The really stupid part is that this didn’t even need to happen and if both the USA and the UK were lead by more reasonable voices, it would never have to. It’s like the leadership is willing to commit nation suicide to leave a mark on the world and if one thinks about it, both the USA and the UK are in very bad economic crisis’s along with society breakdowns due to supply chain issues that no other nations around the world shares. From how stupid the leadership of these nations are in ignoring diplomacy for outright confrontation and believe that God would bless such hatred in the name of white power (which of course he doesn’t), they are setting themselves up to be not only humbled but also for the advent of a world where the very name Anglo Saxon will invoke the same level or disgust that a typical red neck will have for a black African. I find it ridiculous that the USA, a nation that claims human rights as it virtue is trying so damn hard to push for a war instead of diplomacy but honestly no one should be surprised at all. But mark my words, the USA cannot expect to get its way all the time just because the USA is located so far away from most nations, this time around with the current level of arms that China and Russia has, the abundance of righteous anger that both nations have against the USA, the fact the USA made it clear that it’s a zero sum game and also that well it’s becoming increasingly clear that many nations are getting increasingly sick of the USA mucking around the globe, it might just take one moment or rather one mistake to send the entire house falling down in the USA and for the domination of the Anglo Saxons to be complete destroyed for all time. In the event of such a scenario, these people had better be prepared for the worse because these people had completely earn it