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The System Is Broken: A Supply Chain Expert Reveals Why Shortages Will Persist For Years

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- 2022-02-08

For what seems like a long time now, we have been reporting the apparently endless shortages that U.S. producers, retailers, developers, and many other businesses have been facing over the past couple of years. Today, we decided to share the view of those who are actually inside the industry and see problems compounding on a daily basis. The supply chain crisis is a very complex issue that affects each and every one of us, and the longer it persists the more harm it brings to our lives, our society, and our economy.

In a recent exposé, the financial and economic writer and analyst, WOLF RICHTER shared the realistic and revealing observations of an Ohio-based manufacturer, whose company operates in several states, about the ongoing supply chain chaos. Todd Miller, the CEO of Isaiah Industries, a company that produces metal roofing shingles for residences and commercial buildings and sells them under several brands, such as Classic Metal Roofing Systems, in North America, Japan, and the Caribbean, has recently sent a letter to Richter’s blog WOLF STREET, in which he explained by the supply chain system is broken.

Miller describes that over the past decade, he has seen several situations where raw material supplies, especially metal, were very tight and led to disruptions in the company’s operations. “However, we’ve never seen anything like we’re experiencing now as it goes beyond just metal supply,” he said. Today, the industry’s bottlenecks are affecting the supplies of pretty much everything. “The days of being able to place orders and know that we will receive the supplies we need when we need it are long gone. Manufactures now tell us how much they can sell us. And even at that, they are often delayed on shipments. It really isn’t supposed to work this way! The system is broken,” he said.

The problems faced by his company are similar to what many other businesses have been experiencing in recent months. The biggest worry, however, is how these disruptions are affecting one industry all of us rely on: the food industry. All over the nation, food retailers are struggling with worsening labor and product shortages that can potentially threaten America’s food security.

The latest wave of confirmed virus cases has left a dent in the labor market, as millions of workers have been calling in sick and new protocols are reinstituted on food manufacturing plants. In January, the economists estimated that employee absenteeism had hit about 30 percent of staffers at some stores. Now that number is over 50 percent and is continuing to rise by the day.

If the situation worsens, small and medium-sized grocery stores won’t be able to stay open, which will compromise food security in rural and remote areas that depend on independent grocers, they warned. One grocery store owner said that the shortage of workers is putting his business on the edge of closure. “If we have to keep sending people home, at a certain point stores are not going to be able to operate,” he said.

The truth is that the truck driver shortage is an issue that has never been properly addressed. We can get millions of containers filled to the brim with goods coming from China and around the world, but if there are not enough truck drivers to distribute and deliver them to stores all across the country, then we will have to get used to seeing empty shelves for a long, long time.

If nothing is done to stimulate job growth in the sector, no matter how many supplies we can import, they won’t be delivered and prices and inflation will continue to skyrocket. If there was still any doubt remaining before, now it’s clear that the U.S. labor and supply chain nightmare is here to stay, and this crisis is far from over. In fact, a RESILINC survey found that supply shortages rocketed 88% last month, and rose 452% year-over-year.

RESILINC said the top disruptions were factory shutdowns, workforce disruptions, leadership transitions, and raw material shortages. “The conditions are spurring nations worldwide to look after themselves, hoarding locally-sourced raw materials. This will further negatively affect the supply chain as exports decline and countries that rely on those exports face shortages,” the firm noted.

RESILINC, monitors, and maps risk events for the supply chain, and just last year, it sent out 491 shortage alerts covering semiconductors, plastics, paper, and raw materials. All of these chokepoints on our supply chains will definitely make conditions a lot more complicated this year. It appears that the prophecy that few heard and no one believed had finally come true: Shortages will become commonplace in the world's wealthiest country, and the supply and demand imbalances we are witnessing are sowing the seeds for economic chaos in the coming months.


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ASML Warns Chinese Rival May Be Infringing its Trade Secrets​

  • The Dutch company has shared concerns with Chinese officials
  • Dongfang Jingyuan is a Beijing-supported “little giant”
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has warned that an affiliate of a China company it previously accused of stealing its trade secrets has begun marketing products that could infringe on its intellectual property rights.

“Early in 2021, we became aware of reports that a company associated with
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, against which ASML had
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a damage award for trade secret misappropriation in 2019 in the USA, was actively marketing products in China that could potentially infringe on ASML’s IP rights,” the Dutch company said in its latest
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released on Wednesday.

ASML has requested certain customers not to aid the associated firm
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-- a corporation that has received Beijing’s stamp of approval under a program known as “little giants” -- and informed the Chinese authorities of its concerns. The company said it is “monitoring the situation closely and is ready to take legal action if appropriate.”

An inquiry sent to the official email listed on XTAL’s website could not be delivered, and calls to Dongfang Jingyuan’s headquarters in Beijing went unanswered.

ASML occupies a pivotal role in the global chip supply chain. It has a monopoly on advanced extreme ultraviolet, or EUV, lithography systems that are indispensable to producing the most cutting-edge chips in the world, and it also supplies deep ultraviolet lithography machines needed to make more mature semiconductors.

