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GEORGE SOROS 2022.02.01: “Xi Jinping has done his best to dismantle Deng Xiaoping's achievements. He brought private companies established under Deng under the control of the CCP and undermine the dynamism that used to characterize them. Rather than letting private enterprise blossom, Xi Jinping introduced his own “China Dream” that can be summed up in two words, total control. That has had disastrous consequences.”

EDIT: Missed the word "summed", ran out of time to edit.
Says it all that he considers taking over private companies a threat to "open societies" - he means white people.

If the US government nationalised amazon or apple tomorrow it would probably be bad because they'd mess it up. But I wouldn't put it in the top ten worse things they have done even in the last 10 years.

Why is nationalising a company so much worse than war, genocide, terrorism and so on?


This performance is just fire for me. Have literally watched it a couple of time already. Elegance, power, emotional performance and not ashamed to showcase it to the world. The Taiwanese was just pure embarrassing. Horn dog dudes regardless of nationality will lap it up fo sho. Lol

China's pop culture has really come a long way since the 90s. I'm very happy to see the direction it's going.


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do you think Taiwan does not make money and import critical components from West?. Entire Taiwan aviation industry is western that enable them to fly to western countries. they still want to expand in western countries.
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You shifted the entire discussion again to a different topic. You were first talking about Western investment flows to Asia, now you are talking about tech. I get that you concede the point about the FDI since you are always trying to run away from the initial discussion.
Japan financial and technical system independent of West?
There are no independent financial and technical systems in the world - that's why, for example, the American crisis of 2008 can lead to a global crisis which in turn led
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which greatly crippled their economies and even led to the bankruptcy of countries like Greece. Of course not all of them are as destructive, some are more localized but they all send ripples through the world system because everyone is interconnected in terms of supply chains and financial flows.

That being said, you again said nothing to refute the point that Koreans got tech from Japanese JVs, and that had nothing to do with Russia.
why Japan so welcoming to Germanic role in Pacific? Germany never gave any role to Japan in Europe.
Japan wants to maintain the status quo with China, that's why it tries to pull in the likes of the US and other countries. It has nothing to do with Germany in isolation because Japan did similar overtures to e.g. India and many other countries. German involvement in the Pacific is negligible - they don't have the naval power to project anything, last time they sent one useless ship to virtue signal and that's it. German military power overall is pretty weak and outside of the US, the security of the current EU mainly resides on the French since the Brits left.
one hand you said Western FDI is small in Asia and than Western research centers are big. They certainly not big for products used in West. Look at Samsung or Apple high end stuff. you are confusing intellectual property development with outsourcing work.
You just blabbered some sourceless fantasy story again. There are many R&D centers for Western companies all over Asia if you are inferring that they are only for outsourcing, then cite your sources otherwise you should really tone down your bullshit - I am really tired of your Russian ass looking down on Asians and speaking fantasy crap. Factually - what high-end stuff you are talking about for Samsung? Btw, you again failed to show that "the best Samsung research centers are not in Asia".
Japan/Korea/Taiwan didnot become tech/financial independent even in very open intellectual environment of previous cold war.
Lmao, very open intellectual environment during the Cold War. Yeah, right. Europe is also not financially or technically independent, same for Russia, same for every country in the world.
I mean negotiated overflight rights. not some random outside fly pasts outside in the sea. those plenty around Nato countries.
you dont fully understand economic and culture strength that gives the right to use some one else airspace consistently.
Give an example of what you are talking about.

Yeah, I don't understand the economic strength of a $1.7 trillion nation whose currency collapsed two-fold after 2014 sanctions, cool story. Cultural strength - maybe that was true during the CW, certainly not nowadays. Even Central Asian countries are trying to latinize their languages and lower the usage of Russian.
yup i know. let see how long LNG deals of China with Qatar stays cheap when trade war intensifies. Qatar is center one of biggest Turkish military deployment outside Turkey.
Cool story, you've changed the narrative for the 3rd time already. First, it was "without Russia Asian gas prices would rise", then it was "Middle-Eastern elites have money in Western banks", now it is "Turkey deploys military in Qatar". That's what I call demagogy, you were incapable to prove your first assertion so you started bringing up some other stuff, just like you did with FDI.
Those cheap are long term contacts and both sides have investments in each other for construction. it is not simply buy and sell.
it is still Germanic engineering in Siberia enable gas supply to China and much more helium / various polymers/chemicals based on European tech manufactured in Russia. and that gas Pipeline from Turkmenistan to China also had Russian firms.
Another cool story, keep pulling them out while pretending that your links are somehow relevant to your fantasy stories.


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Incidentally, Israel does recognize the part the Soviet Union played in defeating the Nazi regime. There is a Red Army memorial in Israel and the veterans proudly march in their Red Army uniforms and wave Soviet flags for VE Day. It is interesting to see such a thing in a country that is formally an ally of the US.
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Regarding George Soros, how can anyone take this guy seriously? Lecturing on threats to society?
How many people lost their homes for him to profit?
People are just collateral damage for him to make money, no better than the Communists that he claims are a danger.
What a joke to say Xi is dismantling the work of Deng. I remember when I was young how hated Deng Xiaoping was by the West. They would call him "Butcher of Tiananmen", etc. Now praising him is just rewriting history.

