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ASML Warns Chinese Rival May Be Infringing its Trade Secrets​

  • The Dutch company has shared concerns with Chinese officials
  • Dongfang Jingyuan is a Beijing-supported “little giant”
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has warned that an affiliate of a China company it previously accused of stealing its trade secrets has begun marketing products that could infringe on its intellectual property rights.

“Early in 2021, we became aware of reports that a company associated with
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, against which ASML had
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a damage award for trade secret misappropriation in 2019 in the USA, was actively marketing products in China that could potentially infringe on ASML’s IP rights,” the Dutch company said in its latest
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released on Wednesday.

ASML has requested certain customers not to aid the associated firm
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-- a corporation that has received Beijing’s stamp of approval under a program known as “little giants” -- and informed the Chinese authorities of its concerns. The company said it is “monitoring the situation closely and is ready to take legal action if appropriate.”

An inquiry sent to the official email listed on XTAL’s website could not be delivered, and calls to Dongfang Jingyuan’s headquarters in Beijing went unanswered.

ASML occupies a pivotal role in the global chip supply chain. It has a monopoly on advanced extreme ultraviolet, or EUV, lithography systems that are indispensable to producing the most cutting-edge chips in the world, and it also supplies deep ultraviolet lithography machines needed to make more mature semiconductors.

China is reliant on ASML’s technology as it tries to build a
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that will reduce its dependence on foreign imports. But that effort has been thwarted, with the U.S. government reportedly
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Dutch officials not to allow ASML to sell its EUV systems to China in 2019.

To this day, ASML still has not obtained an export license to ship its most advanced machines to China.

Chinese companies racing to build up their technological prowess have often been accused of stealing trade secrets from foreign firms. While Beijing has categorically denied such practices, IP theft has long been a sticking point in China’s relations with other countries, particularly with
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In 2019, a U.S. court
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ASML $845 million in damages in a trade secrets theft lawsuit against XTAL, although the Dutch company
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it was a victim of Chinese espionage.

“The suggestion that we were somehow victim of a national conspiracy is wrong,” ASML Chief Executive Officer Peter Wennink said then.

In May 2021, Dongfang Jingyuan
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the title of “little giant,” a designation for startups that have been
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under an ambitious government program aimed at fostering a tech industry that can compete with Silicon Valley.

The little giants label has become a valued measure of government endorsement, a signal for investors and employees that the companies are insulated from regulatory punishment. President Xi Jinping has given his
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to the program.

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Fuck ASML and Bloomberg.
Two guys in a death match:
One guy: I will sue you for infringing my patented "nut snatching" move.
The other: Yeah, sue me after your death.

It is so hilarious that some people actually have this kind of mind set entering a war. By war I mean it literally.


Registered Member
Two guys in a death match:
One guy: I will sue you for infringing my patented "nut snatching" move.
The other: Yeah, sue me after your death.

It is so hilarious that some people actually have this kind of mind set entering a war. By war I mean it literally.
When they became captive to hostile US hegemony against China and engaged in their role (whether coerced or otherwise) of technoeconomic warfare against the developmental sovereignty of 1.5 billion Chinese people, then all bets are off the table... as they say, all is fair in love and war. The only real rules are that of the laws of physics and unfortunately for ASML the laws of physics are the same in Beijing as they are in Netherlands


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Under the "Stop CCP Act", even Xi's daughter wont be able to come to the US anymore, pretty sure Gu will be on the list too

This is bona fide Chinese Exclusion Act 2.0

If this passes, wont be long before Supreme Court overturns its condemnation of the Korematsu v. United States ruling

Chinese dispora living in US needs to wake up and understand the new reality, America was never really their home no matter how hard they tried to Uncle Yang
Stupid Andrew Yang. He really swallowed that American exceptionalism b.s.


Registered Member
The fact that Xi extended such an honor to what was, obviously, a deranged personality is, in itself, problematic. What was the basis, or were the bases, of the Chinese fascination with Trump?
It's an attempt to show that China was entering the trade negotiations and other thorny issues with America from a sincere place. Perhaps, trying to placate the more pro-American groupies within the CPC the harsg reality that regardless of effort U.S. is determined to stymied, stop, and ultimately destroy the Chinese dream. And Trump doing what he did has given Xi the added political salvo needed to pursue the policies of which he's been trying to push ahead.


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I was even more stupid for chipping in couple hundred bucks to his campaign...
I like some of his ideas and ideally, if America was actually run and governed as their lofty ideals stand for then for sure what Yang stands for and the ideals he proposes to pursue will have a fighting chance. But that's not the reality of the world we all live in. Just look at the case of his wife's assault case that wasn't pursued by a Democratic Atty General that loves to spew social justice b.s. the fact that he grew up racially abused, taunted by his classmates from being smart, different, and Chinese. The man has pretty much repudiated his essence (Chinese) to install and instill the American dream -- whatever that drivel even actually means.


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They are losing their minds due to their inability to "punish" China for missing its Phase 1 trade deal targets
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“We intend to hold them to account,” U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo said.
U. S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai “is in the thick of those negotiations now,” she said, adding that Beijing “is not playing by the rules” as the government subsidizes companies, limiting American businesses’ ability to compete.