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Registered Member
No, they judged that he was an idiot who was susceptible to flattery. Given the information they had, it was a good call. However, Trump has a deep and abiding hatred of East Asians - it's the closest thing he has to a principle.

From Trump's statements and actions, I'd actually say he regards blacks as far lower than East Asians.

So it would be more accurate to say he is a racist and a white supremacist in general.


Senior Member
Registered Member
No, they judged that he was an idiot who was susceptible to flattery. Given the information they had, it was a good call. However, Trump has a deep and abiding hatred of East Asians - it's the closest thing he has to a principle.
He was caught with flattery though - he repeatedly called Xi as "his good friend", congratulated him on the "president for life" thing, and even went as far as to say that China did everything right in Xinjiang privately. It's just that he was totally incompetent in handling COVID that he had to find a scapegoat like a typical American.


Registered Member
No, they judged that he was an idiot who was susceptible to flattery. Given the information they had, it was a good call. However, Trump has a deep and abiding hatred of East Asians - it's the closest thing he has to a principle.
That hatred is going to be the undoing of the USA because instead of letting fear take over, China chooses to the one thing that China, despite what the USA/west says all the time, is not only very good in, but is in fact the only nation that has ever won against the USA when no other nation has dared to do and very soon is going to be the nation that will exceed even that, to fight to the bitter end and never give up. China is only getting started against the USA and no matter what moves the USA will use, China will counter ensure that what ever damage the USA does cause China, that the USA will suffer 1000x worse and that every time this leaves a more, it will never heal, I mean take a look at their breaking down infrastructure that is entirely on the USA, I don't see any projects being done to address this problem and very soon, this damage will be forever


Junior Member
Registered Member
I forgot what it is technically called, but there is an out clause to the agreement where because of circumstances like covid etc etc, targets can't be met.?
You are assuming that US at this point is reasonable, coherent, and could be negotiated with. That assumption is false. At this point, anyone in US leadership that even dares to bring this up will be labelled a traitor. Not being hardline is not an option.


Senior Member
You can read through my posts in the past months where I was saying that camps are coming for the Chinese living in America.

People might think I am exaggerating but if you see what the Republicans are openly saying you will understand what will happen when the Republicans come in power
Like i said in my previous posts also, if i were asian american, i would have sell my house, my car, my dogs etc and move my ass to canada or even avoid north america altogether and move to singapore or nz, heck even malaysia and indonesia is more stable these days, you got two years before 2024
its a done deal that republicans will be in power 2024
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