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This is what people would say about Deng 30 years ago. We can recycle this article for 2019, run a "Find and Replace" for "Deng Xiaoping" for "Xi Jinping" and realize that basically nothing has significantly changed in HK. Note when this was published and when the Asian Financial Crisis was kicked off.

Soros is a joker pretending to be praising Deng when he was the one who set off the Asian Financial Crisis that tested PRC's reforms. The SAR government acted quickly first to inject capital, and soon after PRC stood strong and said they will defend HK with every reserve dollar just months after handover, people in HK and mainland were united together, and Soros had to retreat. Successfully navigating this challenge only reaffirmed the CPC's belief in itself.
The west LOVES TO REWRITE HISTORY to suit their PROPAGANDA and then loves to project their FAILINGS, EXCESS, KILLINGS to another country or countries that goes against their prescribed DOGMA.


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You shifted the entire discussion again to a different topic. You were first talking about Western investment flows to Asia, now you are talking about tech. I get that you concede the point about the FDI since you are always trying to run away from the initial discussion.
do you think Asian FDI can exist without Western Financial system.?. i am very clear about origins and foundation of tech and financial system.
Taiwan/Sk/Japan practically 100% dependent on energy imports from countries where only Western energy firms are dominant. All the three countries knows the situation and there practical behavior shows in real world.

There are no independent financial and technical systems in the world - that's why, for example, the American crisis of 2008 can lead to a global crisis which in turn led
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which greatly crippled their economies and even led to the bankruptcy of countries like Greece. Of course not all of them are as destructive, some are more localized but they all send ripples through the world system because everyone is interconnected in terms of supply chains and financial flows.
They can have all the crises in the world. foundation is still based on western consensus. infact it strengthen West by attracting even more people flow from Asia after 2008 financial crises.
That being said, you again said nothing to refute the point that Koreans got tech from Japanese JVs, and that had nothing to do with Russia.
you will get embarrassed if you go down this history. Japanese only gave them primitive tech from 70s-80s. after 90 rapid rise is different tech and different people all the way to Ukraine and Armenia.

Japan wants to maintain the status quo with China, that's why it tries to pull in the likes of the US and other countries. It has nothing to do with Germany in isolation because Japan did similar overtures to e.g. India and many other countries. German involvement in the Pacific is negligible - they don't have the naval power to project anything, last time they sent one useless ship to virtue signal and that's it. German military power overall is pretty weak and outside of the US, the security of the current EU mainly resides on the French since the Brits left.
Germany operates in shadows just like Germany enabler of Ottoman and Imperial japan.
You just blabbered some sourceless fantasy story again. There are many R&D centers for Western companies all over Asia if you are inferring that they are only for outsourcing, then cite your sources otherwise you should really tone down your bullshit - I am really tired of your Russian ass looking down on Asians and speaking fantasy crap. Factually - what high-end stuff you are talking about for Samsung? Btw, you again failed to show that "the best Samsung research centers are not in Asia".
There can be many but final product is either Apple or Samsung. with software and key design from West.
just like final certification of Airbus is in hands of Europe.
Lmao, very open intellectual environment during the Cold War. Yeah, right. Europe is also not financially or technically independent, same for Russia, same for every country in the world.
previous cold war enable rapid rise of Korea/Japan/Taiwan but still could not get independent from western system. now things are way different. this is practical reality.
Give an example of what you are talking about.

Yeah, I don't understand the economic strength of a $1.7 trillion nation whose currency collapsed two-fold after 2014 sanctions, cool story. Cultural strength - maybe that was true during the CW, certainly not nowadays. Even Central Asian countries are trying to latinize their languages and lower the usage of Russian.
$1.7T economy cannot have $640B forex and $200B in welftare fund. when you consider the expenditures going on.
the latin language is for those who will not become Elites as they will not be able to get higher paid jobs for big firms.
Those countries still send most students in Russia. and Russia still can use airspace/training ground as it wishes. that no other power can challenge. Alot of heavy engineering is from Russia unless Germanic machines built in Russia.
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Cool story, you've changed the narrative for the 3rd time already. First, it was "without Russia Asian gas prices would rise", then it was "Middle-Eastern elites have money in Western banks", now it is "Turkey deploys military in Qatar". That's what I call demagogy, you were incapable to prove your first assertion so you started bringing up some other stuff, just like you did with FDI.

Another cool story, keep pulling them out while pretending that your links are somehow relevant to your fantasy stories.
Its not change story. its very clear German engineering is needed for gas supply system in Siberia just like GE is inside LNG ships unless those ships are built in Russia even with Korean JV.
if you dont see the connection between Qatar-Turkey. than i cannot teach .basically China will be funding Turkey through its LNG deal with Qatar.

