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LOL! George Soros, the devil himself is making an epic rant about Xi Jinping and China. That means China's housecleaning of the NED, Open Society, and all those CIA front NGOs have been successful. The air in China and HK is cleaner now. No more choking on democrazy pollution. Only Taiwan remains to be cleaned of their democrazy smog.
That man use by date is fast approaching and also to note is that none of that money is going to matter in the after life. He just cannot stand that fact like with every foe that China has ever face, he is no different. China will outlast him and then they will ensure that any future generation of his will die poor long after he meets his maker. I mean look at Pompeo and all future prospect of his children


Lieutenant General
According to George Soros and his media mouthpieces, the US has the best Covid response on earth.

His doom and gloom rant about China sure sounds like something out of a fantasy novel by Mr. Chang.

Soros likes to compare the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics with the 1936 Olympics in Germany.

For a so called anti-fascist Jew. Soros likes to compare China to Nazi Germany. But he sure has no problem with Neo-nazis in Ukraine running around with former SS division flags.

He should have been grateful to the communists for liberating Europe from the Nazis. Its was not the American flag waving ontop of the Reichstag. It was his hated communist Soviets. I do wonder sometimes if he is actually a Nazi. Eventhough he is a Jew. A devil is still a devil. Regardless of ethnicity.
This is one of those things where someone sees something as a threat but there's absolutely nothing illegal or wrong about it. And that's why it's a grave threat. It's like China's advancement economically and technologically is not illegal but the West sees it as a grave threat. It's a grave threat because to act against it in order to stop it makes them the bad guy. That's what universal bad guys and evil do. That's why they resort to hiding behind accusations of genocide or military aggression when there is none or they've done worse to justify what they really want to stop. In this case it's as simple as Soros sees a future where the West doesn't control the economics of the world so he sees less opportunities to make money for himself. Is Soros active against anti-Semitism around the world? I know others identify him as Jewish. If he does then there's another factor at play. I've mention this before in this forum that something as simple as the interpretation of reality motivates politics. People don't think about it because people who want to regulate how people think will never openly admit to it because it's essentially being the thought police and when you hide behind freedom, that's a contradiction meaning they don't actually believe in freedom to hide their more self-serving motivations.

Look at Marco Rubio. He hates China simply because the concerns of right-wing Cubans will become less important in the world if China becomes more powerful than the US. Is it illegal for China not to hold what right-wing Cubans see as important? No. That's why Marco Rubio has to hypocritically hide behind human rights to stop China when right-wing Cubans are no saints when it comes to human rights in their history with the US.

Holocaust remembrance day just happened. Is Soros one of those that wants the world to remember? You have to wonder why there are Jews that are anti-China when China has no history of anti-Semitism. China was the only country in the world during WWII that allowed Jewish refugees fleeing Europe into the country. Even the US turned away Jews that wanted to flee to the US only to later to be killed in extermination camps. Years ago I went to play billiards with a group of guys. I was the only non-white in the bunch. One guy was Jewish. I forget how the conversation turned to this but he made a comment that everyone hates the Jews. There was a moment of silence. I questioned that comment in my head because the Chinese have no history of anti-Semitism so I wasn't going to let him get away with it and interjected, "The Chinese don't hate the Jews." I paused to make it sound like I was patronizing then I said, "We just don't care...!" Everyone bursted out laughing. There's nothing wrong with saying that. There are people who would have a problem with that because they expect sympathy and not apathy. Because there are anti-China Jews means there are Jews that aren't sympathetic to the Chinese and there seems to be nothing wrong with that. On a different occasion someone who was Jewish was discussing with me and he talked about how only the Jews suffered during WWII. I told him that Chinese were experimented on and Chinese civilians were killed more than Jews. Then he made a snide remark, "But there are so many of you..." Why are people like this? It has nothing to do with China having a history of anti-Semitism. It has to do with that China is not going to perpetuate their narrative because China doesn't have to especially since China has no history of anti-Semitism. There is no guilt. There is no obligation. Jews even stereotype themselves as being neurotic. You have to wonder if some of them won't be satisfied until everyone in the world hates them.

The West has the victim culture where they use guilt to get people to do what they want. So what happens when the "victim" comes across a group of people who are not guilty. They hate them because they have no influence over them. When you look at all the "official" victims of their victim culture, none of them were oppressed by the Chinese but they have a hatred for the Chinese more than they do for their actual oppressor. It's no wonder when their victim culture gives "victims" special privileges for being a victim like getting things from people out of guilt or allowed to being racist but it not racism because they're the victim. What a twisted society where people want to be a victim just so they can get those special privileges.

I talk about the interpretation of reality and how it's at the center of why people hate others. Some scoff at it because they think more serious matters like human rights are why they hate others. Does anyone believe Republicans care about human rights? That's the excuse they use to hate China. Do they care about genocide of Uighurs when they're the biggest Islamophobes in the world? The Democrats supported their charges of genocide and then wanted China to take in Afghan refugees after the US's embarrassment over Afghanistan. They use human rights as excuses because their real motivations are not palatable to the general public and they would not get support. They want a world where only what the West wants matters. It's not about about human rights. It's about making everyone else see the world the way they want it so they get the most over everyone else out of it.


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Hong Kong? Lol like what "authentic" Chinese culture do they practice there? Looting, rioting, and prostrating for the British Queen? Thank goodness I don't have those kind of friends, otherwise, I'll probably would have lost it. No self-respecting Chinese should even dare say such ridiculous and unfounded crap to begin with. I didn't realize that Imperial China practiced Democracy from the preceding millenia only to be upended by the darn commies. What a hoot.
I still keep these type of friends. Normally I don't bring up politics. It's the anti-China idiots that always bring it up. In any case, Wu Maos like me are not like the democrazy idiots. We don't like to make or break friendship by political alignments. It's mostly the other side who do so.