China is reliant on ASML’s technology as it tries to build a
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that will reduce its dependence on foreign imports. But that effort has been thwarted, with the U.S. government reportedly
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Dutch officials not to allow ASML to sell its EUV systems to China in 2019.

To this day, ASML still has not obtained an export license to ship its most advanced machines to China.

Chinese companies racing to build up their technological prowess have often been accused of stealing trade secrets from foreign firms. While Beijing has categorically denied such practices, IP theft has long been a sticking point in China’s relations with other countries, particularly with
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In 2019, a U.S. court
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ASML $845 million in damages in a trade secrets theft lawsuit against XTAL, although the Dutch company
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it was a victim of Chinese espionage.

“The suggestion that we were somehow victim of a national conspiracy is wrong,” ASML Chief Executive Officer Peter Wennink said then.

In May 2021, Dongfang Jingyuan
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the title of “little giant,” a designation for startups that have been
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under an ambitious government program aimed at fostering a tech industry that can compete with Silicon Valley.

The little giants label has become a valued measure of government endorsement, a signal for investors and employees that the companies are insulated from regulatory punishment. President Xi Jinping has given his
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to the program.

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Fuck ASML and Bloomberg.


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Unable to lock in a visit during January, Kishida settled for a virtual meeting on Jan. 21. The American president was overwhelmed with domestic priorities, Tokyo was told.

Just 10 days later, Biden shook hands with the Qatari leader in front of the fireplace at his office
and said he would ask Congress to designate the Persian Gulf nation as a major non-NATO ally.

"After all that effort we put in," a Japanese government official said in disbelief, watching the scene.
Japanese are salty that they are treated like the lapdogs they are. Plus:
"Just wait until the next crisis. Where will you get your LNG from?" said a disgruntled Qatari minister in December. The comment to a Japanese official came as JERA, for years the world's biggest LNG buyer, decided not to extend the 25-year contract with Qatar at the end of 2021.

Qatar was a reliable energy supplier after the March 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster when all of Japan's nuclear power generators went offline. Tokyo needed LNG to burn at its thermal plants, and Qatar sent large quantities to help.

The Qatari minister's remark suggests there will be no such gesture from Doha if Russia invades Ukraine.
The emir has been busy. Shortly after the White House visit, Sheikh Tamim was in Beijing to attend the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics.
Stay cucked, Japan.


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Under the "Stop CCP Act", even Xi's daughter wont be able to come to the US anymore, pretty sure Gu will be on the list too

This is bona fide Chinese Exclusion Act 2.0

If this passes, wont be long before Supreme Court overturns its condemnation of the Korematsu v. United States ruling

Chinese dispora living in US needs to wake up and understand the new reality, America was never really their home no matter how hard they tried to Uncle Yang
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The salt is real. So much whining
View attachment 82466

Xi gave Trump the respect unheard of by any foreign head of state by inviting him to dine in the Forbidden Palace, the former residence of Chinese emperors since the Ming Dynasty and symbol of ultimate power. Instead Trump paid back by kneecapping ZTE, Huawei, and SMIC, imposing tariffs on Chinese goods, and stirring up anti-Chinese sentiments within the U.S. Even if you are a huge MAGA fan you must know deep down that such retaliations are deserved.

james smith esq

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Xi gave Trump the respect unheard of by any foreign head of state by inviting him to dine in the Forbidden Palace, the former residence of Chinese emperors since the Ming Dynasty and symbol of ultimate power. Instead Trump paid back by kneecapping ZTE, Huawei, and SMIC, imposing tariffs on Chinese goods, and stirring up anti-Chinese sentiments within the U.S. Even if you are a huge MAGA fan you must know deep down that such retaliations are deserved.
The fact that Xi extended such an honor to what was, obviously, a deranged personality is, in itself, problematic. What was the basis, or were the bases, of the Chinese fascination with Trump?


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Damn, how
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Under the "Stop CCP Act", even Xi's daughter wont be able to come to the US anymore, pretty sure Gu will be on the list too

This is bona fide Chinese Exclusion Act 2.0

If this passes, wont be long before Supreme Court overturns its condemnation of the Korematsu v. United States ruling

Chinese dispora living in US needs to wake up and understand the new reality, America was never really their home no matter how hard they tried to Uncle Yang

Hmmm, I should probably apply for CPC membership too. It would be an immense honor to be subject to sanction by the United States, then I can stop beating around the bush at work and have a good excuse for not needing to travel to the US to work.


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The fact that Xi extended such an honor to what was, obviously, a deranged personality is, in itself, problematic. What was the basis, or were the bases, of the Chinese fascination with Trump?

That deranged personality was still the US President at the time, and would personally set policy according to his moods.

And by all accounts, he loved being flattered and praised.

So why not see if a deal could be done?


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Under the "Stop CCP Act", even Xi's daughter wont be able to come to the US anymore, pretty sure Gu will be on the list too

This is bona fide Chinese Exclusion Act 2.0

Chinese dispora living in US needs to wake up and understand the new reality, America was never really their home no matter how hard they tried to Uncle Yang
You can read through my posts in the past months where I was saying that camps are coming for the Chinese living in America.

People might think I am exaggerating but if you see what the Republicans are openly saying you will understand what will happen when the Republicans come in power