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According to the German media outlet Der Spiegel, the number of Turkish soldiers in Qatar may soon exceed 5,000.


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The butthurt is strong in this fp article
The americans middle east policy has brought nothing but death, destructions and humanitarian catastrophe, now finally the middle east seen a world power coming not with guns and jdams but money and development

"On the face of it, Beijing claims to be taking the region on a path to economic recovery and is building infrastructure in exchange for oil and gas. In reality, it has extended its diplomatic outreach and marched forth on a much more insidious project—backing regional dictators and authoritarians to grant them credibility and, in turn, seeking legitimacy for its own one-party authoritative regime"

As if the us never support any dictators in the world lmao

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do you think Asian FDI can exist without Western Financial system.?. i am very clear about origins and foundation of tech and financial system.
Taiwan/Sk/Japan practically 100% dependent on energy imports from countries where only Western energy firms are dominant. All the three countries knows the situation and there practical behavior shows in real world.
FDI into Asian countries comes mainly from other Asian countries, the end. The energy point is complete bullshit, petroleum is primarily dominated by the OPEC cartel which already leveraged this power against the West in the past (1973-1974 oil embargo for support of Israel). The importance and influence of the Western seven sisters on oil have been waning for a long time already, and they have been largely displaced by
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. The only Western countries that are not energy dependent are the US and Canada, Europe is one of the largest importers of both petroleum and natural gas.
They can have all the crises in the world. foundation is still based on western consensus. infact it strengthen West by attracting even more people flow from Asia after 2008 financial crises.
The only country that attracted money during the crisis was the US because of the dollar system. Europe was devastated by the crisis which resulted in the 2009 debt crisis which crippled their economies well into the 2010s. You are lying about people flows, the
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shows that migration has been declining since the 2008 crisis.
you will get embarrassed if you go down this history. Japanese only gave them primitive tech from 70s-80s. after 90 rapid rise is different tech and different people all the way to Ukraine and Armenia.
Another fantasy.
Germany operates in shadows just like Germany enabler of Ottoman and Imperial japan.
Another fantasy
There can be many but final product is either Apple or Samsung. with software and key design from West.
So you cannot even say what exactly you are talking about or prove anything which means that it is another one of your fantasies.

Fun fact:
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(Microsoft's R&D center in Beijing) probably has more citations than the entirety of deep learning papers produced by R&D centers in Russia or even Europe. What a shame.
previous cold war enable rapid rise of Korea/Japan/Taiwan but still could not get independent from western system. now things are way different. this is practical reality.
Alternative history time.
$1.7T economy cannot have $640B forex and $200B in welftare fund. when you consider the expenditures going on.
Maybe that's true in your fantasy world. The reality is the following: Russia's forex to GDP ratio is ~0.375, countries with larger ratios - Switzerland (~1.45), Saudi Arabia (~0.55), Singapore (~1.116), Thailand (~0.458), etc. Subjects like Taiwan (~1.387) and Hong Kong (~1.355) also have better ratios. As for wealth funds, the Russian one is tiny compared to other petroleum exporting nations -
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, and so on. That's likely due to them having to use parts of it when the rouble got annihilated by sanctions and oil price drops.
the latin language is for those who will not become Elites as they will not be able to get higher paid jobs for big firms.
Another fantasy story.
Those countries still send most students in Russia. and Russia still can use airspace/training ground as it wishes.
Well, Russia desperately tries to attract foreign students to go up in the various university rankings - it failed btw, 5top100 did not produce any new Russian entries to the top 100 lists from QS, THE, or ARWU - so it is easy for people from CA to enter them, in no large part due to lack of language barrier. Russia does not use anything "as it wishes", they even have to lease Baikonur paying pretty hefty sum to Kazakhstan. The joint drills and all that stuff are obviously present as many of those countries are in OECD and similar organizations.
Alot of heavy engineering is from Russia unless Germanic machines built in Russia.
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Nah, Russian heavy engineering is meh since the Soviets fell.
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One Russian company is expanding some presence, that's it? Looks weak. Uzbekistan has been the manufacturing hub for a lot of stuff for a while now - Daewoo, various car manufacturers, etc. have long had factories there due to larger population compared to other -stans and cheap labor. Uzbekistan even hosted the US military base in the past before the Uzbek president got pissed that the US critiqued him, so Russian influence was not even able to deter Uzbekistan from hosting the American military on their soil.
Its not change story. its very clear German engineering is needed for gas supply system in Siberia just like GE is inside LNG ships unless those ships are built in Russia even with Korean JV.
I don't give a fuck about German engineering, lol. You were saying that without Russia, Middle-East would increase prices in Asia and failed to prove that so you started gushing about Germany senpai.
if you dont see the connection between Qatar-Turkey. than i cannot teach .basically China will be funding Turkey through its LNG deal with Qatar.
Cool, maybe it'll help them with their currency crisis. Still does not prove your earlier assertion, I think that you should throw words ™Germanic engineering™ some more.
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