There are still plenty of ignorant ethnic Chinese around. MSM and longtime Cold-War anti-communism brainwashing have created this. It's political correct to hate 'Communist China'. So hating China is trendy.

These people are trapped in the Western-aligned social media. They are trapped in FB, YT, MSM news, and the NED sponsored media in Malaysia. These democrazy idiots have never stepped foot into mainland China, or even if they did, was only for a short trip. They are stuck in the Cold War. Their idea of a 'true China' is HK and Taiwan. It makes me feel sick, but its just only them, stuck in their fantasy. Ignorant fools tend to speak loud. While ppl who know more tend to be more humble.

P. S.: Wanna know how the average democrazy Malaysian Chinese thinks? Just go Google for this guy: Namewee. He is a filmmaker, musician, and political dissident. He is popular because he speaks up against the oppression of Malaysian Chinese by the Malaysian government. But he is also vehemently anti-China. He studied in Taiwan before, so that's where he got brainwashed. Since he has a strong following in Malaysia, and hating China is trendy today. He can easily steer his audience from hating the Malaysian government to hating China. I used to like him too in the past. But now I find him disgusting to watch.
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Don't just speak, give sources. How is that related to the investments though?
do you think Taiwan does not make money and import critical components from West?. Entire Taiwan aviation industry is western that enable them to fly to western countries. they still want to expand in western countries.
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Yes, they do. They also use Japanese equipment as well, and even
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. None of that is related to FDI.
Japan financial and technical system independent of West?. look how Japan is behaving now.

True but I didn't say otherwise. The sources of technological transfers were primarily Japanese JVs, I even mentioned that in the previous post.

Western countries have vast research centers in Asian countries.
why Japan so welcoming to Germanic role in Pacific? Germany never gave any role to Japan in Europe.
one hand you said Western FDI is small in Asia and than Western research centers are big. They certainly not big for products used in West. Look at Samsung or Apple high end stuff. you are confusing intellectual property development with outsourcing work.
Japan/Korea/Taiwan didnot become tech/financial independent even in very open intellectual environment of previous cold war.
So you don't have any sources that "Samsung's best R&D centers are in non-Asian countries", ok.

Personally, I consider that to be a very weird flex but if you insist... Do you mean like
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I mean negotiated overflight rights. not some random outside fly pasts outside in the sea. those plenty around Nato countries.
you dont fully understand economic and culture strength that gives the right to use some one else airspace consistently.
You said that if it wasn't for Russia, the Middle East would have increased the prices for Asian countries. I asked for sources. You provided none and started talking about "yup. Mideastern leaders vacation, families and banking in West". No coherence again, so I assume that the source was your head again.
yup i know. let see how long LNG deals of China with Qatar stays cheap when trade war intensifies. Qatar is center one of biggest Turkish military deployment outside Turkey.

So basically you are trying to say - "yeah, Russia actually sells cheaper to Europe but I want to save face so I will make some vague roundabout". Roger that.
Those cheap are long term contacts and both sides have investments in each other for construction. it is not simply buy and sell.
it is still Germanic engineering in Siberia enable gas supply to China and much more helium / various polymers/chemicals based on European tech manufactured in Russia. and that gas Pipeline from Turkmenistan to China also had Russian firms.
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Registered Member
According to George Soros and his media mouthpieces, the US has the best Covid response on earth.

His doom and gloom rant about China sure sounds like something out of a fantasy novel by Mr. Chang.

Soros likes to compare the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics with the 1936 Olympics in Germany.

For a so called anti-fascist Jew. Soros likes to compare China to Nazi Germany. But he sure has no problem with Neo-nazis in Ukraine running around with former SS division flags.

He should have been grateful to the communists for liberating Europe from the Nazis. Its was not the American flag waving ontop of the Reichstag. It was his hated communist Soviets. I do wonder sometimes if he is actually a Nazi. Eventhough he is a Jew. A devil is still a devil. Regardless of ethnicity.

Incidentally, Israel does recognize the part the Soviet Union played in defeating the Nazi regime. There is a Red Army memorial in Israel and the veterans proudly march in their Red Army uniforms and wave Soviet flags for VE Day. It is interesting to see such a thing in a country that is formally an ally of the US.
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Regarding George Soros, how can anyone take this guy seriously? Lecturing on threats to society?
How many people lost their homes for him to profit?
People are just collateral damage for him to make money, no better than the Communists that he claims are a danger.
What a joke to say Xi is dismantling the work of Deng. I remember when I was young how hated Deng Xiaoping was by the West. They would call him "Butcher of Tiananmen", etc. Now praising him is just rewriting history.

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This is what people would say about Deng 30 years ago. We can recycle this article for 2019, run a "Find and Replace" for "Deng Xiaoping" for "Xi Jinping" and realize that basically nothing has significantly changed in HK. Note when this was published and when the Asian Financial Crisis was kicked off.

Soros is a joker pretending to be praising Deng when he was the one who set off the Asian Financial Crisis that tested PRC's reforms. The SAR government acted quickly first to inject capital, and soon after PRC stood strong and said they will defend HK with every reserve dollar just months after handover, people in HK and mainland were united together, and Soros had to retreat. Successfully navigating this challenge only reaffirmed the CPC's belief in itself.